RDC: l’ex-chef de guerre Bosco Ntaganda condamné par la CPI

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Le chef de guerre d’origine rwandaise risque jusqu’à trente ans de prison. La sentence ne pourrait être rendue que dans les prochains mois. Dix-huit fois coupables de crimes contre l’humanité et de crimes de guerre. Bosco Ntaganda a écouté sans ciller le verdict prononcé lundi 8 juillet par les juges de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI).

Ancien commandant en second de la branche militaire de l’Union des patriotes congolais (UPC), l’une des nombreuses milices actives dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) en 2002 et 2003, le milicien d’origine rwandaise a été reconnu coupable de meurtres, tentatives de meurtre, viols, esclavage sexuel, attaques contre des civils, transfert forcé de population, pillage, enrôlement d’enfants de moins de 15 ans et attaques contre des biens protégés. Une longue liste de crimes lue à l’audience par le juge président, Robert Fremr, sous le regard grave du condamné.

Pour les juges, la conduite de la milice « était le résultat attendu d’une stratégie préconçue visant la population civile ». Ouvert en septembre 2015, le procès s’est déroulé, pour l’essentiel, à huis clos, mais soixante et onze témoins ont comparu à La Haye : d’anciens membres de la milice repentis, des experts et des survivants des différents massacres dont celui intervenu dans la ville de Kobu. Le procureur a montré à la Cour les images violentes de corps de femmes, d’hommes, d’enfants et même de bébés, retrouvés dans une bananeraie, certains nus, d’autres les mains liées ou encore défigurés par les attaquants. Quarante-neuf personnes avaient été tuées, mais une femme, laissée pour morte, est venue déposer devant les juges lors d’une audience à huis clos.

Milicien dès l’âge de 17 ans

Les juges ont aussi largement évoqué la prise de Mongbwalu en novembre 2002, décrite par les témoins comme « la ville des chercheurs d’or ». Lors de « l’opération de ratissage », racontée lors des auditions, les habitants étaient enlevés, intimidés, tués, leurs biens pillés par les soldats, des matelas jusqu’aux toits des maisons. Selon de nombreux rapports, des Nations unies et de l’ONG Global Witness, Bosco Ntaganda s’était personnellement enrichi en pillant aussi les sous-sols de cette richissime région de l’Est congolais, site de mines d’or, de coltan, de diamant.

Certains faits évoqués par le procureur, qui concernent des crimes commis dans plusieurs villages de la région, n’ont pas été retenus par les juges, faute de preuves suffisantes. Les juges n’ont fait qu’effleurer les responsabilités des Etats de la région dans les guerres de l’Est congolais, estimant que le rôle de l’Ouganda puis du Rwanda dans le soutien à cette milice ne permettait pas de qualifier le conflit d’international.

A 45 ans, le « Terminator », ainsi surnommé pour la violence de ses faits de guerre, compte une longue carrière de milicien, débutée lorsqu’il avait rejoint la rébellion de l’Armée patriotique rwandaise à l’âge de 17 ans. Il n’a ensuite jamais cessé de faire la guerre, créant ou émargeant au sein de différentes milices qui sillonnent l’Est congolais. Mais les accusations de la Cour ne portaient que sur les crimes de 2002 et 2003 et font notamment l’impasse sur ses responsabilités à la tête du M-23 (Mouvement du 23 mars), une rébellion soutenue par le Rwanda dans les provinces du Kivu, à l’est de la RDC.

2 129 victimes représentées

Malgré les accusations de la CPI, le milicien y coulait des jours tranquilles. Mais les protestations de l’ONU, qui avait dénoncé la responsabilité de Kigali dans l’existence de la milice, lui vaudront d’être finalement lâché par son parrain rwandais. En mars 2013, quittant le maquis, il s’était livré à l’ambassade des Etats-Unis à Kigali, avant d’être envoyé à La Haye. De l’avis d’experts et de natifs de la région, Bosco Ntaganda serait venu en soldat à la CPI.

La sentence ne sera rendue que dans les prochains mois, mais Bosco Ntaganda risque jusqu’à trente ans de prison. De leur côté, ses avocats ont trente jours pour décider de faire ou non appel de ce verdict. Il ouvre la voie à de futures demandes de réparations. La condamnation permet désormais aux 2 129 victimes, qui étaient représentées par des avocats dans ce procès, d’enclencher la procédure de demande en réparation. Jusqu’ici, la Cour n’a pas brillé par son efficacité sur cette question. Les victimes de Thomas Lubanga, l’ancien chef de l’Union des patriotes congolais reconnu coupable et condamné à quatorze ans de prison en 2012, n’ont toujours pas vu la couleur de ces réparations.

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ICC: Congo Warlord Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity<br /> Bosco Ntaganda Case Spotlights Need for Justice in DR Congo<br /> <br /> <br /> Print<br /> <br /> July 8, 2019 Video<br /> Video: Verdict on Former Congolese Warlord<br /> The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) conviction of the Congolese rebel leader Bosco Ntaganda sends a strong message that justice may await those responsible for grave crimes in the Democratic Republic of Congo. <br /> (The Hague) – The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) conviction of the Congolese rebel leader Bosco Ntaganda sends a strong message that justice may await those responsible for grave crimes in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Human Rights Watch said today. <br /> <br /> On July 8, 2019, a panel of three judges unanimously found Ntaganda guilty of 13 counts of war crimes and 5 counts of crimes against humanity committed in Ituri, eastern Congo, in 2002 and 2003. The charges included murder and attempted murder, rape, sexual slavery, attacking civilians, pillaging, displacement of civilians, attacking protected objects, and recruiting and using child soldiers. The judges found that Ntaganda and others agreed on a common plan to attack and drive the ethnic Lendu population out of Ituri through the commission of crimes. Human Rights Watch issued a question-and-answer document on Ntaganda’s trial.<br /> <br /> “The long-awaited judgment provides an important measure of justice for Bosco Ntaganda’s victims and puts others responsible for grave crimes on notice,” said Maria Elena Vignoli, international justice counsel at Human Rights Watch. “But renewed violence in eastern Congo highlights the need to address the impunity for other abusive leaders.”