Hommage au grand journaliste Français Pierre Péan, ami de l'Afrique ! Il n’a jamais eu peur des polémiques !

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C'est un ami de l'Afrique qui s'en va : Pierre Péan ! Chapeau bas, pour ce grand journaliste Français d'investigation aux enquêtes fouillées. Il avait la passion de son métier. Le diamant de Bokassa, c'est lui. Les Affaires africaines franco-gabonaises, c'est encore lui. Il a gagné son procès contre des lobbyistes qui voulaient le museler pour son livre: «Noirs fureurs, blancs menteurs»!

Le journalisme d'investigation a perdu une de ses plus grandes plumes. Courageux et téméraire, le journaliste Pierre Péan n'a jamais eu peur des polémiques.  Enquêteur chevronné, Pierre  Péan  avait pour sujets de prédilection l'Afrique, les médias et la face cachée des personnalités politiques, avec notamment le passé trouble de l'ex-président socialiste François Mitterrand pendant l'occupation nazie,  les diamants de Bokassa,  TF1, la face cachée du Monde, Affaires africaines, Nouvelles affaires africaines: Mensonges et pillages au Gabon, Noires fureurs, blancs menteurs: Rwanda 1990/1994, La République des mallettes: Enquête sur la principauté française de non-droit, Jean Moulin, l'ultime mystère, Le monde selon K., Carnages. Les guerres secrètes des grandes puissances en Afrique, Une France sous influence: Quand le Qatar fait de notre pays son terrain de jeu, Ma petite France...sont ses ouvrages.

Pour une triste nouvelle, c'en est une: le décès de Pierre Péan, grand journaliste français d'investigation. Notre confrère "Roger Bongos" est très attristé, lui qui espérait faire préfacer son ouvrage sur la République démocratique du Congo par ce grand ami de l'AfriqueLa grande passion de ce journaliste, né en 1938, est l'Afrique, un continent qu'il arpente depuis 1962. Carnages est une somme, celle de "Pierre l'Africain", comme disent ses amis. Il y raconte le jeu des grandes puissances, Etats-Unis en tête, sur ce continent depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Son propos est centré sur la région des Grands Lacs : Rwanda, Ouganda, Soudan, RDC... Une région regorgeant de minerais et de querelles ethniques, d'ambitions politiques et de massacres à grande échelle. Des millions de civils - personne ne connaît le chiffre exact - y sont morts en une quinzaine d'années.

Ce qui révolte Pierre Péan, ce sont " les militants qui trient entre les bons et méchants morts, en usant du tamis de la repentance ", comme si les " maux d'Afrique ne s'expliquaient que par un seul mot : la France. La parution de Noires fureurs, blancs menteurs avait valu de sérieux ennuis à son auteur, tant il remettait en cause le consensus " droits-de-l'hommiste " au sujet du Rwanda. Homme de gauche, " j'étais devenu pour une fraction de l'élite française raciste, révisionniste, négationniste et antisémite ", confie-t-il. Des procès lui furent intentés, en France et en Belgique.  Sous la présidence de Nicolas Sarkozy, l'association Survie et des lobbyistes pro-rwandais ont tenté à plusieurs reprises de faire museler Pierre Péan et Charles Onana sur leurs ouvrages  sur le Rwanda. Entre 2009-2010, plusieurs de leurs conférences ont été annulées. Pierre Péan a été traité de négationniste voire de révisionniste sur le Rwanda.

Le journaliste Pierre Péan est l’un des plus grands journalistes qui a enquêté sur le Rwanda.  Dans son livre paru en 2010 (Carnages. Les guerres secrètes des grandes puissances en Afrique), il a démontré que l’attentat contre le Falcon 50 de Juvénal Habyarimana a été commandité par Paul Kagamé, qui s'est  servi des Tutsi dans le cadre d’une grande conspiration internationale visant à évincer la France de la région des Grands Lacs et à isoler le Soudan. Survie et d'autres lobbyistes pro-rwandais ne l'ont pas épargné, ils lui ont collé un procès et l'ont accusé de provocation raciale dans son livre sur le génocide: Noirs fureurs, blancs menteurs !

"Rwanda: accusé de provocation raciale dans son livre sur le génocide, Pierre Péan relaxé en appel 

PARIS (AFP) - mercredi 18 novembre 2009 - 14h58 - La cour d'appel de Paris a confirmé mercredi la relaxe de l'écrivain et enquêteur Pierre Péan et de son éditeur qui étaient poursuivis pour diffamation raciale et provocation à la haine à la suite du livre sur le génocide rwandais "Noires fureurs, blancs menteurs". Son avocate, Me Florence Bourg, a salué "une victoire de la liberté d'expression". De son côté, l'avocat de SOS Racisme, partie civile au procès, Me Lef Forster, a annoncé qu'il allait se pourvoir en cassation.

Dans ce livre sur le génocide rwandais, qui en 1994 a fait selon l'ONU 800.000 morts, essentiellement parmi la minorité tutsie, Pierre Péan soutient que "la culture du mensonge et de la dissimulation domine toutes les autres chez les Tutsis""Dès leur plus tendre enfance, écrit-il encore dans les quatre pages incriminées, les jeunes Tutsis étaient initiés à la réserve, au mensonge, à la violence et à la médisance". "C'est ce qui fait de cette race l'une des plus menteuses qui soit sous le soleil".

