Congratulations to President-Elect Uhuru Kenyatta

Publié le par veritas President-elect,

On behalf of my political party, The Rwandan Dream Initiative [RDI], operating abroad, and on behalf of the Rwandan refugees, I congratulate you for your election to the highest and most demanding position of the Kenyan nation.

We also convey our congratulations to the Kenyan people for their exemplary behavior by voting peacefully, and that is a testimony of a political maturity and a clear sense of responsibility to consolidate democracy in your country.

The Kenyan people and you have once again shown to the world that freedom of choice must be the cornerstone of democracy for which your father, the late President Jomo Kenyatta, dedicated his life in fighting foreign domination.

My party RDI and I hope that other African leaders, especially those still cementing their dictatorship system in the region, in particular, leaders of my country, Rwanda, will consider this period in time to be critical and follow the Kenyan example of democracy. We believe that democracy is not only possible in Kenya but elsewhere in Africa. For this one reason, we must defend it not only as the only path to follow to reach a peaceful coexistence of our people but also as a guaranty for stability in the region, and on the African continent as a whole.

We wish you God's guidance as you embark on the difficult task of governing the country. Once again, Mr. President-elect, accept our warmest congratulations upon your well-deserved victory in a free and fair election.


Faustin Twagiramungu
Ex-Prime Minister of Rwanda
RDI-Rwanda Rwiza Chairman 

Publié dans ANGLAIS

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