<br /> <br /> The resurgence of violence in Ituri since early June has left scores dead and displaced more than 300,000 people.<br /> <br /> During earlier fighting in Ituri, Ntaganda was chief of military operations of the Union of Congolese Patriots (Union des patriotes congolais, UPC), a predominantly ethnic Hema armed group. The UPC was led by Thomas Lubanga, who was convicted by the ICC in 2012 for using child soldiers. Between 2002 and 2005, forces under Ntaganda’s command were implicated in many serious crimes, including ethnic massacres, torture, rape, and the widespread recruitment of children, some as young as seven. The ICC issued two arrest warrants against Ntaganda, one in 2006 and one in 2012. Ntaganda surrendered to the United States embassy in Kigali, Rwanda in March 2013.<br /> <br /> If upheld on appeal, the case could become the first final conviction at the ICC for crimes of sexual violence, including against men. In addition to crimes against Lendu, the court found Ntaganda guilty of the war crimes of rape and sexual slavery against members of the UPC. This is the first time the ICC has convicted a commander for sexual violence offenses committed by his troops against other members of the same force.<br /> <br /> Human Rights Watch documented ethnic massacres, killings, rape, torture, and recruitment of child soldiers by troops under Ntaganda’s command in the Kivus, and called for these charges to be added to his case at the ICC. However, his trial, which began in September 2015 and concluded in August 2018, only dealt with crimes related to the Ituri conflict.<br /> <br /> In May 2019, Ntaganda filed a request to disqualify Judge Kuniko Ozaki, who in early 2019 briefly acted as Japanese ambassador to Estonia while still serving on the Ntaganda case. Ntaganda’s lawyers argued that the appearance of her judicial independence and impartiality had been compromised. In June 2019, a plenary of judges rejected the request, finding that the circumstances of Judge Ozaki’s tenure as ambassador did not disqualify her.<br /> <br /> The court will schedule hearings in the coming weeks to determine Ntaganda’s sentence and reparations for victims. It should take all necessary steps to ensure that affected communities in Congo learn about the judgment and next steps, including participating in the reparations proceedings, Human Rights Watch said.<br /> <br /> Ntaganda was the fourth person the ICC prosecuted for grave crimes in Congo. A fifth ICC arrest warrant is pending against Gen. Sylvestre Mudacumura, the military leader of a largely Rwandan Hutu armed group active in Congo, the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR). Congolese authorities, with the help of United Nations peacekeepers, should act urgently to arrest Mudacumura and surrender him to the ICC, Human Rights Watch said.<br /> <br /> The number and stature of Congo-related cases before the ICC have not addressed the scale of the crimes committed in the country since 2002, when the court’s jurisdiction started. Human Rights Watch has repeatedly urged the ICC prosecutor to expand the investigation in Congo to include, for example, the role of senior political and military officials from Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda who supported, armed, and financed abusive armed groups in eastern Congo over the years, as well as other crimes, including those committed in the attacks that began in Beni, North Kivu, in October 2014.<br /> <br /> The ICC prosecutor should formulate a clear strategy to address outstanding accountability needs in Congo, including by supporting Congolese authorities. This will help reinforce the rule of law and address Congo’s recurrent cycles of violence. The court, in turn, needs strong long-term support from ICC member countries, which should allocate sufficient resources to meaningfully address the court’s growing workload, Human Rights Watch said.<br /> <br /> “The verdict against Ntaganda is important, but thousands of victims of atrocity crimes in Congo still await justice,” Vignoli said. “The ICC and Congolese authorities should work together to bring to trial many more of those responsible for grave crimes, including senior officials.”<br /> <br /> Timeline on Bosco Ntaganda:<br /> <br /> 1973<br /> <br /> Born in Kinigi, Rwanda.<br /> <br /> 1990<br /> <br /> Joins Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) rebels in southern Uganda.<br /> <br /> 1994<br /> <br /> Fights with RPF to end the Rwandan genocide and joins the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA).<br /> <br /> 1996<br /> <br /> First Congo War begins - participates on the side of the RPA/Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo (AFDL).<br /> <br /> 1997<br /> <br /> Joins the Congolese army.<br /> <br /> 1998<br /> <br /> Second Congo War begins - joins the Rwandan backed Rally for Congolese Democracy (RCD) rebels in Goma.<br /> <br /> 1999<br /> <br /> RCD splits. Joins the RCD-K-ML splinter faction in Kisangani.<br /> <br /> 1999/2000<br /> <br /> Moves to Bunia, Ituri district, with the RCD-K-ML rebels.<br /> <br /> 2002<br /> <br /> RCD-K-ML splinters. Joins the Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC) rebels.<br /> <br /> 2005<br /> <br /> Joins the Revolutionary Movement of Congo (MRC) rebels, but the militia group is short-lived.<br /> <br /> Nov 2005<br /> <br /> Placed on UN sanctions list for violating arms embargo.<br /> <br /> 2005/2006<br /> <br /> Joins the National Congress for the Defense of the People (CNDP) rebels and moves to Masisi, North Kivu.<br /> <br /> Aug 2006<br /> <br /> ICC issues sealed arrest warrant for Ntaganda for war crimes committed in Ituri.<br /> <br /> April 2008<br /> <br /> ICC arrest warrant for Ntaganda is made public.<br /> <br /> Jan 2009<br /> <br /> Overthrows Laurent Nkunda with the backing of Rwanda and takes over leadership of the CNDP.<br /> <br /> 2009<br /> <br /> Promoted to general in the Congolese army and appointed as deputy commander of military operations in eastern Congo.<br /> <br /> 2011<br /> <br /> Appointed acting commander of military operations.<br /> <br /> March 2012<br /> <br /> Ntaganda’s co-accused, Thomas Lubanga, found guilty of war crimes at the ICC.<br /> <br /> April 2012<br /> <br /> Ntaganda urges his loyalists to mutiny and desert the Congolese army, creating the March 23 Movement (M23).