Rwanda: Lettre ouverte aux médias pour les mensonges et les manipulations du régime de KAGAME sur le génocide rwandais (Faustin Twagiramungu)

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     Bruxelles, le 02 avril 2019

Lettre ouverte aux Médias français

Objet: Les mensonges et les manipulations du régime de KAGAME sur le génocide rwandais

Mesdames, Messieurs,

A la veille du 25e anniversaire du génocide rwandais, j’ai le devoir moral de m’adresser à vos médias, pour faire entendre une autre voix sur ce drame, qui défraye la chronique depuis plusieurs années. J’agis en ma qualité d'homme politique rwandais, d’ancien Premier Ministre désigné par les Accords de paix d’Arusha d’août 1993, et de Président du "Rwandan Dream Initative" (RDI-Rwanda Rwiza), un parti politique d’opposition en exil, fondé en août 2010.

Je me sens surtout interpellé par mon double statut de témoin de l’histoire tragique de mon pays et de rescapé de l’horreur, qui a emporté des millions de vies humaines au Rwanda et dans la région des Grands Lacs africains.

Depuis la guerre d‘octobre 1990 déclenchée par le Front Patriotique Rwandais (FPR) de Paul Kagame, qui a débouché sur le génocide rwandais, certains se complaisent à être des porte-voix d’une réalité tronquée,instrumentalisant inconsciemment ou cyniquement la détresse des hutu ou des tutsi. L’analyse des discours produits dans certains médias français depuis 1994, démontre le rôle, combien important, de certains journalistes, dans la fabrication de mémoires partielles ou antagonistes sur les événements tragiques de mon pays.

Certes, nombre d’entre vous ont le mérite de fonder leurs opinions sur des témoignages ou des documents crédibles, permettant à leur «audience» de comprendre cette guerre venue d’Ouganda et ses tragiques conséquences sur les Rwandais et leurs voisins des pays des Grands Lacs. Malheureusement, force est de constater que d’autres sont devenus des relais de discours de propagande, voire de slogans de haine, dont les motivations sont de toute évidence politiques. Ils contribuent, sans le vouloir peut-être, à saborder la réconciliation d’un peuple condamné à vivre ensemble, surtout que les hutu et les tutsi ont tout en commun : une même langue, une même culture, une même occupation du territoire (au Rwanda, il n’y a ni hutu land, ni tutsi land !)

Cette division du peuple rwandais est savamment entretenue par le régime de Paul Kagame, qui s’est construit sur cet antagonisme hutu-tutsi, et qui a profité de la guerre et du génocide pour prendre le pouvoir au prix du sang et des larmes.

De toute évidence, le régime du FPR a intérêt à pérenniser la division des Rwandais, sans laquelle il cesserait d’exister. A cet effet, tous les moyens sont bons, y compris l’intimidation, les assassinats, le mensonge, la manipulation et l’arrogance, pour écarter le risque d’un régime démocratique, par lequel le pouvoir du FPR serait balayé en cas d’élections libres, honnêtes et transparentes. C’est ce « réflexe de survie politique » qui pousse le Président Kagame et son parti à manipuler sans arrêt le monde entier, lui faisant croire que les hutu sont des « génocidaires », que la minorité tutsi doit rester au pouvoir, sans quoi elle se ferait massacrer à nouveau par la majorité hutu !

La première victime de la tragédie rwandaise, c’est la vérité.

Beaucoup de témoins de l’histoire tragique de mon pays, des personnalités qui ont joué des rôles différents et variés, qui ont des choses à dire, sont rarement conviées par la presse française au débat sur le Rwanda, comme si leur parole était gênante ! Et pourtant, des débats contradictoires il en faudrait, afin que les tenants de l’histoire officielle rwandaise «taillée sur mesure» ne soient pas les seuls à s’exprimer.

Ce mois d’avril 2019, nous commémorons le 25e anniversaire du génocide rwandais. C’est un deuil de tous les Rwandais, c’est un rappel de l’horreur qui continue de hanter nos esprits. C’est vingt-cinq ans de souffrance, de traumatisme, vingt-cinq ans de harcèlement de la part de certains médias et opinions publiques, complaisants avec le régime qui a tué des millions de Rwandais et de Congolais, et qui a produit des millions de réfugiés.

Demain, comme hier, de «nouvelles» accusations graves vont être portées contre les hutu en général par des militants, des journalistes engagés ou des chercheurs, dont certains n’ont jamais mis le pied au Rwanda. Comme le dit une certaine opinion rwandaise :
«Heureusement que le français n’est plus parlé au Rwanda ; beaucoup de Rwandais mouraient de chagrin s’ils écoutaient ou lisaient certains médias français ».

Ces médias vont certainement répéter pendant des mois des contrevérités qui chagrinent, des mensonges qui révoltent. Sur les plateaux de télévision et sur les ondes de radio, on verra et on entendra les mêmes qui ont défilé depuis 25 ans, dire sans scrupules, qu’ils sont témoins ou experts du Rwanda. Il y aura des nouveaux «témoins» qui vont affirmer disposer de nouvelles révélations sur les «hutu génocidaires » et bien évidemment sur «le rôle complice » de la France.

Depuis 25 ans, certains médias n’acceptent pas les contradictions, ils refusent qu’on parle des chiffres des morts hutu et tutsi dans la tragédie rwandaise. Certes, c’est un sujet sensible, mais on ne sait pour quelle raison tous les médias s’évertuent  à répéter la même phrase : « le génocide rwandais qui a emporté entre 800 000 et un million de tutsi ... » ; et d’ajouter, avec pudeur, « ... et de hutu modérés ».

Pourquoi cette «sacro-sainte» approximation, alors que les statistiques existent et qu’elles sont publiques ? Il est de notoriété publique que le régime du FPR a érigé des mémoriaux du génocide dans toutes les régions du pays. Mais saviez-vous que, sur chaque site du mémorial, il est indiqué le nombre de tutsi tués ?

Pour votre information, nous avons relevé sur 71 sites le nombre total « officiel » de tutsi massacrés pendant le génocide en 1994, soit 1 685 784. (Voir le tableau ci-joint).

Ce chiffre est malheureusement en deçà de la réalité ! En effet, notre source n’a pas pu accéder à tous les sites, et nous savons que beaucoup d’autres corps n’ont pas été trouvés. Ils ne le seront peut-être pas, parce qu’ils ont été jetés dans des fosses communes non encore identifiées et dans des rivières et des lacs. Quoiqu’il en soit, ce chiffre est l’incarnation de l’horreur, le comble de la bêtise humaine.

Aujourd’hui, on atteint le summum de l’absurdité, quand le régime FPR de Paul Kagame, précise que sur ces mémoriaux, il s’agit exclusivement des tutsi victimes du génocide commis par des hutu ! Qu’il y ait parmi ces corps des tutsi tués, c’est indéniable. Mais, affirmer que le nombre de victimes tutsi ait atteint ce chiffre d’environ 1 700 000 est un mensonge éhonté et pitoyable.

Nous le démontrons dans les lignes suivantes, chiffres officiels à l’appui. Malheureusement, pour certains d’entre eux, nous n’arriverons pas à faire l’économie d’une comptabilité macabre.

Voici la répartition de la population rwandaise, d’après le recensement démographique officiel organisé au Rwanda en 1991 par le Ministère du Plan et l’Office National de la Population (ONAPO), avec l’assistance technique et financière du FNUAP (Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population) et de l'Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international (USAID) :

Hutu: 6 467 958 (91.1%), Tutsi: 596 387 (8.4%), Twa 35 499 (0,5%).

Trois ans après, c’est-à-dire en 1994, année du génocide, il n’y a pas eu de changement démographique majeur, raison pour laquelle ces chiffres ne devraient souffrir d’aucune contestation.

Il est important de souligner que l’Association IBUKA (la principale ONG défendant la mémoire des victimes tutsi), estime que le nombre de tutsi rescapés du génocide de 1994 est de 400 000.

Ainsi, à partir du chiffre du recensement de 1991, du nombre de tués en 1994, et du nombre de rescapés, tous des chiffres officiels, n’importe qui peut se demander raisonnablement, comment un massacre qui a fait plus de 800 000 morts tutsi, peut épargner 400 000 d’une communauté qui n’en comptait que 600 000 ?

Fort curieusement, cette question, on ne se la pose jamais ! Vous-même, les médias, vous ne voulez pas savoir, afin que le mythe construit autour de cette histoire tragique rwandaise ne s’effondre !

Jusqu’à quand l’omerta sur les crimes du régime du Président Kagame ?

L’autre sujet tabou est la responsabilité du Général Kagame dans le drame rwandais. Il a assassiné deux Chefs d’Etat, celui du Rwanda et celui du Burundi, en date du 6 avril 1994, et c’est cet attentat contre l’avion présidentiel qui a déclenché le génocide, dont il s’est servi pour accéder au pouvoir. Et pourtant, il continue de jouir en toute impunité des honneurs que lui confère le statut de Chef d’Etat.