<br /> <br /> July 2012<br /> <br /> ICC issues second arrest warrant for Ntaganda for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Ituri.<br /> <br /> March 2013<br /> <br /> Surrenders himself to the US embassy in Kigali, Rwanda, after the M23 breaks apart, and is transferred to the ICC.<br /> <br /> February 2014<br /> <br /> Confirmation of charges hearing.<br /> <br /> June 2014<br /> <br /> The Pre-Trial Chamber of the ICC unanimously confirms 18 charges against Ntaganda for war crimes and crimes against humanity.<br /> <br /> September 2015<br /> <br /> Trial against Ntaganda begins.<br /> <br /> August 2018<br /> <br /> Trial against Ntaganda ends.<br /> <br /> July 2019<br /> <br /> Convicted on all 18 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity<br /> <br /> Your tax deductible gift can help stop human rights violations and save lives around the world.<br /> <br /> $50<br /> <br /> $100<br /> <br /> $250<br /> <br /> $500<br /> <br /> $1,000<br /> <br /> Other<br /> DONATE NOW<br /> Region / Country Africa Democratic Republic of Congo<br /> Topic International Justice Bosco Ntaganda International Criminal Court<br /> MORE READING<br /> Loading Photo<br /> July 2, 2019 Q & A<br /> Q&A: Bosco Ntaganda, DR Congo, and
ICC: Congo Warlord Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity<br /> Bosco Ntaganda Case Spotlights Need for Justice in DR Congo<br /> <br /> <br /> Print<br /> <br /> July 8, 2019 Video<br /> Video: Verdict on Former Congolese Warlord<br /> The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) conviction of the Congolese rebel leader Bosco Ntaganda sends a strong message that justice may await those responsible for grave crimes in the Democratic Republic of Congo. <br /> (The Hague) – The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) conviction of the Congolese rebel leader Bosco Ntaganda sends a strong message that justice may await those responsible for grave crimes in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Human Rights Watch said today. <br /> <br /> On July 8, 2019, a panel of three judges unanimously found Ntaganda guilty of 13 counts of war crimes and 5 counts of crimes against humanity committed in Ituri, eastern Congo, in 2002 and 2003. The charges included murder and attempted murder, rape, sexual slavery, attacking civilians, pillaging, displacement of civilians, attacking protected objects, and recruiting and using child soldiers. The judges found that Ntaganda and others agreed on a common plan to attack and drive the ethnic Lendu population out of Ituri through the commission of crimes. Human Rights Watch issued a question-and-answer document on Ntaganda’s trial.<br /> <br /> “The long-awaited judgment provides an important measure of justice for Bosco Ntaganda’s victims and puts others responsible for grave crimes on notice,” said Maria Elena Vignoli, international justice counsel at Human Rights Watch. “But renewed violence in eastern Congo highlights the need to address the impunity for other abusive leaders.”<br /> <br /> The resurgence of violence in Ituri since early June has left scores dead and displaced more than 300,000 people.<br /> <br /> During earlier fighting in Ituri, Ntaganda was chief of military operations of the Union of Congolese Patriots (Union des patriotes congolais, UPC), a predominantly ethnic Hema armed group. The UPC was led by Thomas Lubanga, who was convicted by the ICC in 2012 for using child soldiers. Between 2002 and 2005, forces under Ntaganda’s command were implicated in many serious crimes, including ethnic massacres, torture, rape, and the widespread recruitment of children, some as young as seven. The ICC issued two arrest warrants against Ntaganda, one in 2006 and one in 2012. Ntaganda surrendered to the United States embassy in Kigali, Rwanda in March 2013.<br /> <br /> If upheld on appeal, the case could become the first final conviction at the ICC for crimes of sexual violence, including against men. In addition to crimes against Lendu, the court found Ntaganda guilty of the war crimes of rape and sexual slavery against members of the UPC. This is the first time the ICC has convicted a commander for sexual violence offenses committed by his troops against other members of the same force.<br /> <br /> Human Rights Watch documented ethnic massacres, killings, rape, torture, and recruitment of child soldiers by troops under Ntaganda’s command in the Kivus, and called for these charges to be added to his case at the ICC. However, his trial, which began in September 2015 and concluded in August 2018, only dealt with crimes related to the Ituri conflict.<br /> <br /> In May 2019, Ntaganda filed a request to disqualify Judge Kuniko Ozaki, who in early 2019 briefly acted as Japanese ambassador to Estonia while still serving on the Ntaganda case. Ntaganda’s lawyers argued that the appearance of her judicial independence and impartiality had been compromised. In June 2019, a plenary of judges rejected the request, finding that the circumstances of Judge Ozaki’s tenure as ambassador did not disqualify her.<br /> <br /> The court will schedule hearings in the coming weeks to determine Ntaganda’s sentence and reparations for victims. It should take all necessary steps to ensure that affected communities in Congo learn about the judgment and next steps, including participating in the reparations proceedings, Human Rights Watch said.<br /> <br /> Ntaganda was the fourth person the ICC prosecuted for grave crimes in Congo. A fifth ICC arrest warrant is pending against Gen. Sylvestre Mudacumura, the military leader of a largely Rwandan Hutu armed group active in Congo, the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR). Congolese authorities, with the help of United Nations peacekeepers, should act urgently to arrest Mudacumura and surrender him to the ICC, Human Rights Watch said.<br /> <br /> The number and stature of Congo-related cases before the ICC have not addressed the scale of the crimes committed in the country since 2002, when the court’s jurisdiction started. Human Rights Watch has repeatedly urged the ICC prosecutor to expand the investigation in Congo to include, for example, the role of senior political and military officials from Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda who supported, armed, and financed abusive armed groups in eastern Congo over the years, as well as other crimes, including those committed in the attacks that began in Beni, North Kivu, in October 2014.