Ce régime « respectable » est coupable d’autres crimes dont certains pourraient être qualifiés de crimes contre l’humanité ou de crimes de génocide, dont le massacre dans le camp de Kibeho au Rwanda en avril 1995 et le massacre des réfugiés hutu dans les camps et les forêts de l’ex-Zaïre (l’actuel RDC). Tous ces crimes sont bien documentés par des organisations et des personnalités neutres, telles que la BBC dans « The Untold story », l’ONU dans le « Mapping report » et Judi Rever, une Canadienne qui a publié sous le titre « In Praise of Blood », des résultats d’une recherche menée pendant 20 ans sur les crimes commis par le FPR.

Malgré ce lourd passif criminel, Kagame ne manque pas d’admirateurs, y compris en France, pays des droits de l’homme. Il est curieux que certains intellectuels et personnalités trouvent Paul Kagame fréquentable, au point de demander publiquement au Président Macron d’aller l’honorer de sa présence, lors des cérémonies de commémoration du 25e anniversaire du génocide. C’est tout simplement incroyable !

Il est incompréhensible, voire immoral, que le Général Kagame continue de bénéficier du « deux poids, deux mesures » de la part de la communauté internationale, et d’une certaine opinion occidentale en particulier. Faudrait-il rappeler que l’ancien Président du Libéria, Charles Taylor, a été condamné par le Tribunal International à 50 ans de prison pour les crimes contre l'humanité, les crimes de guerre et les crimes économiques commis au cours de la guerre civile en Sierra Leone (1991-2002) ? Pourtant, en termes de vies humaines, les crimes imputés à l’ex-Président libérien ne représentent même pas les 2% de ceux commis au Rwanda et en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). On est donc en droit de dénoncer le silence des médias et l’inaction de la justice internationale, face au Général Paul Kagamé que Filip Reyntjens, chercheur belge et grand spécialiste du Rwanda, qualifie de plus grand criminel en vie.

Aider à la réconciliation des Rwandais, par une information objective et impartiale

Depuis longtemps, surtout pendant la période difficile de la guerre, je me suis engagé corps et âme à défendre les droits humains, la liberté d’expression et l’unité du peuple rwandais. Je l’ai payé très cher, j’ai perdu la moitié de ma famille en 1994. Malgré cela, je continue ma lutte.

Je m’insurge contre les mensonges et les contrevérités, construits par le régime du FPR et véhiculés par certains médias sur les hutu. Les hutu sont honnis, sont qualifiés de pestiférés. Au Rwanda, ils doivent courber l’échine, sous peine d’être qualifiés de « génocidaires » et de tomber sous le coup des  « lois anti-génocide », instaurées dans le seul but de faire taire toute velléité d’opposition politique. Je ne quémande pas la compassion, mais j’exige l’honnêteté intellectuelle, je demande tout simplement la vérité sur l’histoire de mon pays.

Lorsqu’une société, en l’occurrence la société rwandaise, traverse un moment de désarroi aussi profond, la parole médiatique ne peut se contenter d’être simple et réductrice de la vérité. Elle devrait éclairer, réconcilier et non accuser, diffamer, injurier, salir gratuitement un peuple, une communauté.

Non, les hutu n’ont pas tué les tutsi, ni les tutsi n’ont pas tué les hutu. Je vous en parle en ma qualité de témoin de l’histoire de mon pays. Les « ultras » du MRND (interahamwe) et les inkotanyi du FPR ont commis des crimes de génocide et des crimes contre l’humanité.

Ni les hutu, ni les tutsi ne doivent être tenus globalement pour responsables. Chaque camp a connu son lot de victimes, malheureusement, à ce jour, seul le camp des « vaincus » subit  la justice des « vainqueurs ».

Il convient de rappeler que les tutsi ont été tués par des miliciens interahamwe, dont le président Robert Kajuga était pourtant tutsi. Quant aux hutu, en plus d’être victimes des interahamwe, ils ont été aussi massacrés par les inkotanyi du FPR, actuellement au pouvoir au Rwanda. C’est d’ailleurs pour cette raison que l’ONU a qualifié ces massacres de génocide rwandais.

Les mots ont un sens et le génocide rwandais a sa signification. Récemment, le génocide tutsi s’est substitué au génocide rwandais. Il est devenu, en fin de compte, un instrument politique du FPR, un moyen de faire oublier la réalité des faits, une opportunité de dissimuler la culpabilité du régime de Kigali.

Je vous invite à refuser cette forme d’ignorance ou de complicité qui ne vous sied pas. Ne soyez pas contempteurs de la souffrance des rwandais en général et des hutu en particulier. Les hutu sont morts comme des tutsi, tués pour ce qu’ils étaient ou pour leurs opinions. C’est aussi un génocide. La reconnaissance du génocide tutsi ne doit pas annuler celui des hutu.

Pendant que les rescapés tutsi sont appelés à commémorer le génocide et à honorer la mémoire des leurs, les rescapés hutu sont obligés de se taire et de se terrer. A ces derniers, le FPR a inculqué savamment la peur, le complexe de culpabilité, le désespoir, le larbinisme. Ils sont déshumanisés. Ils ne doivent pas se souvenir des leurs, ni parler de leur génocide. Outrepasser cet ordre, c’est tomber sous le coup de la loi.

Jusqu’où va-t-on nier un massacre de masse génocidaire tout en admettant son existence ? Comment et pourquoi, si on arrive sur une scène de crime, et que l’on constate qu’il y a deux cadavres, peut-on être accusé de nier l'un des deux?

C’est pourtant ce qui se passe au Rwanda ! Dire que les hutu ont été tués, c’est, d’après la sémantique officielle, nier le génocide des tutsi et par conséquent salir le régime du FPR !

Cette attitude me rappelle tristement  les propos de Robert Faurisson et d’autres, qui prétendent que « la Shoah est une sorte de construction nébuleuse destinée à salir un régime (d’Hitler) pétri d'humanisme et doté d'un grand sens de l'ordre ». C’est dans cette optique, pour ne pas heurter le régime « humaniste et sécuritaire » de Paul Kagame, que Dominique Sopo, président de SOS-Racisme, avait déclaré sur la radio Europe 1 que « évoquer le sang des hutu, c'est salir le sang des tutsi.». Sa sympathie envers le régime de Kigali ne s’arrêtait pas là. Pour lui, l’évocation des crimes du FPR est un « formidable et abject renversement du rôle des bourreaux et des victimes ».

Voici où nous en sommes. Voila les personnalités qui auront droit aux médias pour distiller leur haine, et disculper le régime criminel de Paul Kagame.

Mesdames, Messieurs,

Vingt-cinq ans de deuil sans fin, de souffrance permanente, de harcèlement continu, c’est un lourd fardeau difficile à porter. J’ose espérer, du moins tel est mon souhait, que désormais l’information sera impartiale et que les débats seront ouverts et équilibrés entre les défenseurs du régime de Kigali et les tenants d’opinions différentes. Il ne saurait en être autrement, si votre « audience » doit être éclairée sur la réalité du génocide rwandais et d’autres crimes commis au Rwanda et au Congo voisin, y compris les crimes oubliés ou tus, comme ceux de « l’homme fort » de Kigali.

Je suis convaincu que l’objectivité et l’impartialité de l’information sur la tragédie rwandaise sont des facteurs déterminants dans le processus de réconciliation du peuple rwandais. En les intégrant ou en les renforçant dans votre arsenal éthique, vous aurez contribué significativement à la réparation des blessures et à l’apaisement des esprits. Vous aurez ainsi rendu un grand service au peuple rwandais, l’aidant à réaliser le noble objectif de réconciliation pour un vivre ensemble durable, dans un monde de vérité, de justice et de liberté.

Je vous prie d’agréer, Mesdames, Messieurs, l’expression de mes respectueuses salutations.


Faustin Twagiramungu

Ancien Premier Ministre du Rwanda

Président du Parti RDI-Rwanda Rwiza

Annexe :
Statistiques sur les victimes tutsi du génocide de 1994, comparées aux résultats du recensement démographique de 1991.