<br /> <br /> The ICC prosecutor should formulate a clear strategy to address outstanding accountability needs in Congo, including by supporting Congolese authorities. This will help reinforce the rule of law and address Congo’s recurrent cycles of violence. The court, in turn, needs strong long-term support from ICC member countries, which should allocate sufficient resources to meaningfully address the court’s growing workload, Human Rights Watch said.<br /> <br /> “The verdict against Ntaganda is important, but thousands of victims of atrocity crimes in Congo still await justice,” Vignoli said. “The ICC and Congolese authorities should work together to bring to trial many more of those responsible for grave crimes, including senior officials.”<br /> <br /> Timeline on Bosco Ntaganda:<br /> <br /> 1973<br /> <br /> Born in Kinigi, Rwanda.<br /> <br /> 1990<br /> <br /> Joins Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) rebels in southern Uganda.<br /> <br /> 1994<br /> <br /> Fights with RPF to end the Rwandan genocide and joins the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA).<br /> <br /> 1996<br /> <br /> First Congo War begins - participates on the side of the RPA/Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo (AFDL).<br /> <br /> 1997<br /> <br /> Joins the Congolese army.<br /> <br /> 1998<br /> <br /> Second Congo War begins - joins the Rwandan backed Rally for Congolese Democracy (RCD) rebels in Goma.<br /> <br /> 1999<br /> <br /> RCD splits. Joins the RCD-K-ML splinter faction in Kisangani.<br /> <br /> 1999/2000<br /> <br /> Moves to Bunia, Ituri district, with the RCD-K-ML rebels.<br /> <br /> 2002<br /> <br /> RCD-K-ML splinters. Joins the Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC) rebels.<br /> <br /> 2005<br /> <br /> Joins the Revolutionary Movement of Congo (MRC) rebels, but the militia group is short-lived.<br /> <br /> Nov 2005<br /> <br /> Placed on UN sanctions list for violating arms embargo.<br /> <br /> 2005/2006<br /> <br /> Joins the National Congress for the Defense of the People (CNDP) rebels and moves to Masisi, North Kivu.<br /> <br /> Aug 2006<br /> <br /> ICC issues sealed arrest warrant for Ntaganda for war crimes committed in Ituri.<br /> <br /> April 2008<br /> <br /> ICC arrest warrant for Ntaganda is made public.<br /> <br /> Jan 2009<br /> <br /> Overthrows Laurent Nkunda with the backing of Rwanda and takes over leadership of the CNDP.<br /> <br /> 2009<br /> <br /> Promoted to general in the Congolese army and appointed as deputy commander of military operations in eastern Congo.<br /> <br /> 2011<br /> <br /> Appointed acting commander of military operations.<br /> <br /> March 2012<br /> <br /> Ntaganda’s co-accused, Thomas Lubanga, found guilty of war crimes at the ICC.<br /> <br /> April 2012<br /> <br /> Ntaganda urges his loyalists to mutiny and desert the Congolese army, creating the March 23 Movement (M23).<br /> <br /> July 2012<br /> <br /> ICC issues second arrest warrant for Ntaganda for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Ituri.<br /> <br /> March 2013<br /> <br /> Surrenders himself to the US embassy in Kigali, Rwanda, after the M23 breaks apart, and is transferred to the ICC.<br /> <br /> February 2014<br /> <br /> Confirmation of charges hearing.<br /> <br /> June 2014<br /> <br /> The Pre-Trial Chamber of the ICC unanimously confirms 18 charges against Ntaganda for war crimes and crimes against humanity.<br /> <br /> September 2015<br /> <br /> Trial against Ntaganda begins.<br /> <br /> August 2018<br /> <br /> Trial against Ntaganda ends.<br /> <br /> July 2019<br /> <br /> Convicted on all 18 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity<br /> <br /> Your tax deductible gift can help stop human rights violations and save lives around the world.<br /> <br /> $50<br /> <br /> $100<br /> <br /> $250<br /> <br /> $500<br /> <br /> $1,000<br /> <br /> Other<br /> DONATE NOW<br /> Region / Country Africa Democratic Republic of Congo<br /> Topic International Justice Bosco Ntaganda International Criminal Court<br /> MORE READING<br /> Loading Photo<br /> July 2, 2019 Q & A<br /> Q&A: Bosco Ntaganda, DR Congo, and
Ntaganda Enéas dit Bosco, de confession religieuse adventiste du septième jour, natif de Kinigi, ex-préfecture de Ruhengeri, fils de Kanyabugoyi, natif de Kinigi du sous clan Abagogwe, est Rwandais. Il n'a jamais acquis nationalité congolaise conformément à la loi congolaise. Il était soldat dans l'armée du FPR depuis 1990. Il n'a pas été démobilisé comme des milliers d'autres soldats de l'armée de Kagame. Il faisait partie d'un groupe de milliers de soldats rwandais que James Kabarebe, sur décision de Kagame, a intégrés dans l'armée congolaise dont il était chef d'Etat-major. C'est le même James qui les a octroyés des pièces d'identité congolaise et divers documents officiels, le tout au mépris de la loi congolaise. Sous réserve de prouver le contraire, il convient de constater et il est établi que les soldes de ces soldats étaient payés par la RDC mais les intéressés les plaçaient sur leurs comptes bancaires ouverts au Rwanda et nullement en RDC. Si Ntaganda est congolais par naturalisation, que celui qui soutient cette affirmation précise à quelle date il a été naturalisé, par quelle loi, par quel gouvernement et l'autorité congolaise qui a signé l'acte légal de naturalisation.<br /> Ntaganda Enéas est boucher de Congolais de l'armée de Kagame. Dans ces méfaits, il était armée et financée par le gouvernement rwandais sur décision de Kagame. Il agissait sur les ordres de James Kabarebe, lui aussi, agissant sur ordre de Kagame. Il s'ensuit que les véritables broyeurs des milliers de congolais sont Kagame et Kabarebe et nullement l'exécutant qu'est Ntaganda. La décision négative de la CPI est une décision politique. Même un idiot mongolien comprend parfaitement qu'un quasi-analphabète de l'armée de Kagame ne pouvait sûrement pas créer et nourrir des milliers de milices tueurs et assassins des Congolais d'une part et piller en flagrance les richesses de la RDC durant des années d'autre part. Où mettait-il des tonnes de butins( coltan, or, diamant, cobalt etc.?)<br /> Pourquoi Bensouda n'a-t-elle pas actionné les autres seigneurs de guerre dont le supérieur hiérarchique de Ntaganda? Le procès de la CPI contre celui-ci est une mise en scène folklorique judiciaire de mauvaise qualité. La CPI a dit la politique à la place du droit.