Source : Chiffres inscrits sur 71 Mémoriaux dans tout le pays, soit un total de 1 685 784 Tutsi tués

(voir, à la fin du tableau, les chiffres du Recensement démographique de 1991)


Site Mémorial

Nombre tutsi massacrés

Ville de Kigali


250 000


11 000


14 000

Masaka et Rusororo (mars 2019)

35 000


310 000

Kigali Rural


5 000


5 000


32 257


45 308


6 711


26 000


25 000


20 000


24 000


6 390

Mvuzo Rulindo

6 673


14 093


19 724


 233 439



6 000 


40 000


10 000


60 108


10 000


6 000


20 000


47 342


193 450



20 000


4 497


2 548


27 324


34 505


10 087


58 895


68 216


45 020


271 092



28 000


37 311


50 000


25 000


26 000


5 500


181 811



10 000


8 350


45 000


13 557


23 000


99 927



60 000


7 720




49 000


6 900


4 430


130 050



70 000



2 076






2 500


5 541





1 064


1 328

Umutara (Nouvelle entité)


4 000


8 032


14 334


26 366



51 000


4 564


9 686


18 382


37 063


11 990


8 410


10 000


8 685


3 000


162 780


GRAND TOTAL nombre de Tutsi massacrés figurant sur les Mémoriaux

1 685 784




Recensement Ministère du Plan,  FNUAP,  USAID et ONAPO de 1991: 7 099 844 habitants

Hutu: 6 467 958 (91.1%), Tutsi: 596 387 (8.4%), Twa 35 499 (0,5%)


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Harya buriya Eugene Gasana wahawe ubuhungiro muri amerika muminsi mike ishize yahunze iki? Ko yahoraga asaba Loni nabategetsi bisi ngo nibice buri muhutu wese nuri munda yanyina yicwe kuberako ari umuhutu, uyu mubisha yahunze iki kandi abanzi be babahutu yarabicishije akabamara?
Twagiriramungu ariko akora cane kandi azi neza aho ategerezwa kurasa. Hehe ?? Ku nyenzi inkotanyi. Ni abandi Banyarwanda mubonereho mukurikire urugero rwa Twagiramungu; Umwe wese akore ico ashoboye kugira iinkotanyi yose aho iri hose ifatwe. Turabashigikiye , gusa muze muturye akara igihe kigeze. Erega tumaze iminsi ducunguza neza, burya igihugu c,Urwanda kiri hafi gushikira beneco. Ese ntumubona ko inyenzi ziimaze kumenya akenge gake ko ziriko zirikura zigenda zishaka ubuhungiro mu bihugu vyari vyarazifashije gufata ubutegetsi haba i Burundi, mu Rwanda eka mbere na bamwe biyita abanyamurenge. Mu Burundi naho nyene inyenzi zigenda zikuramwo zigenda mu bihugu i Buraya, Swede, Amerika na handi kuko zizi neza ko mu minsi mike zizobazwa Ivyo zakoreye Abahutu. Zimwe mbere ziranikura ku myanya y,akazi bazihaye, zigahitamwo kwiruka iyo za Buraya , zivuga ngo zirahunze. Ariko ico zizi nuko zimaze kumenya neza ko inyuma y,iminsi mike bazobazwa ubwicanyi n,ibindi bikorwa vya bunyamaswa bakoreye abantu, Ariko n,ubundi baribesha ibihugu nivyamara gushikira benevyo tuzozifatira iyo zizoba zicuritse imitwe. Erega turabazi, kandi turiko dukurikirana ku ruyeri ku rwenge Ivyo zigenda zibesha.
iyo France itaza tuba twarashize. inyenzi zizira France ko yazikomye mu nkokora igatuma zitamarira ku gafuni n'icumu impunzi nyinshi zari ziri mu mayira ya Gikongoro na cyangugu na kibuye zihunga amafuni yazo
Nibeshye uwo munyarwanda yitwa Jean Claude Nsengumukiza 38ans yavukiye Uganda
Nibeshye uwo munyarwanda yitwa Jean Claude Nsengumukiza 38ans yavukiye Uganda
Hari muri mwe uwamenya umwirondoro w’umunyarwanda witwa Jean Pierre Nsengumukiza w’imyaka 38 uba Rouen aho amaze kuyogoza yica akanafata ku ngufu abakobwa. Ubu noneho ino muri France bamukatiye igifungo cya burundu, kubera amaze kwica umugore n’umukobwa icyarimwe abasanze mu nzu babagamo. N’ubwo ntamuzi iyi nkuru yambabaje kubona muri twe havukamo abicanyi.
Turacyakurikirana amakuru abaturage baduhaye avugako hari ingabo zabonetse mu amajyaruguru (Gisenyi) ariko ntabwo turamenya inkomoko yizo inyeshyamba
Aliko BOSCO wagiye ureka ibaze nawe ulikubwira abantu bagoswe ninzara ngo uli kubarema agatima kandi ubabeshya ngo hali abantu babaziniye ibiryo n,amazi ngaho ishyire mu umwanya wabo maze wisubize. Iyi inshuro ya kabili utubeshya jya utureka abenshi tuli ba THOMAS.kandi umenye ko nta umuntu uca umugani ku amanywa !!!.
Mumfashe gusobanukirwa MINUAR yari igizwe n'ingabo zaturutse mubihugu bitandukanye Canada , Belgique.... kuki ari France yonyine inyenzi zirirwa zirukankaho kandi bo baranarenze kubusabe bwa kagame bwo kudatabara bakaza bagashyiraho zone turquoise ? Biranshanga rwose kuko n'abatutsi benshi uretse abo FPR ibitwaza bahamya ko abafaransa babafashije. Kuki kagame na FPR biruka kubufaransa ?
Bwana Sebahinzi, MINUAR ntabwo France yari iyirimo. Ubundi France yohereje ingabo zije gutabara u Rwanda intambara igitangira mu 1990 muri operation bise Noroit. Ibyo byari bijyanye n amasezerano yo gutabarana hagati y u Rwanda n Ubufaransa yasinywe 1975. Mu gihe cy imishyikirano y Amahoro ya Arusha zimwe muri conditions abatavugaga rumwe na Leta ya President Habyarimana batangaga, bavugaga ko badashobora gusinya ayo masezerano ingabo z Abafaransa zitabanje kuva mu Rwanda. Bavugaga ko zigomba gusimbuzwa izindi ngabo za ONU arizo bise MINUAR Dr Dismas Nsengiyaremye wari ministre w intebe atabyumvikanyeho n abandi baministres bose ndetse ngo na président atabizi yasinyiye ko izo ngabo z Aba faransa ziva mu Rwanda shishi itabona. Kuko rero yasinye mu izina rya gouvernement y u Rwanda, aba Faransa bahise bagenda. Ariko banafite ikizere ko amasezerano y amahoro asinywaintambaraikarangira. Bamze kugenda nibwo ziriya ngabo za MINUAR zahise ziza harimo ibihugu bitandukanye. Belgique niyo yari ikomeye muri iyo MINUAR Nyuma y uko abasirikare ba Belgique bishwe, UNU (USA) yanze guha uburenganzira MUNUAR bwo guhagarika ubwicanyi bwakorwaga. Ahubwo bafata icyemezo gicuramye cyo gukura izo ngabo za MINUAR mu Rwandabagasigaza gusa bacye cyane basigara bagira coordiantion sur terrain igamije nyine koroshya ifatwa ry ubutegetsi mu Rwanda. Ingabo z Abafaransa zagarutse bwa kabiri zije muri operation bise Amaryllis yari ishinzwe evacuation y abanyamahanga b abazungu bakoreraga mu Rwanda. Cyakora nabwo mbere ko iyo operation itangira USA na RPF byari byavuzeko bidashaka ko France igira ikindi kintu yivangamo kirebana no gukiza abanyarwanda bicwaga. Ni nayo mpamvu bazaga bagatwara umunyamahanga ariko bagasiga abakozi be n ubwo babonaga ko bari mubahigwaga. Bari bafite ibikoresho n ubushobozi buhagije kuba bahagarika jenocide yakorwaga n abahezanguni ariko ntibakoresheje izo mbaraga kuko bari babibujijwe. Bamaze kwitwarira abo banyamahanga babo ntakindi abicanyi ubwo bahawe rugali. Cyakoze abafaransa bakomeje gutabariza u Rwanda n abanyarwanda ariko abari bafite izindi nyungu banga ko abanyarwanda batabarwa. Abafaransa bagarutse muri operation ya gatatu bise Turquase ari nayo ubu bazira nubwo yarokoye bamwe mu banyarwanda. Initiative yose France yagiraga yafatwaga nkaho France ishaka gusigasira ubutegetsi ( bwa Sindikubwabo na Kambanda) bwitwaga ko buri gukora Jénocide. Ngiyo impamvu yatumye France n ubwo yari ifite imbaraga itarashoboye kuzikoresha ngo irengere abari bacyeneye kurengerwa. Twibuke kandi ko amasezerano yo gutabara u Rwanda batari kuyitwaza kuko aho FPR yariyaramaze gufata igicekikini cy Urwanda, intambarayari yarahinduye isura ikitwa ko ari ibibazo by abanyarwandaubwabo (internal matters). Ubutegetsi bwa presidenthabyarimana nabwo bwari bwarananiwe kumvisha amahangakuvamu ntangiriro ko ari Uganda yari yateye u Rwanda ikoresheje abanyarwanda b impunzi bari barahejejwe ishyanga na za repuburika zitarebaga kure mu bya politiki mpuzamahanga.
ibindi bice bigurishwa mu burayi na Amerika na japan. vyane cyane za ruseke, n'inkanka y'epfo, amagufwa y'amano n'amboko etc....ubihakana yandike muri google "markert of the human bones" mu bubiligi iryo soko naho rirahari
Mumbaze mbabwire ngewe wakuwemo amagufa, Tissues, nibindi bice byumubili wange muri Amerika. Basinze ndi intumbi batazi ko narenza numunsi umwe ntapfuye.<br /> Beshi turacyahumeka kugirango tuzavuge ibitavugwa nibitarigeze bimenyekana bikorerwa hano munsi yijuru.<br /> Abo bazungu mureba mubitegereze cyane kuko bahishemo byishi bitagize aho bihuriye nikiremwa muntu.<br /> Ribara uwariraye.
umusweranyina ngo ni pinpoint rwose arasetsa. uwugariye amarembo uzamubona umunsi twakereye itabaro. amahano yakugwiririye se wowe na nde wa mbwa we??? ribara uwariraye
Abenshi muri mwe ntimwari gukandagira mubihugu byamahanga, ariko mwifashishije amahano yatugwiriye mwigira impunzi mu burayi na America, murya fast food maze si ukubyimba muba nkifarini bashyizemo umusemburo, none mukumbuye ikirayi kigeretse ku bishyimbo murasara murasizora ngo murashaka gutaha mu Rwanda? Ubundi ninde wababujije gutaha? Mufite ikibazo mumitwe yanyu. Mushaka kuza ngo mufite ibyubahiro, muhembwa imisoro yacu ? Barababeshye! Mube mukora utuzi two gukubura no gukoropa ubwiherero aho nibyo mwashimye. Buri wese ubonye udufaranga ahutiraho agatangira agashyaka ngaho za opozisiyo? Habaho opozisiyo zingahe? Nakumiro gusa. Nakiriya gisahiranda cy’umwicanyi ngo ni kayumba?! <br /> Nzaba mbarirwa
inyenzi inyinshi kubera ubunyakigunda zaraje zica za wesi ziyamira ngo ""yeeyeeee . mbega abanyarwanda ukuntu bakize !!!!! bajya mu byungo bimeze gutya!!!? niko kuzibatura imifuniko ziyigira amasahane naho wesi zitekamo imvungure ubundi zitarika amabya imbere ngo aho ziratetse ni uko wesi ishyushye iraturika imena ya mabya nako bwa bubya inyenzi zirashwanyagurika nka twa dushwiriri. sinjye wahera hahera abana b'inyenzi
Mwicaye i KIGALI mutegeka igihugu kubera GENOCIDE mwateguye kandi mukayishyira mubikorwa," ngo ntawe urya umuleti atamennye amagi". Basha, iyi GENOCIDE imaze guteshwa agaciro, ubundi TUZABAKUBITA MUZUMIRWA.
sha uri UMUSAZI peee!! wujuje ibyangombwa byose nka so ukubyara kagome
Ariko we, fite ikibazo, Buriya bigenda gute ngo mu rwibutso hajyemo gusa agahanga cg udutwe gusa gusa? Bigenda gute se ngo imitwe yose ibe ingana kandi ibaje kimwe? Nta bana baphuye mbese?<br /> Buriya ntaho bihuriye n ibyo twunvaga cyera byitwaga : Guca amashu? Niba aribyo rero, ni ukuvuga ko ubwicanyi bwatangiye cyera kandi ko ababicaga bakaba ari bamwe n abishe abanyarwanda guhera 1994 kugeza ubu kuko ndabona formules ari zimwe. Mujye mubaza abasaza sha bazababwira!<br /> None se buriya bahamba ibindi bice noneho bagasiga umutwe, cyangwa barabanza bagakura umuntu ho umutwe noneho bakajugunya ibisigaye? Tubona no muri bamwe batabwa mu nzuzi, burya abenshi nta mitwe baba bafite.Ikindi nibaza, ni uko iriya mitwe yose iby'imbere biba mu mutwe wumuntu nk'ubwonko, utunyama tumwe na tumwe two mu mitwe, baba baradukuyemo, hasigaye ikintu kimeze nk'igipampara. Kandi muzacunge cyane muzasanga imitwe y'abana batoya nta yibarizwamo. None se abana babashyira ukwabo n abakuru ukwabo, cg imitwe y'abana n'abantu bakuru yose iba ingana iyo iciwe ku ikabikwa mu kabati? Muzambarize i bukuru. Mbiswa da, Nciyeho, abazabaho muhishishiwe byinshi. Au revoir ncuti...
Hari ibice by'imibiri bacuruza muri CHINA!! Impyiko,ubwonko, imitima...... ibi byose u RWANDA rubyohereza muri CHINA : ni MADE IN RWANDA mbese.
H.E Paul Kagame numuyobozi mwiza. Yashyize abanyarwanda kumurongo, ntibakigira amatiku, bitaye ku murimo. Mushobora kwiriza cyangwa mugakora ibyo mushaka byose ariko nta mbwa yumukiga izongera kuyobora iki gihugu. Muge mwinnywera ikigage munavuge rwa rurimi rudasobanutse (kiriya si ikinyarwanda). Uyu muvunamuheto ngo ni Twagiramungu akwiriye guillotine, akaduruvayo yateje mugihe cyamashyaka ntabwo byari kumusiga amahoro. IQ yanyu iri hasi cyane yegeranye ni y’ umuntu utuzuye mumutwe ( ikigoryi), niyo mpamvu mutumva ibirimo biraba cyangwa ngo mumenye icyo gukora.
sha uri UMUSAZI peee!! wujuje ibyangombwa byose nka so ukubyara kagome