URI IKIGORYI....ARIKO wa njiji we Ka ...kabwa, ibi bigambo uhuragura hano biterwa nuko wishe ABAHUTU besnhi i BYUMBA ukabatera SIDA yishe nyoko nawe ukaba ugiye gupfa? SHIZOPHRENIA niyo ituma uhurutura ibyo bigamo? ABICANYI B'INYENZI we!! ngo duhuye wakora iki? uri ikigoryi. Iyo mutagira UK,USA,BURUNDI,TZ.....etc ubu abatutsi muba mwarashize. Nongere nkwibuste wa muswa we: DUHUYE NAKURANGIZA NUBWO SIDA igiye kukwirangiriza. Naho kuvuga ko FDLR ari giporoporo UZABAZE james kabarebe UYIHOZA MU KANYWA.....niba se nta mbaraga FDLR ifite , mujya muri CONGO mwikanga iki? muyihoza mu binyamakuru kubera iki?iyo mujya muri CONGO hari indi mitwe se murwanyayo uretse FDLR? SHA, MU RWANDA habaye DEMOCACY, ABATUTSI BAJYA BATUNGWA N'AMABYI YABO BANEYE kuko ubwoko bw'ABAHUTU nta wakongera kubareba. Na bwa butuba bwabo barata bwaswezwa n'imbwa!!mbese ubundi ko wumva mufite ingufu, mutinyira iki DEMOCRACY? MWICIRA ABAHUTU IKI? nuko muzi ko DEMOCRACY yahita ibarangiza sha.....GENDA wa murwayi wa SIDA.sha wowe wiyita @Ka.....se witwa Kabwa; Kabwebwe? uko byagenda kose uri igicucu kabisa. Ese warize? urasoma amateka nyayo? sha ushobora kuba warize(educated) BUT you are naive,ignorant and uninformed!!! ngo RWANDA ifite igisoda gikomeye muri AFRICA? yaaayaaa!! uri ikigoryo kweli. M23 yari yarashinzwe na mayobobu sobuja kagome, yiswhe nande muri KIVU? si FDLR ifatanije na NKURUZNIZA, GIKWETE na ZUMA? SHA babakubitiye hariya musubira mu RWANDA munyara amaraso>>> vanaho ubwo buswa bw'uko bakubeshya kubera kozwa mu mutwe ngo RWANDA ifite igisoda? NTACYO
Twashakaga kwibutsa abudukurikirana ko Bosco Ntaganda twabanye nawe tukamugira inama yo guhagarika ubwicanyi arabyanga, duhita tumuha akato nyuma yaho kagame yohereza ingabo 1000 zivuye mu rwanda zije guhiga Ntaganda ngo zimwice ave k'ubuyobozi bwo kuyobora M23 himikwe Sultani Makenga.<br /> Icyo gihe kagame yakije umuriro kuri Ntaganda maze Ntaganda abonye ko bimukomeranye aradutelefona adusaba umusaza, tumubwira ko ntadashobora kwivanga mu ikibazo jye na kagame, ariko ko dushobora kumufasha guhunga batamwishe. <br /> <br /> Ubwo twavuganaga kuri telefoni Makenga n'ingabo za kagame benda gufata Ntaganda, nuko tumubwira strategie yakoresha kugirango agere mu agace du controla gutyo abarwanyi bacu bamufashe gutoroka.<br /> <br /> Niko byagenze twaramutorokesheje kugeza tumuhaye ingabo za amerika ziba arizo zimujyana muri ambassade ya usa i kigali ahava muri jet privat yerekeza mu igihugu cy'ubuholandi gufungwa.<br /> <br /> <br /> Bosco Ntaganda twarokoye amagara ye aho ari azajye adushimira n'ubwo bwose yahamwe n'ibyaha 18 byose ari byibuze we araryama agasinzira kurusha ba Laurent Nkundabatware na Sultani Makenga bwira ntibamenye niba buri buke kagame atabivuganye.<br /> <br /> <br /> Icyo umuntu yakwibaza ku ikatirwa rya Ntaganda ni ukumenya inyungu kagame yakuye mu kwica Pratrick Karegeya amuziza ko ngo yavuze ko aho gufunga Ntaganda hagombaga gufungwa umukoresha ariwe kagame.<br /> <br /> muyandi magambo Patrick Karegeya yashatse kuvuga ko aho kwica gitera kari kwitabwa kukibimutera. Bosco Ntaganda se, yakuragahe intwaro zo kwica si kagame wazimuhaga?<br /> <br /> Ubusahuzi bw'amabuye y'agaciro Ntaganda yakoraga hari muri Ituri se, yabaga yabutumwe namwe si kagame?<br /> None se ibyo Bosco Ntaganda yasahuye byagiyehe ntabwo ari kagame ubibundarayeho?<br /> <br /> Ubwo se Patrick Karegeya yarabeshyaga aho ya´vugaga ko agiye muri ICC gusaba ko Bosco Ntaganda arekurwa hagafatwa Kagame?<br /> <br /> None ko Kagame yishe Karegeya, ubu kagame nibwo atekanye? Inyungu kagame yabikuyemo n'iyihe?<br /> <br /> Icyo mutazire nuko iri somwa ry'urubanza rwa Ntaganda ni ikimenyetso cg integuza yo kubwira kagame ko igihe cyo kwishyura ubwicanyi amaze imyaka akora cyageze ni yitegure neza kuko ikibatsi cy'umuriro kirimo kumusatira kandi nawe ubwe ibi tuvuga arabizi kurusha abandi bose.<br /> <br /> Ngicyo igihembo cy'inkoramaraso zose zizashirira mu buroko izindi zizabeho zitabayeho zihore zibunza imitima zikanga baringa.<br /> <br /> Abazi ubwenge nti muzagwe mu umutego wa kagame ngo mukore amakora yo kumena amaraso mwabigambiriye kuko umunsi mwabikoze muzaba mwitandukanyije n'Imana kuzageza mwishyuye.<br /> <br /> Kagame nabohereza kwica mujye mutoroka muhungire kure aho kwijandika mu imivu y'amaraso asama.<br /> <br /> <br /> Mwari kumwe na Hutupower kandi twabijeje ko ibintu birimo gufata isura mwihangane na kagame turamucakira nta kabuza.
Ntwari ,Mugabo Christoph na Hutu de Byumba ,ko ntacyo mutubwira kuri Pasteri Warren mubyo Pierre Pean yise les Guerres secretes en Afrique(2008).Ubu ari mu Rwanda mu gucengeza inkuru nziza ya Yezu Kristu.
@MUKASINE Ni inde munyarwanda waje kukuririra se ngo umufashe wa njiji we? Nibe na Leta y'u Rwanda yishyurira amashuli abana bava mu muryango idafite ubushobozi bwo kubishyurira. Wowe wishyurira nde? Mbere yo gutokora umwanda uri mu jisho rya mugenzi wawe banza ukure umugogoro uri mu ryawe.
Niko se Nterahamwe y'i Byumba we, uretse ko wivugiye ko uri inkoramaraso ko umbonye wankorera nk'ibyo wakoze muri 1994 igihe wakoraga genocide wakoreye abatutsi ikindi uvuze kirimo ubwenge Ni iki? Reka rero nkubwire turamutse duhuye icyabaho. Kunyica byo ntiwabishobora kuko nzi neza ko nta ngufu undusha. ahubwo nagufata nkakujyana mu kigo ngororamuco nubwo ushaje bagerageza kugukuramo ubwo bugoryi n'ubugome bagushyize mu bwonko bakagushyiramo ubumuntu n'ubwenge maze ukareka kunya uhora uririra mu myotsi ngo Kikwete na Nkurunziza bagufashije kunesha umutwe w'abakongomani witwaga. M23. Ko wumva se bagutsindiye M23, ubu wafashe Kigali maze ukomeza kwica abantu nk'uko wabigenzaga muri 1994? Byakubujije se Kuba ushaje uri inzererezi? Hari ikintu kimwe wibeshyaho cyane. Ntukajye wiyitirira ubwoko bw'abahutu kuko wowe nturi umuhutu ahubwo uri ikigoryi cy'umwicanyi. Ntukajye usebya ubwoko bw'abahutu kuko hariho abahutu benshi b'abagabo bazi n'ubwenge naho wowe uri imbwa y'igicucu gihora cyihisha inyuma y'amoko. erega nta munyarwanda ugishukwa n'ibyo bitakaragasi byawe ngo ni amoko, aho byabagejeje barahabonye. Iyo wiyita umuhutu rero kandi uri ikivume kubera amaraso wamennye mba mbona ubabaje. Mbigusubiriremo Bitinde bitebuke uzafatwa kuko ntiwarusha fils la Forge Bazeye kubwejagura ngo aravugira FDLR Giporoporo.