Haguruka mukore akazi kanyu ko guhagarika izo nyenzi nkotanyi n,ibinyoma zazyo. Muzi neza ko inyenzi kuva na kera zishe Abahutu, zirambuka zija i Burundi no muri Kongo kwica y,abantu. Inyenzi n,ivyitso vyazo bategerezwa gufatwa bakabazwa Ivyo bakoreye Abantu. Abahutu mube mutegura aho muzashira inzibutso z,ukuri apana biriya binyoma n,ubutekamutwe by,inyenzi. Isi yose imaze usobanukirwa ko ari ubutekamutwe bwa nyuma bw,inyenzikugira zibe ziraraye kabiri, Ariko igihe cazo gisa nicamaze kurangira
@MUKASINE,komera!! nkunda ukuntu wandika neza ukabaza ibibazo byiza kabisa!! izo nyangabirama z'inyenzi ntizishobora kubaka urwibutso HUTU kuko zabihomberamo kubera ikinyoma cyazo!! ariko MUKASINE, nkwibarize: ni wowe witwaga ADELA MUKASINE? uyu naramukundaga mu ya ndirimo y'IMPALA........!!
no ku ngoma y'abami ,abahutu bakorewe genocide. Ubu muzi neza ko kuva mu 1990 habaye genocide hutu, harya muri uru RWANDA ni hehe uwibutso rw'abahutu twarusanga? tuzarubona ryari se? mu RWANDA inzibutso zose zuzuye mo amagufa y'abahutu ARIKO inyenzi zivuga ko ngo yose ari ay'abatutsi ra!!bitinde, bitebuke, urwibutso rw'abahutu ruzubakwa n'abahutu .
Kagame is behaving like a victim of Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorders<br /> <br /> <br /> Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. It also involves intense, anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts often related to persecution, threat, or conspiracy. Schizophrenia can become delusional, when irrational thoughts and beliefs become so fixed that nothing can convince a person that what they think or feel is not true. Symptoms of paranoia and delusional disorders include intense and irrational mistrust or suspicion, which can bring a sense of fear, anger, and betrayal.<br /> <br /> <br /> Some identifiable beliefs and behaviors of individuals with symptoms of schizophrenia include mistrust, hypervigilance, difficulty with forgiveness, defensive attitude in response to imagined criticism, preoccupation with hidden motives, fear of being deceived or taken advantage of, inability to relax, or are argumentative.<br /> <br /> <br /> Delusional disorder is characterized by irrational or intense beliefs or suspicions which a person believes to be true. These beliefs may seem outlandish and impossible, bizarre or fit within the realm of what is possible. It can be difficult to treat a person with such illness since symptoms result in increased irritability, emotional guardedness, and possible hostility.<br /> <br /> I have been closely following the rather unfortunate ongoing impasse between Rwanda and Uganda with a keen observation to how the leaders of the two East African countries have handled the situation. On the side of Uganda, you see president Museveni exercising a lot of patience and restraint, whereas on the other hand, you see Rwanda’s leader General Paul Kagame handling the matter in a quite disappointing erratic manner. However, this could have a strong tie to how both leaders grew up from when they were children to date most. For purposes of this piece of writing, I shall focus my attention on the person of president Kagame.<br /> <br /> <br /> It is important to note that president Kagame became a refugee at a very young age and of course it was a traumatic experience for everyone involved. Kagame also by nature is very tall but too tiny which could have been a source of ridicule from his peers. This might have affected his self-esteem therefore, making him have to contend with violence as a way of showing that he is in charge or an equal. It’s no wonder that during the National Resistance Army (NRA) bush war, Kagame’s penchant for extreme violence earned him a nickname of Pilato from fellow combatants.<br /> <br /> The death of Rwigyema might have equally triggered extreme defensiveness in Kagame’s psychic especially that he had the same weaknesses of lesser education that had collided Rwigyema against his colleagues on different occasions.<br /> <br /> <br /> President Kagame was a good friend of Gen Rwigyema but Presiednt Museveni and Gen Salim Saleh showed more preference to Rwigyema which might have affected Kagame who already suffered low esteem hence the unexplained animosity towards the two individuals that are responsible for his raise to presidency in Rwanda.<br /> <br /> Recently, I watched Kagame while in Gabiro saying that nobody can bring him to his knees, referring to his decision to close the Ugandan border. I am intrigued to ask if he weren’t on his knees as a refugee in Uganda for over 30 years. After the death of Rwigyema, he was recalled from Command and General Staff College Fort Leavenworth USA by President Museveni to take over Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) and experienced NRA commanders were assigned to help him defeat Habyarimana.<br /> <br /> <br /> It is on record that very many ordinary Rwandans including students left schools to join RPF, one then wonders what he means when he claims that he owes his raise to power in Rwanda to no body. For a man, like Kagame, who defeated Habyarimana because of his adamant refusal to allow Rwandan refugees including Kagame himself to return home claiming that Rwanda was too small to accommodate her citizens, to turn around and create more refugees with his brutalities and refusing those that want to return home claiming Rwanda is politically too small to accommodate her citizens’ views is quite perplexing.<br /> <br /> His former ambassador to USA, Mr Theogene Rudasingwa observed thus “General Kagame has fought armies of former Zaire and toppled dictator Mobutu; he installed President Laurent Kabila in DRC; he has fought armies of Angola, Zimbabwe, and Namibia; he has quarreled with Tanzania, Burundi, and South Africa; he has thrown temper tantrums at France, and even to his benefactors; USA and United Kingdom, when they question the assassination of opponents and closure of political space” as if this is not bad enough, he still throws more tantrums at his last sisterly neighbour, Uganda, if this is not acute suicidal schizophrenia, then what is it?<br /> <br /> <br /> Rwanda is the only country in the world that fears for her citizens’ lives to the extent of physically preventing them from leaving Rwanda against their will yet Rwandans are running in droves to Uganda to escape the open brutality and death at the hands of Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) that Kagame supervises himself. You have to feel sorry for people like Gen Kabarebe who is purely Ugandan, he was the one behind the border closure probably because he had to appear overzealous and too loyal to an ever suspicious Kagame. But deep down Gen Kabarebe, knows that a conflict between Uganda and Rwanda would be counterproductive in that Rwandans would most likely take the advantage of getting rid of Kagame.<br /> <br /> According to the New Times, a Rwandan government owned newspaper, President Kagame advised a one Mr Rujugiro to clear his overdue taxes in South Africa in order “not to tarnish Rwanda’s good name like that” which is laughable because Rwanda has killed her citizens inside South Africa, one then wonder which of the two scenarios has worse reputational consequences; individual tax evasion or state sponsored murder of dissidents? A person like Rujugiro would be the first to admit that he would rather play hide and seek with tax laws of England and South Africa because he will live another day to pay those disputed taxes than be in his homeland of Rwanda where a President would order his execution on account of tax evasion.<br /> <br /> <br /> It’s very difficult to advise a schizophrenic person like Kagame, he needs medication instead and Rwandans are too unlucky to come from a refugee status from across the world only to end up as hostages at home at the hands of a maniac who should be in a mental facility instead of state house. The lucky ones have assumed their refugee status again but others have not been that fortunate, many have been killed at home and whenever possible abroad.<br /> <br /> <br /> If history is anything to learn from, those that love President Kagame would have reflected on the lives and presidency of President Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler of German. They somehow tried to develop their countries but their mental disorders denied them the ability to see things with clarity and ended up making blunders that cost them their leaderships and more importantly their lives. If President Kagame freed Rwandans inside, and invited those abroad to come back home, there would be no need for this unfounded fear of his overthrow.
Kagame is behaving like a victim of Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorders<br /> <br /> <br /> Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. It also involves intense, anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts often related to persecution, threat, or conspiracy. Schizophrenia can become delusional, when irrational thoughts and beliefs become so fixed that nothing can convince a person that what they think or feel is not true. Symptoms of paranoia and delusional disorders include intense and irrational mistrust or suspicion, which can bring a sense of fear, anger, and betrayal.<br /> <br /> <br /> Some identifiable beliefs and behaviors of individuals with symptoms of schizophrenia include mistrust, hypervigilance, difficulty with forgiveness, defensive attitude in response to imagined criticism, preoccupation with hidden motives, fear of being deceived or taken advantage of, inability to relax, or are argumentative.<br /> <br /> <br /> Delusional disorder is characterized by irrational or intense beliefs or suspicions which a person believes to be true. These beliefs may seem outlandish and impossible, bizarre or fit within the realm of what is possible. It can be difficult to treat a person with such illness since symptoms result in increased irritability, emotional guardedness, and possible hostility.<br /> <br /> I have been closely following the rather unfortunate ongoing impasse between Rwanda and Uganda with a keen observation to how the leaders of the two East African countries have handled the situation. On the side of Uganda, you see president Museveni exercising a lot of patience and restraint, whereas on the other hand, you see Rwanda’s leader General Paul Kagame handling the matter in a quite disappointing erratic manner. However, this could have a strong tie to how both leaders grew up from when they were children to date most. For purposes of this piece of writing, I shall focus my attention on the person of president Kagame.<br /> <br /> <br /> It is important to note that president Kagame became a refugee at a very young age and of course it was a traumatic experience for everyone involved. Kagame also by nature is very tall but too tiny which could have been a source of ridicule from his peers. This might have affected his self-esteem therefore, making him have to contend with violence as a way of showing that he is in charge or an equal. It’s no wonder that during the National Resistance Army (NRA) bush war, Kagame’s penchant for extreme violence earned him a nickname of Pilato from fellow combatants.<br /> <br /> The death of Rwigyema might have equally triggered extreme defensiveness in Kagame’s psychic especially that he had the same weaknesses of lesser education that had collided Rwigyema against his colleagues on different occasions.<br /> <br /> <br /> President Kagame was a good friend of Gen Rwigyema but Presiednt Museveni and Gen Salim Saleh showed more preference to Rwigyema which might have affected Kagame who already suffered low esteem hence the unexplained animosity towards the two individuals that are responsible for his raise to presidency in Rwanda.<br /> <br /> Recently, I watched Kagame while in Gabiro saying that nobody can bring him to his knees, referring to his decision to close the Ugandan border. I am intrigued to ask if he weren’t on his knees as a refugee in Uganda for over 30 years. After the death of Rwigyema, he was recalled from Command and General Staff College Fort Leavenworth USA by President Museveni to take over Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) and experienced NRA commanders were assigned to help him defeat Habyarimana.<br /> <br /> <br /> It is on record that very many ordinary Rwandans including students left schools to join RPF, one then wonders what he means when he claims that he owes his raise to power in Rwanda to no body. For a man, like Kagame, who defeated Habyarimana because of his adamant refusal to allow Rwandan refugees including Kagame himself to return home claiming that Rwanda was too small to accommodate her citizens, to turn around and create more refugees with his brutalities and refusing those that want to return home claiming Rwanda is politically too small to accommodate her citizens’ views is quite perplexing.<br /> <br /> His former ambassador to USA, Mr Theogene Rudasingwa observed thus “General Kagame has fought armies of former Zaire and toppled dictator Mobutu; he installed President Laurent Kabila in DRC; he has fought armies of Angola, Zimbabwe, and Namibia; he has quarreled with Tanzania, Burundi, and South Africa; he has thrown temper tantrums at France, and even to his benefactors; USA and United Kingdom, when they question the assassination of opponents and closure of political space” as if this is not bad enough, he still throws more tantrums at his last sisterly neighbour, Uganda, if this is not acute suicidal schizophrenia, then what is it?<br /> <br /> <br /> Rwanda is the only country in the world that fears for her citizens’ lives to the extent of physically preventing them from leaving Rwanda against their will yet Rwandans are running in droves to Uganda to escape the open brutality and death at the hands of Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) that Kagame supervises himself. You have to feel sorry for people like Gen Kabarebe who is purely Ugandan, he was the one behind the border closure probably because he had to appear overzealous and too loyal to an ever suspicious Kagame. But deep down Gen Kabarebe, knows that a conflict between Uganda and Rwanda would be counterproductive in that Rwandans would most likely take the advantage of getting rid of Kagame.<br /> <br /> According to the New Times, a Rwandan government owned newspaper, President Kagame advised a one Mr Rujugiro to clear his overdue taxes in South Africa in order “not to tarnish Rwanda’s good name like that” which is laughable because Rwanda has killed her citizens inside South Africa, one then wonder which of the two scenarios has worse reputational consequences; individual tax evasion or state sponsored murder of dissidents? A person like Rujugiro would be the first to admit that he would rather play hide and seek with tax laws of England and South Africa because he will live another day to pay those disputed taxes than be in his homeland of Rwanda where a President would order his execution on account of tax evasion.<br /> <br /> <br /> It’s very difficult to advise a schizophrenic person like Kagame, he needs medication instead and Rwandans are too unlucky to come from a refugee status from across the world only to end up as hostages at home at the hands of a maniac who should be in a mental facility instead of state house. The lucky ones have assumed their refugee status again but others have not been that fortunate, many have been killed at home and whenever possible abroad.<br /> <br /> <br /> If history is anything to learn from, those that love President Kagame would have reflected on the lives and presidency of President Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler of German. They somehow tried to develop their countries but their mental disorders denied them the ability to see things with clarity and ended up making blunders that cost them their leaderships and more importantly their lives. If President Kagame freed Rwandans inside, and invited those abroad to come back home, there would be no need for this unfounded fear of his overthrow.
Kagame is behaving like a victim of Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorders<br /> <br /> <br /> Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. It also involves intense, anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts often related to persecution, threat, or conspiracy. Schizophrenia can become delusional, when irrational thoughts and beliefs become so fixed that nothing can convince a person that what they think or feel is not true. Symptoms of paranoia and delusional disorders include intense and irrational mistrust or suspicion, which can bring a sense of fear, anger, and betrayal.<br /> <br /> <br /> Some identifiable beliefs and behaviors of individuals with symptoms of schizophrenia include mistrust, hypervigilance, difficulty with forgiveness, defensive attitude in response to imagined criticism, preoccupation with hidden motives, fear of being deceived or taken advantage of, inability to relax, or are argumentative.<br /> <br /> <br /> Delusional disorder is characterized by irrational or intense beliefs or suspicions which a person believes to be true. These beliefs may seem outlandish and impossible, bizarre or fit within the realm of what is possible. It can be difficult to treat a person with such illness since symptoms result in increased irritability, emotional guardedness, and possible hostility.<br /> <br /> I have been closely following the rather unfortunate ongoing impasse between Rwanda and Uganda with a keen observation to how the leaders of the two East African countries have handled the situation. On the side of Uganda, you see president Museveni exercising a lot of patience and restraint, whereas on the other hand, you see Rwanda’s leader General Paul Kagame handling the matter in a quite disappointing erratic manner. However, this could have a strong tie to how both leaders grew up from when they were children to date most. For purposes of this piece of writing, I shall focus my attention on the person of president Kagame.<br /> <br /> <br /> It is important to note that president Kagame became a refugee at a very young age and of course it was a traumatic experience for everyone involved. Kagame also by nature is very tall but too tiny which could have been a source of ridicule from his peers. This might have affected his self-esteem therefore, making him have to contend with violence as a way of showing that he is in charge or an equal. It’s no wonder that during the National Resistance Army (NRA) bush war, Kagame’s penchant for extreme violence earned him a nickname of Pilato from fellow combatants.<br /> <br /> The death of Rwigyema might have equally triggered extreme defensiveness in Kagame’s psychic especially that he had the same weaknesses of lesser education that had collided Rwigyema against his colleagues on different occasions.<br /> <br /> <br /> President Kagame was a good friend of Gen Rwigyema but Presiednt Museveni and Gen Salim Saleh showed more preference to Rwigyema which might have affected Kagame who already suffered low esteem hence the unexplained animosity towards the two individuals that are responsible for his raise to presidency in Rwanda.<br /> <br /> Recently, I watched Kagame while in Gabiro saying that nobody can bring him to his knees, referring to his decision to close the Ugandan border. I am intrigued to ask if he weren’t on his knees as a refugee in Uganda for over 30 years. After the death of Rwigyema, he was recalled from Command and General Staff College Fort Leavenworth USA by President Museveni to take over Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) and experienced NRA commanders were assigned to help him defeat Habyarimana.<br /> <br /> <br /> It is on record that very many ordinary Rwandans including students left schools to join RPF, one then wonders what he means when he claims that he owes his raise to power in Rwanda to no body. For a man, like Kagame, who defeated Habyarimana because of his adamant refusal to allow Rwandan refugees including Kagame himself to return home claiming that Rwanda was too small to accommodate her citizens, to turn around and create more refugees with his brutalities and refusing those that want to return home claiming Rwanda is politically too small to accommodate her citizens’ views is quite perplexing.<br /> <br /> His former ambassador to USA, Mr Theogene Rudasingwa observed thus “General Kagame has fought armies of former Zaire and toppled dictator Mobutu; he installed President Laurent Kabila in DRC; he has fought armies of Angola, Zimbabwe, and Namibia; he has quarreled with Tanzania, Burundi, and South Africa; he has thrown temper tantrums at France, and even to his benefactors; USA and United Kingdom, when they question the assassination of opponents and closure of political space” as if this is not bad enough, he still throws more tantrums at his last sisterly neighbour, Uganda, if this is not acute suicidal schizophrenia, then what is it?