ARIKO wa njiji we Ka ...kabwa, ibi bigambo uhuragura hano biterwa nuko wishe ABAHUTU besnhi i BYUMBA ukabatera SIDA yishe nyoko nawe ukaba ugiye gupfa? SHIZOPHRENIA niyo ituma uhurutura ibyo bigamo? ABICANYI B'INYENZI we!! ngo duhuye wakora iki? uri ikigoryi. Iyo mutagira UK,USA,BURUNDI,TZ.....etc ubu abatutsi muba mwarashize. Nongere nkwibuste wa muswa we: DUHUYE NAKURANGIZA NUBWO SIDA igiye kukwirangiriza. Naho kuvuga ko FDLR ari giporoporo UZABAZE james kabarebe UYIHOZA MU KANYWA.....niba se nta mbaraga FDLR ifite , mujya muri CONGO mwikanga iki? muyihoza mu binyamakuru kubera iki?iyo mujya muri CONGO hari indi mitwe se murwanyayo uretse FDLR? SHA, MU RWANDA habaye DEMOCACY, ABATUTSI BAJYA BATUNGWA N'AMABYI YABO BANEYE kuko ubwoko bw'ABAHUTU nta wakongera kubareba. Na bwa butuba bwabo barata bwaswezwa n'imbwa!!mbese ubundi ko wumva mufite ingufu, mutinyira iki DEMOCRACY? MWICIRA ABAHUTU IKI? nuko muzi ko DEMOCRACY yahita ibarangiza sha.....GENDA wa murwayi wa SIDA
@Hutu de Byumba. Uti FDLR izafata u Rwanda? Hahahahaha!!!!! Ibyo uvuze ntaho bitaniye no kuvuga ngo Umusega uzanesha Intare. FDLR yabaye balinga niyo utegereje ko izanesha ingabo zikomeye muri Afrika ingabo z'u Rwanda? Umuntu wogeje ubwenko bw'interahamwe yarazihemukiye. Yazujujemo ubugome n'ubugoryi ariko azihisha ubwenge n'ubushishozi. Abantu bazima Bose bavuye kuri FDLR bitahira iwabo mu Rwanda none FDLR isigaye ivugirwa gusa n'umwicanyi kabombo wirirwa akwiza ingengabitekerezo y'amacakabiri kuri veritasinfo yiyita ngo Ni Hutu de BYUMBA. Ese wagiye wiyita nibura Hutu du Rwanda ra? Ariko ntiwabishobora kuko ironda Koko n'itonda karere byaragucengeye ku buryo ubisazanye ugiye no kubihambanwa. Bitinde butebuke ariko nawe uzafatwa ukanirwe urugukwiye. Na sowanyu Mugesera Deo ntiwari uzi ko azashyikirizwa ubutabera. Nawe Ni igihe gito ugashyirwa ahagaragara hanyuma tukareba ko iyo Mana yawe ngo Ni FDLR Giporoporo igutabara da!
WA KIBWA WE,ujye wirinda gukanda ABAHUTU bose kuko bose si ba MUGESERA LEO!!! uzumirwa sha!!! nkubonye nagukubita igisongo mu kabuno kawe kanuka!! nkakagaburira ingona zo muri MUHAZI
sha wowe wiyita @Ka.....se witwa Kabwa; Kabwebwe? uko byagenda kose uri igicucu kabisa. Ese warize? urasoma amateka nyayo? sha ushobora kuba warize(educated) BUT you are naive,ignorant and uninformed!!! ngo RWANDA ifite igisoda gikomeye muri AFRICA? yaaayaaa!! uri ikigoryo kweli. M23 yari yarashinzwe na mayobobu sobuja kagome, yiswhe nande muri KIVU? si FDLR ifatanije na NKURUZNIZA, GIKWETE na ZUMA? SHA babakubitiye hariya musubira mu RWANDA munyara amaraso>>> vanaho ubwo buswa bw'uko bakubeshya kubera kozwa mu mutwe ngo RWANDA ifite igisoda? NTACYO
Ceceka wa gaterahamwe we ngo Ni MUKASINE kiyita Hutu de Byumba. Ingengo y'imari y'u Rwanda ubwiwe n'iki uko izakoreshwa ko utaba mu Rwanda? Ni inde ukwatse imisoro wa kivume we ko nta misoro y'abicanyi u Rwanda rukeneye. Ipfire nabi iyongiyo iyo wirirwa uzerera nka gahini amaze kwica Abeli naho imibereho y'abanyarwanda ntacyo uyiziho niyo mpamvu wirirwa urogombwa kugeza igihe uzapfira. Urakarigata munsi y'amabya ya so
niko wa kibwa we giswera agashino ka nyina urwaye SIDA, urongeye sha!! ngo nta misoro dutanga? wa kivume we AID mubona ntiva mu misoro itangwa n'abantu baba hanze? mutayibonye mwapfa mwa n yenzi mwe!! mu RWANDA , ABAHUTU nibo besnhi kandi nibo babaha icyo kurya harimo imisoro myinshi mubaka mwa nyenzi mwe!! abo BAHUTUbatabafashije mwashira mwa nyenzi mwe......nubundi muri ibihome.
Ceceka wa gaterahamwe we ngo Ni MUKASINE kiyita Hutu de Byumba. Ingengo y'imari y'u Rwanda ubwiwe n'iki uko izakoreshwa ko utaba mu Rwanda? Ni inde ukwatse imisoro wa kivume we ko nta misoro y'abicanyi u Rwanda rukeneye. Ipfire nabi iyongiyo iyo wirirwa uzerera nka gahini amaze kwica Abeli naho imibereho y'abanyarwanda ntacyo uyiziho niyo mpamvu wirirwa urogombwa kugeza igihe uzapfira. Urakarigata munsi y'amabya ya so
niko wa kibwa we giswera agashino ka nyina urwaye SIDA, urongeye sha!! ngo nta misoro dutanga? wa kivume we AID mubona ntiva mu misoro itangwa n'abantu baba hanze? mutayibonye mwapfa mwa n yenzi mwe!! mu RWANDA , ABAHUTU nibo besnhi kandi nibo babaha icyo kurya harimo imisoro myinshi mubaka mwa nyenzi mwe!! abo BAHUTUbatabafashije mwashira mwa nyenzi mwe......nubundi muri ibihome.
MUKASINE Reka izo nyenzi zigume zishinge mayibobu maze zose azazimare FDLR yinjire neza ...Gukenesha abaturage cyane cyane ABAHUTU? izo nyenzi zizumirwa tuuu!!.. ariko RWANDA waragowe: kuyoborwa na mayibobu wacuruzaga amagi yabaga yibye hariya KAMPALA koko!!! sha DEMOCARCY iramutse igeze mu RWANDA,hakaba amatora nyayo adafifitse nka rya kinamico rya mayibobo, niho wabona aho ABAHUTU BOSE BAJYA: muri FDLR. Abatutsi mwahinduka amateka sha!!!
Undi mutwe uri muri Congo ufite inkomoko mu Rwanda Ni FDLR. Iyi iyobowe n'ingabo zatsinzwe mu Rwanda hamwe n'interahamwe zasize zikoze genocide yakorewe abatutsi mu Rwanda. Nyuma yo gutsindwa mu Rwanda no gukora genode, izo nyeshyamba ubu zibarirwa mu mitwe y'ibyihebe nka Al Shabab, Al quaida, Islamic state... Ubu FDLR yirirwa isahura Abaturage ba Congo, nyuma yo kwica abakongomani batagira ingano FDLR yafashe ku ngufu abagore n'abacyecuru b'abakongomanikazi. FDLR iranaregwa Kandi gufata bugwate abanyarwanda yatwaye muri Congo ku ngufu Aho yirirwa ibakoresha imirimo y'uburetwa ngo kuko Ari abahutu ikaba inababuza kwitahira mu gihugu cyabo ngo abana babo bajye mu ishuli banavuzwe. Dutegereje ko FDLR nayo urukiko rwa La Hugh ruzayicira urubanza. Ariko nirutanayicira urubanza abanyarwanda ubwabo bazicyemurira ikibazo cya FDLR kuko abanyarwanda ntabwo bakiri babandi bahora bategeye amaboko abanyamahanga ngo bazabacyemurire ibibazo cyane cyane ko ruriya rukiko rwa La Hugh rukoreshwa n'inyungu za Politiki kuruta gukoreshwa n'ubutabera. Abanyarwanda ndetse bageze kure bacyemura ikibazo cya FDLR kuko Imbaraga za gisirikare uyu mutwe wari ufite mu myaka 10 ishize zaragabanutse cyane kubera ingabo z'u Rwanda zakomeje gushegesha uyu mutwe. Magingo Aya FDLR isigaye imeze nk'igiporoporo kitagira iyo kigana.