<br /> <br /> <br /> Rwanda is the only country in the world that fears for her citizens’ lives to the extent of physically preventing them from leaving Rwanda against their will yet Rwandans are running in droves to Uganda to escape the open brutality and death at the hands of Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) that Kagame supervises himself. You have to feel sorry for people like Gen Kabarebe who is purely Ugandan, he was the one behind the border closure probably because he had to appear overzealous and too loyal to an ever suspicious Kagame. But deep down Gen Kabarebe, knows that a conflict between Uganda and Rwanda would be counterproductive in that Rwandans would most likely take the advantage of getting rid of Kagame.<br /> <br /> According to the New Times, a Rwandan government owned newspaper, President Kagame advised a one Mr Rujugiro to clear his overdue taxes in South Africa in order “not to tarnish Rwanda’s good name like that” which is laughable because Rwanda has killed her citizens inside South Africa, one then wonder which of the two scenarios has worse reputational consequences; individual tax evasion or state sponsored murder of dissidents? A person like Rujugiro would be the first to admit that he would rather play hide and seek with tax laws of England and South Africa because he will live another day to pay those disputed taxes than be in his homeland of Rwanda where a President would order his execution on account of tax evasion.<br /> <br /> <br /> It’s very difficult to advise a schizophrenic person like Kagame, he needs medication instead and Rwandans are too unlucky to come from a refugee status from across the world only to end up as hostages at home at the hands of a maniac who should be in a mental facility instead of state house. The lucky ones have assumed their refugee status again but others have not been that fortunate, many have been killed at home and whenever possible abroad.<br /> <br /> <br /> If history is anything to learn from, those that love President Kagame would have reflected on the lives and presidency of President Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler of German. They somehow tried to develop their countries but their mental disorders denied them the ability to see things with clarity and ended up making blunders that cost them their leaderships and more importantly their lives. If President Kagame freed Rwandans inside, and invited those abroad to come back home, there would be no need for this unfounded fear of his overthrow.
Kagame is behaving like a victim of Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorders<br /> <br /> <br /> Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. It also involves intense, anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts often related to persecution, threat, or conspiracy. Schizophrenia can become delusional, when irrational thoughts and beliefs become so fixed that nothing can convince a person that what they think or feel is not true. Symptoms of paranoia and delusional disorders include intense and irrational mistrust or suspicion, which can bring a sense of fear, anger, and betrayal.<br /> <br /> <br /> Some identifiable beliefs and behaviors of individuals with symptoms of schizophrenia include mistrust, hypervigilance, difficulty with forgiveness, defensive attitude in response to imagined criticism, preoccupation with hidden motives, fear of being deceived or taken advantage of, inability to relax, or are argumentative.<br /> <br /> <br /> Delusional disorder is characterized by irrational or intense beliefs or suspicions which a person believes to be true. These beliefs may seem outlandish and impossible, bizarre or fit within the realm of what is possible. It can be difficult to treat a person with such illness since symptoms result in increased irritability, emotional guardedness, and possible hostility.<br /> <br /> I have been closely following the rather unfortunate ongoing impasse between Rwanda and Uganda with a keen observation to how the leaders of the two East African countries have handled the situation. On the side of Uganda, you see president Museveni exercising a lot of patience and restraint, whereas on the other hand, you see Rwanda’s leader General Paul Kagame handling the matter in a quite disappointing erratic manner. However, this could have a strong tie to how both leaders grew up from when they were children to date most. For purposes of this piece of writing, I shall focus my attention on the person of president Kagame.<br /> <br /> <br /> It is important to note that president Kagame became a refugee at a very young age and of course it was a traumatic experience for everyone involved. Kagame also by nature is very tall but too tiny which could have been a source of ridicule from his peers. This might have affected his self-esteem therefore, making him have to contend with violence as a way of showing that he is in charge or an equal. It’s no wonder that during the National Resistance Army (NRA) bush war, Kagame’s penchant for extreme violence earned him a nickname of Pilato from fellow combatants.<br /> <br /> The death of Rwigyema might have equally triggered extreme defensiveness in Kagame’s psychic especially that he had the same weaknesses of lesser education that had collided Rwigyema against his colleagues on different occasions.<br /> <br /> <br /> President Kagame was a good friend of Gen Rwigyema but Presiednt Museveni and Gen Salim Saleh showed more preference to Rwigyema which might have affected Kagame who already suffered low esteem hence the unexplained animosity towards the two individuals that are responsible for his raise to presidency in Rwanda.<br /> <br /> Recently, I watched Kagame while in Gabiro saying that nobody can bring him to his knees, referring to his decision to close the Ugandan border. I am intrigued to ask if he weren’t on his knees as a refugee in Uganda for over 30 years. After the death of Rwigyema, he was recalled from Command and General Staff College Fort Leavenworth USA by President Museveni to take over Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) and experienced NRA commanders were assigned to help him defeat Habyarimana.<br /> <br /> <br /> It is on record that very many ordinary Rwandans including students left schools to join RPF, one then wonders what he means when he claims that he owes his raise to power in Rwanda to no body. For a man, like Kagame, who defeated Habyarimana because of his adamant refusal to allow Rwandan refugees including Kagame himself to return home claiming that Rwanda was too small to accommodate her citizens, to turn around and create more refugees with his brutalities and refusing those that want to return home claiming Rwanda is politically too small to accommodate her citizens’ views is quite perplexing.<br /> <br /> His former ambassador to USA, Mr Theogene Rudasingwa observed thus “General Kagame has fought armies of former Zaire and toppled dictator Mobutu; he installed President Laurent Kabila in DRC; he has fought armies of Angola, Zimbabwe, and Namibia; he has quarreled with Tanzania, Burundi, and South Africa; he has thrown temper tantrums at France, and even to his benefactors; USA and United Kingdom, when they question the assassination of opponents and closure of political space” as if this is not bad enough, he still throws more tantrums at his last sisterly neighbour, Uganda, if this is not acute suicidal schizophrenia, then what is it?<br /> <br /> <br /> Rwanda is the only country in the world that fears for her citizens’ lives to the extent of physically preventing them from leaving Rwanda against their will yet Rwandans are running in droves to Uganda to escape the open brutality and death at the hands of Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) that Kagame supervises himself. You have to feel sorry for people like Gen Kabarebe who is purely Ugandan, he was the one behind the border closure probably because he had to appear overzealous and too loyal to an ever suspicious Kagame. But deep down Gen Kabarebe, knows that a conflict between Uganda and Rwanda would be counterproductive in that Rwandans would most likely take the advantage of getting rid of Kagame.<br /> <br /> According to the New Times, a Rwandan government owned newspaper, President Kagame advised a one Mr Rujugiro to clear his overdue taxes in South Africa in order “not to tarnish Rwanda’s good name like that” which is laughable because Rwanda has killed her citizens inside South Africa, one then wonder which of the two scenarios has worse reputational consequences; individual tax evasion or state sponsored murder of dissidents? A person like Rujugiro would be the first to admit that he would rather play hide and seek with tax laws of England and South Africa because he will live another day to pay those disputed taxes than be in his homeland of Rwanda where a President would order his execution on account of tax evasion.<br /> <br /> <br /> It’s very difficult to advise a schizophrenic person like Kagame, he needs medication instead and Rwandans are too unlucky to come from a refugee status from across the world only to end up as hostages at home at the hands of a maniac who should be in a mental facility instead of state house. The lucky ones have assumed their refugee status again but others have not been that fortunate, many have been killed at home and whenever possible abroad.<br /> <br /> <br /> If history is anything to learn from, those that love President Kagame would have reflected on the lives and presidency of President Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler of German. They somehow tried to develop their countries but their mental disorders denied them the ability to see things with clarity and ended up making blunders that cost them their leaderships and more importantly their lives. If President Kagame freed Rwandans inside, and invited those abroad to come back home, there would be no need for this unfounded fear of his overthrow.
ABAHUTU BA BYUMBA bishwe nizo nyenzi, urwibutso rwabo ruba hehe se? ngo bahamba mu cyubahiro? byahe byo kajya? mu muco wacu ntabwo twanika amgufa ku gasozi? DUSHYINGURA UMUNTU MU CYUBAHIRO!! Naho biriya byo kwanika magufa mu cyubahiro babyita " TOURISM": ibi babikora mu buryo bwo gukurura ba mukerarugendo ngo babahe amafr yo kwica abahutu. Koko umuhutu azakomeza yicwe kugeza ryari?
Rukokoma ni umugabo.<br /> Ntabwo arya indimi iyo abibutsa ukuri kwibyo muzi!!<br /> Urwibutso rwabaguye mu nkambi ya kibeho harya rwo mwarwubatse he??<br /> Ukuri kwambaye ubusa ni uko mwatoraguye amagufa yabahutu bose mwahondaga udufuni nurusoro maze bose mukuzuza mu nzibutso nta nubwo mwabashyinguye mu cyubahiro kuko kuriya siko bashyingura mu cyubahiro ahubwo mwarabanitse ngo mubereke ko umuhutu atari umuntu nta nagaciro afite !!Ariko sibyo kuko umuntu ari nkundi!!<br /> <br /> Ibinyoma biragwira muri nkabavuga muti mwe muzahere mugahinda naho abamennye umuleti bo bariryoheye ibyo bavuga baba ari nka yamarira yingona kuko byose bari babizi kandi ibibazo ntibibafasheho!!
Uvuze ukuli 100%!!! ABAHUTU BA BYUMBA bishwe nizo nyenzi, urwibutso rwabo ruba hehe se? ngo bahamba mu cyubahiro? byahe byo kajya? mu muco wacu ntabwo twanika amgufa ku gasozi? DUSHYINGURA UMUNTU MU CYUBAHIRO!! Naho biriya byo kwanika magufa mu cyubahiro babyita " TOURISM": ibi babikora mu buryo bwo gukurura ba mukerarugendo ngo babahe amafr yo kwica abahutu. Koko umuhutu azakomeza yicwe kugeza ryari?
Njye nshigikiye cyane igitekerezo cya Olivier ko iyi nyandiko Rukokoma na Veritas bayisobonura mundimi icyongereza ni igiswahili maze ikagezwa kubinyamakuru byo muri Uganda, Tanzaniya, South Africa, ni bihugu nka USA na Britain.
ariko kuki FPR iyo bigeze mu kwibuka bataburura imirambo yo guhamba? iyo mirambo bayivanahe? ikizwi cyo nuko iyo mirambo ari ABAHUTU batabururwa kugirango bereke amahanga ngo ko ABAHUTU ari abicanyi ra!!
Ikintu gituma FPR ikomeza gutegeka nta kindi ni " GENOCIDE". Ijambo GENOCIDE niryo ziliya nyangabirama zirisha kuko zayihinduye market. Zirwa zirira hanze hose ngo HUTU yarazishe,ngo HUTU yongeye gutegeka yazimara, ngo kubera iyo mpamvu nibazireke zikomeze zitegeke zica HUTU.<br /> <br /> KUBERA IYO MPAMVU, FPR igomba kwerekana ko HUTU yazishe koko, ko HUTU ari umwicanyi. Niyo mpamvu mubona nyine BAHIMBA IMIBARE BAGAKUBITAHO kugirango bereke ayo mahanga.<br /> <br /> Ziriya nzibutso mubona zirimo amagufa y'abatutsi n'abahutu besnhi. Harimo ndeste n'amagufa y'inyamanswa. Ibi babikoze kugirango bongere umubare babeshye isi yose ngo HUTU ni umwicanyi.<br /> <br /> RUKOKOMA arabivuze neza kandi mu kuri
Ikintu gituma FPR ikomeza gutegeka nta kindi ni " GENOCIDE". Ijambo GENOCIDE niryo ziliya nyangabirama zirisha kuko zayihinduye market. Zirwa zirira hanze hose ngo HUTU yarazishe,ngo HUTU yongeye gutegeka yazimara, ngo kubera iyo mpamvu nibazireke zikomeze zitegeke zica HUTU.<br /> <br /> KUBERA IYO MPAMVU, FPR igomba kwerekana ko HUTU yazishe koko, ko HUTU ari umwicanyi. Niyo mpamvu mubona nyine BAHIMBA IMIBARE BAGAKUBITAHO kugirango bereke ayo mahanga.<br /> <br /> Ziriya nzibutso mubona zirimo amagufa y'abatutsi n'abahutu besnhi. Harimo ndeste n'amagufa y'inyamanswa. Ibi babikoze kugirango bongere umubare babeshye isi yose ngo HUTU ni umwicanyi.<br /> <br /> RUKOKOMA arabivuze neza kandi mu kuri
Ikintu gituma FPR ikomeza gutegeka nta kindi ni " GENOCIDE". Ijambo GENOCIDE niryo ziliya nyangabirama zirisha kuko zayihinduye market. Zirwa zirira hanze hose ngo HUTU yarazishe,ngo HUTU yongeye gutegeka yazimara, ngo kubera iyo mpamvu nibazireke zikomeze zitegeke zica HUTU.<br /> <br /> KUBERA IYO MPAMVU, FPR igomba kwerekana ko HUTU yazishe koko, ko HUTU ari umwicanyi. Niyo mpamvu mubona nyine BAHIMBA IMIBARE BAGAKUBITAHO kugirango bereke ayo mahanga.<br /> <br /> Ziriya nzibutso mubona zirimo amagufa y'abatutsi n'abahutu besnhi. Harimo ndeste n'amagufa y'inyamanswa. Ibi babikoze kugirango bongere umubare babeshye isi yose ngo HUTU ni umwicanyi.<br /> <br /> RUKOKOMA arabivuze neza kandi mu kuri
Igitekerezo: Aho buri wese ari, niba Twagiramungu abyemeye ndetse na veritas, nabasabaga ko iyi nyandiko tuyishyira mu ndimi z ibihugu aho turi, ni uko tuyohereze kuri za watsapp.iminsi itatu izajya kugera la majority yaho uri bafite iyi nyandiko kandi barimo bayisoma.Mubyumva gute?
Mayibobo Kagame yasaze birenze urugero: yirukanya ambassade w'abadage ngo kubera ko yanditse Email ivuga ko Kagame ari umunyagitugu. Ibi byanditswe na yabisomye mu kinyamakuru cy' abadage kitwa die Welt.<br /> <br /> Abapfuye bagiye cyera. Mwitege igikurikira, nyuma yo gufunga imipaka, none akaba yirukanye abadage bazwi kumufasha cyane... Ubutaha ni USA/UK. Inkendi igeze mu bushorishori aho ikomeje kwerekana AGAFUTI kangana urwara
Niba abatutsi bari hafi 600000 kandi inzibutso zirimo hafi 1700000 kandi hararokotse 330000 bemerwa na Ibuka bivuze ko iyi myaka yose abantu bicaye ku kinyoma!!!<br /> Kora imibare :<br /> 600000 - 330000 bivuze ko hapfuye 270000 byabatutsi.<br /> 1700000-270000=1430000 ni abahutu bushwe !!Nande??Isubize! <br /> Ntabwo abajugunywe muri za Rweru barimo!ntabwo abatdinzwe za congo barimo(cfr Mapping report) ntabwo abatsinzwe mu maso ya UNAMIR kibeho barimo!!!<br /> Ubwo mu byukuri mubona nta kibazo kidasobanutse kirimo???reka kurakara mbanze nkubaze? Iyo bavuze gushyingura mu cyubahiro wumva iki???Gushyingura se byo bivuze iki?? Ni irihe tandukaniro riri hagati yo gushyingura no kwanika no gushinyagura?<br /> Nge uyu mwaka nahisemo kuzibuka ndirira imiryango yo kwa bamarume yahonzwe udufuni nabo ntavuze kandi aribo bari bafufashije kurokoka.Nahaze igipindi!<br /> Rukokoma na Rusesabagina na Sakara ni abaagabo iyo habaho abagabo nkabo ijana injiji ziba zarazibye!!<br /> Ni hahandi ukuri niyo wagupfukirana imyaka myinshi kugeraho kugaturumbuka kukivugira!!
Rukokoma arabeshya cyane!! iliya mibare niyo peee!! kubera iki? mu RWANDA abatutsi besnhi kubera ubwoba bwo kwicwa na Habyarimana bari barahinduye ubwoko bwabo. Ibi bivuze ko mu RWANDA twari dufite abatutsi barenga miliyoni 2.
Rukokos ni umugabo pe! Ibi birerekana ukuntu mu Rwanda abahutu bishwe pe! Ubu FPR igiye gutangira kuvugishwa, bagiye gutekinika ngo abatutsi bari 2 millions! Ukuri kugiye hanze baribeshya. Iyi mibare yose ntabwo ari Rukokos wayihimbye, ni ya FPR na ONU n'abanyamerika. Karabaye!
*1. Bavuga kwibuka ku nshuro ya 25 Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi, ntibavuga kwibuka Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi ku nshuro ya 25.*<br /> <br /> *2. Bavuga abacitse ku icumu rya Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi, ntibavuga Abacika cyangwa Abacikacumu.*<br /> <br /> *3. Bavuga gushyingura mu cyubahiro imibiri y’abazize Jenoside ntibavuga gushyingura ibisigazwa cyangwa gushyingura amagufa.*<br /> <br /> *4. Bavuga intwaza (abakecuru n’abasaza biciwe abana bose), ntibavuga incike.*<br /> <br /> *5. Bavuga Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi ntibavuga intambara. Ntibavuga Jenoside y’Abatutsi. Ntibavuga itsembabwoko n’itsembatsemba. Ntibavuga ngo bya bindi byabaye mu Rwanda cyangwa amahano yabaye mu Rwanda.* <br /> <br /> *6. Ntibavuga isubiranamo ry’amako cyangwa ubwicanyi bwo mu 1994. Ntibavuga Jenoside yo mu Rwanda cyangwa Jenoside y’Abanyarwanda.*<br /> <br /> *7. Bavuga urwibutso rwa Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi ntibavuga irimbi ry’abazize Jenoside.*<br /> <br /> *8. Ntibavuga mbere y’intambara cyangwa mbere y’indege, bavuga mbere ya Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi.*<br /> <br /> *9. Ntibavuga ko Abanyarwanda basubiranyemo, bavuga ko habayeho Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi.*<br /> <br /> *10. Ntibavuga Aba - FARG, bavuga abana bafashwa n’Ikigega gifasha imfubyi za Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi.*<br /> <br /> *11. Ntibavuga Jenoside iba yikubise cyangwa yitura aho. Jenoside yarateguwe irageragezwa.*<br /> <br /> *12. Ntibavuga ko hari ibyagwiriye igihugu, bavuga Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi.*<br /> <br /> *13. Ntibavuga itsembabatutsi cyangwa itsembabwoko bavuga Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi.*<br /> <br /> *14. Ntibavuga ubwicanyi, amabi, amahano, serwakira…, bavuga Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi.*<br /> <br /> *15. Ntibavuga ko hapfuye abagera ku bihumbi 800, bavuga ko hapfuye aberenga miliyoni.*<br /> <br /> *16. Ntibavuga gutaburura, bavuga gushakisha imibiri y’abazize Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi.*<br /> <br /> *17. Ntibavuga ingengasi, bavuga ingengabitekerezo ya Jenoside.*<br /> <br /> *18. Ntibavuga kubika neza ibimenyetso by’abazize Jenoside. bavuga kubungabunga ibimenyetso by’abazize Jenoside.*<br /> <br /> *19. Ntibavuga guhamba abazize Jenoside, bavuga gushyingura mu cyubahiro abazize Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi.*<br /> <br /> *Tugire indangagaciro zi kwiye bavandi, twirinde kugoreka imvugo tugamije gupfobya*
Bravo, nzagushaka twivuganire, nguku ukuri ku rwanda, sentiments zi ibisahiranda j'en ai raz le bol<br /> Ukuri konyine niko kuzabatura isi, seule la verité vous affranchira
Nahano ntuye muri Afrika y,amagepfo abanyamakuru baho Ntabwo bazi ukuri kubyabaye iwacu nabakuzi barakwirengagiza<br /> Ibindi nabasaba Ni uko mwafata iya mbere mugatanga ikirego munkiko zikwegereye mukazisaba kubaza kagame kwerekana aho yashyize amagufwa yabantu bo munuryango wawe bishwe na FPR nyuma natwe tugakulikiraho turega ku nkiko zikwegereye <br /> Merci
Bwana Twagiramungu <br /> Murakoze cyane kwandikira biliya bisahiranda n'injiji z'abazungu zigumya gushyigikira abicanyi ba FPR. <br /> Twabasabaga ko mwategura ibaruwa nk'iyi mukayohereza ishyirahamwe ry'ibinyamakuru ku isi yose kandi ikaba mundimi zose. Byanze bikunze hali icyo izahindura. Muzibande ku binyamakuru bya France,Belgique,USA,UK and South Africa. kandi nibiba ngombwa copies zizahabwe governments na za Parliaments z,ibyo bihugu mvuze hejuru. <br /> Munyemereye kandi nayishyira mu rwongereza nkayiha abayobozi b'ikunyamakuru kinyegereye kuko kubogama kwabanyamakuru ku isi kugiye kuduheza mubuja no mu kababaro gahoraho. <br /> Murakoze
Twagiramungu, muri 2003, naragutoye ndabizira kandi ngo itora ryari ibanga!N'ubu nagutora, bikajya iyo byagiye.
Umwanda kabarebe umaze gutangaza ko bari hafi kwica rusesabagira ngo akavaho<br /> <br />