Reka izo nyenzi zigume zishinge mayibobu maze zose azazimare FDLR yinjire neza ..... ariko RWANDA waragowe: kuyoborwa na mayibobu wacuruzaga amagi yabaga yibye hariya KAMPALA koko!!! sha DEMOCARCY iramutse igeze mu RWANDA,hakaba amatora nyayo adafifitse nka rya kinamico rya mayibobo, niho wabona aho ABAHUTU BOSE BAJYA: muri FDLR. Abatutsi mwahinduka amateka sha!!!
@Ka uri ikigoryi cy'inyenzi; nta bwenge ugira. Iyo FDLR wirwa uvuma ejo izaza igukebe ayo mabya yawe na ka gashino ka nyoko izagakeba ihahe imbwa. FDLR wayituka utayituka iriho kandi izafata RWANDA. puuuu wa gicucu we
@ HUTU DE BYUMBA<br /> Ugize uti : „Reka izo nyenzi zigume zishinge mayibobu maze zose azazimare ……“<br /> Inyenzi zishinga Mayibobo akabo muzakibonera ndetse vuba cyane.<br /> <br /> Amakuru mfite nuko Kagame ari gukubitwa muri PLAN ye ya kabili. Nubona umwanya wumve ibyo Marara yavuze ki Inyenyeri kuko bishimangira ibyo umuntu umpa amakuru iKigali yambwiye ejo.<br /> <br /> Mayibobo yinjiye muri Kongo afite Plan 2: gukubita ingabo za Kayumba, yarangiza agatera ISE Museveni. Yafashe abasoda benshi barimo aba demob (ndetse n‘ abahutu bo hasi), ababeshya ko bafite akazi maze abohereza muri Kongo kujya kurwana. Gukubita Kayumba byaramworoheye, kuko nyamaSWA uretse ikinanda na ngufu kandi nta nigisoda azi ; azi gusa ibyo yakoreraga Shebuja Mayibobo: gukubita AGAFUNI no kuroga. Kagame amwita ikigarasha, naho abandi basoda nka Munyuza bamwita ikimuga<br /> <br /> Mayibobo yashatse kurwanya abanyamulenge abona bitoroshye, none ubu ngo yafashe inzira yo muri Itiru aho afatanyije na ADF (irwanya Museveni). Ariko ngo kubera ukuntu abafaransa bafasha Museveni, ngo drone yafashe amafoto yo mu birindiro byabo none ngo bari gukubitwa izakabwana. Mbabajwe n’abahutu yajyanyeyo ariko kuko atari ibicucu, barahita bava muri uwo muriro…<br /> <br /> Analyse nkora nuko Kagame mission asigaje ariyo kwica INYENZI nkuru Museveni maze ahasigaye tugakuraho umwanda. Muzabyibonera kandi
Urakoze cyane @Gahutu Remy kuri aya makuru meza utanze kuko nubundi utanga amakuru afite ishingiro. Nibyo koko mayibobo ageze mu bihe bibi ; igihe cyose ashobora kwicwa. Niyo mpamvu mubona atakibano mu RWANDA
Bosco Ntaganda yavukiye mu rwanda, aba umusirikari w'inyenzi, avuga ikinyarwanda nta giswahili cg ilingala avuga none ngo ni umu general wo muri kongo?<br /> <br /> Abatutsi ni abihanduza cumu pe.<br /> <br /> U rwanda n'aka rere byagwishije ishyano guturwa n'ubwoko nk'ubu bwitwara kinyamaswa.
Utazi ubwenge ashima ubwe. Inyenzi zizi ko zizi kubeshya ko kandi abahutu, abakongomani ari ibicucu. Kabarebe yigize CONGOLAIS, maze kugira ngo ayobye uburari yigira UMUFANA wa TP Englebert (Ikipe iKinshasa wagereranya na Kiyovu Sport iKigali). Bwarakeye Kabila aramwirukana maze yisangira mwene wabo Kagame, aba ni umufana ya Kiyoni (corbeau) Sport( Ikipe y’ inyenzi).<br /> <br /> Uwitwa Karahamuheto ati ndi umuhavu kandi nitwa KARAHA le Congolais, ati ndashaka kubuhoza abanyekongo baboshywe na Kabila, dictateur… None haje demokratie Karahamiheto yisangira mushiki we Rose Kabuye umwenyura nkawe. Siniriwe mvuga Nkundabatware wiyitaga NKUNDA none akaba yarsubiranye akazina ke ka Nkundabatware akaba yibera iKigali aho ngo Sida imumereye nabi.<br /> <br /> Abakurikiye urubanza rwa Ntaganda mwiyumviye namwe umunyekongo wivugira ikinyarwanda gusa mugihe abanyekongo barngwa no kuvuga indimi nyinshi cyane cyane igiswahili, ilingala, igifaransa. Yiyitaga umukongomani bamaze kumufunga yemera kumugaragaro ko ari umunyarwanda. Genda INYENZI mwaneye isoni, ariko nkuko abarundi bavuga nimwe MWIHENDA kuko ibinyoma byanyu (nka Bagosora yahanuye indege ya Kinani) nta munyarwanda numwe, nta muruundi cyangwa umukongomani ubyemera. Kabone niyo Macron yabishimangira inshuro igihumbi
Ange gashino ka nyina nawe ni umwicanyi. Yishe abantu hariya kuri MUHAZI ngo nuko babonye agatuba ke da!! inyenzi koko ni ibicucu!!
Bakagombye gufata iriya mbwa mujeri kagome yacuruzaga amagi yabaga yibye i KAMPALA ,kuko niwe wabaga yatumye NTaganda
Nirihe somo umunta yavana muri ruriya rubanza ?<br /> <br /> Ntaganda ni umututsi nakwita petit joueur. Wigishijwe kwicana na Kayumba hamwe na Kagame. Ibyo bamurega koko yarabiokoze ndetse anarenzaho n’ ibindi bitavugwa igihe yari Muri M23, CNDP aho bishe abakongomani barenga Miliyoni 5 bagasahura bashyira Kagame wahitaga abigeza kuri ba Shebuja b’abazungu barimo Louis Michel, T. Blair, ect…. <br /> <br /> Ibi byose abacamanza bo muri La Haye barabizi, ariko ntibabiha agaciro, ahubwo baravuza Vuvuzella babeshya isi ko bakoreye ubutabera abanyekongo nkaho ubuzima bw’ abanyekongo bufite icyo bubabwiye.<br /> <br /> Abanyafurika cyane cyane abo mu karere kiwacu, nitwibeshye ngo Benemadamu bagize impuwe, ngo bakoreye Benewacu bishwe kubera ubusambo bw’ abazungu bakoresha abicanyi nka Kagame mu gusahura no kwica abanyafurika!<br /> <br /> Icyo abatutsi benshi batabona nuko Kagame/ Kayumba nubwo bica abanyekongo, abahutu, bafata ubwoko bw’ abatutsi nkibitambo bizabageza ku mihigo yabo. Mwiyumviye namwe ukuntu abasoda ba Kayumba muri Minembwe bari kuraswa mugihe amafaranga yagombaga kugura intwaro nyamaSWA yayajyanye mu bucuruzi bwe. Siniriwe mvuga Rwigara nawa MUganga wa Kagame(Kayumba yakoreshaga) kugeza igihe Mayibobo ibimenye ikabica! Bateje Jenoside y’abatutsi, banga ko ONU itabara. Ibi byose ariko ntibibuza abatutsi benshi barimo uwiyita NTWARI gukomeza gukorera abantu bari kubacukurira URWOBO bazabasigamo akari cyera. B. Ntaganda yarakwiye kuba isomo ku Batutsi bakomeje kwisunga Kagame, kuko nkuko bavuga AKAMASA KAZAZIMARA KAZIVUKAMO.
Ibintu uvuze nibyo kandi ubivuze neza dore ko ufite ibitekerezo byiza cyane. Reka izo nyenzi zigume zishinge mayibobu maze zose azazimare FDLR yinjire neza ..... ariko RWANDA waragowe: kuyoborwa na mayibobu wacuruzaga amagi yabaga yibye hariya KAMPALA koko!!!
muri iyi audio baravuga ngo delegation ivuye kwa trump iri munzira ijya i mulenge gupanga urugamba.<br /> <br /> uwo bita trump, ni Kagame batache kwerura ngo bavuge izina.<br /> <br /> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHjnsXSokXM
Umva amajwi ahishura umugambi Kagame n'abamwe mu Banyamurenge bafite wo kugira Minembwe igihugu<br /> <br /> Kagame arimo kohereza abanyamulenge babaga mu nkambi zo mu rwanda kujya kurwana muri kongo ni mwiyumvire aho amashitani ageze:<br /> <br /> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHjnsXSokXM
Mu rubanza rwa Ntaganda harimo amanyanga menshi. Kuki urukikorutagaragaza uruhare rwa Kigali mu byaha Ntaganda yakoze? Ntibyumvikana ukuntu Ntaganda yahungiye muri Ambassade y'abanyamerika bakaba ari bo bamwohereza i La Haye. Birazwi ko USA atari umunyamuryango wa ruriya rukiko kimwe n'abagaragu babo b'i Kigali. Byagenze bite kugira ngo ambassade y'abanyamerika abe ariyo yohereza Ntaganda i La Haye? Kuki yahungaga Kigali? bapfaga iki?
Inyenzi zaratsinze erega!!!<br /> <br /> Isi isigaye ali iyazo.Zabanje kwigarulira ibihugu bitagira banyirabyo nk'u Rwanda na RD Congo.Ziba umutungo uhagije muli RD Congo ziwukoresha mu kwikwigarulira indi si isigaye.Ubu nibo bafunga bagafungura,nibo bateza intambara bagatanga amahoro cyane cyane mu Biyaga Bigali.Nibo basigaye ali abayobozi ntangarugero ku buryo ibindi bihugu bisimburana kujya kwihugugura mu Bunaralibonye mu kuzamura ibihugu.Ubu abize diplome zabo zataye agaciro kuko Kagame yaberetse ko higa abaswa kandi ntibigere bagira icyo bunguka niyo baminuje (PhD holders).Yabiberetse ajya gutanga amasomo muli Havard University.Abibereka igihe bayobozi b'Africa bamusaba kuvugurura Africa Union yuzuyemo ba experts batabalika baminuje n'ibidegre biremereye.<br /> <br /> Genda wa si we waragowe.Imperuka yaraje abenshi ntibabimenya kuko ntareba ikintu na kimwe abamwogeza baheraho cyigatuma bamugira icyamamare,indakoreka kuburyo adakulikiranwa ku byaha birenze urugero yakoreye abanyarwanda n'abakongomani caporal Ntaganda akaba ali we uburanishwa mu mwanya we.
Mfite ubwoba ko kamege ashobora kuzategeka urwanda kugeza ku buvivi n’ubuvivure bwe.<br /> 1-/ Ntawe ushobora kwirukana Pk mu nzira y’amatora cyangwa intambara. Revolution ya rubanda nayo ntishoboka kuko abanyarwanda ntibashobora gushyira hamwe ngo bose bajye mu muhanda berekeze muri Village Urugwiro. Ntabwo umucikacumu usenga Kagame, wishyuriwe amashuri ye yose, akavuzwa buri ndwara yose, akubakirwa inzu na farg na za Ibuka zabo yajya kwifatanya n’umuhutu uzahajwe na TIG. Sinavuga ko abacikacumu bose biyumvamo Kagame cg se abatutsi bose, ariko na none bizagorana cyane kugirango abahutu n’abatutsi bishyire hamwe bikize iyi ngoma y’agahotoro. Abahutu ntibabikora bonyine kuko muri ya matiku ya fpr yahita ivuga ko bashaka kongera gukora iyindi genocide. Ubwo nawe nyine urumva uko kagame n’ingabo ze bahita babigenza. Opposition nyarwanda mwari mukwiye guhuza imbaraga nibwo n’abari mu gihugu baboneraho. Gukomeza amacakubiri ni uguhenera uzi guhengereza (fpr).
Yewe urashekeje cyane ngo Opposition bashyira hamwe? Abo bose ubona nukwishakira indamu zabo gusa nimiryango yabo bonyine, ntibakeneye no kumva imisonga ya rubanda nyarwanda nagato, ibisambo nibisahiranda, abagambanyi, abahakirizwa gusa gusa nabacakara babazungu ngibho ibyabanyarwanda bari za Amerika nu Burayi. FPR - Inkotanyi izategeka urwanda kuzageza isi irangiye. Abari abagabo nyabagabo barishwe bararimburwa ntanumwe ukiriho hasigaye imbwa gusa gusa zirirwa zihakirizwa. <br /> Yarabivuze ATI ngo bankuraho baviye muzihe nzira? Iyo mukirere? Muntambara se? Hehe se? Ntaho yabivuze ukuri.
Ejo bazamurekura!