En octobre 2006, de telles affirmations avaient décidé SOS Racisme à porter plainte. Pour l'association, ces propos - d'autant plus graves selon elle qu'ils émanent d'un écrivain "de renommée" - sont les mêmes que ceux qui ont conduit au génocide. En dépit de cette argumentation, le 7 novembre 2008, le tribunal correctionnel de Paris avait relaxé Pierre Péan et son éditeur Claude Durand. Le ministère public avait alors fait appel sur le seul délit de provocation à la haine raciale, tandis que SOS Racisme avait fait appel sur le tout. A l'audience, l'avocat général avait requis une peine d'amende. Mais mercredi, la cour d'appel, présidée par Alain Verleene, ne l'a pas suivi.

Dans un premier temps, la cour a estimé, tout comme les juges de première instance, que les propos litigieux "ne présentaient pas de caractère diffamatoire". Pour les magistrats parisiens, il s'agit en effet de "l'expression d'un point de vue, discutable mais argumenté, permettant d'expliquer, au moins en partie, la thèse de la manipulation de l'opinion publique internationale soutenue par Pierre Péan et ne franchissant pas les limites permises par la liberté d'expression". Les juges soulignent en outre que l'auteur ne stigmatise pas "l'ethnie tutsie en tant que telle", mais prête "la culture du mensonge" également aux Hutus et plus généralement aux Rwandais, sans jamais nier la réalité du génocide.

Concernant la provocation à la haine raciale, la cour d'appel a considéré que M. Péan ne pouvait être condamné car il n'avait pas eu "l'intention coupable d'inciter, de provoquer ou d'encourager des sentiments de haine ou des comportements positifs que la loi réprime".

Charles Onana, un journaliste dont Péan a préfacé le livre (Les secrets de la justice internationale : Enquêtes truquées sur le génocide rwandais, éd. Duboiris, 2005) a démontré plusieurs années, des pressions énormes s'exercent tant en Afrique qu'en Europe pour manipuler l'opinion et imposer le mensonge sur les événements du Rwanda. Ayant obtenu des documents inédits, du Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda (TPIR), du gouvernement belge, du gouvernement Clinton, de l'ONU et de la CIA, Charles Onana démontre que le TPIR n'a pas de preuve sur " la planification du génocide " et que le fax de Dallaire évoquant la mort de " 1 000 Tutsi en 20 minutes " est un faux !

Pour valider la thèse d'un " génocide planifié " par les Hutu, le TPIR achète des témoins, torture les accusés, menace les avocats, embauche de pseudo experts et utilise de faux documents. Le premier Hutu condamné à perpétuité a été jugé sur la base de faux témoignages ! Le procureur Carla del Ponte révèle pour la première fois comment l'ONU et le président tutsi du Rwanda, Paul Kagame, s'opposent à la justice et à la vérité. Des lettres confidentielles montrent que le régime de Kagame a détourné près de 2 millions de dollars destinés aux familles des victimes de l'attentat terroriste du 6 avril 1994 qui a déclenché les massacres. Une enquête bouleversante sur la face cachée de la justice internationale et sur le vrai pouvoir des criminels contre l'humanité. 

Pierre Pétain a donné l'envie à plusieurs africains d'aimer le journalisme et d'en faire un métier noble. Il était aimé et adulé par des africains lucides et non corrompus.

Source : blogs.mediapart.fr

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je me nomme corine âgée de 32 ans j'habite dans le 59139 wattignies . J'étais en relation avec mon homme il y a de cela 4 ans et tout allait bien entre nous deux puis à cause d'une autre femme il s'est séparé de moi depuis plus de 5 mois . J'avais pris par tout les moyens pour essayer de le récupéré mais hélas ! je n'ai fais que gaspiller mes sous.Mais par la grâce de dieu l'une de mes amies avait eut ce genre de problème et dont elle a eut satisfaction par le biais d'un ... nommé ishaou au premier abord lorsqu'elle m'avait parlé de ce puissant je croyais que c’était encore rien que des gaspillages et pour cela j'avais des doutes et ne savais m'engager ou pas. Mais au fur des jours vu ma situation elle insiste a ce que j'aille faire au moins la connaissance de ce puissant en question et c'est comme cela que je suis heureuse aujourd'hui en vous parlant.c'est à dire mon homme en question était revenu en une durée de 7jours tout en s'excusant et jusqu'à aujourd'hui et me suggéré a ce qu'on se marie le plus tot possible.je ne me plein même pas et nous nous aimons plus d'avantage. La bonne nouvelle est que actuellement je suis même enceinte de 2 mois. Sincèrement je n'arrive pas a y Croire a mes yeux qu'il existe encore des personnes aussi terrible , sérieux et honnête dans ce monde, et il me la ramené, c'est un miracle. Je ne sais pas de quelle magie il est doté mais tout s'est fait en moins d'une semaines.(pour tous vos petit problème de rupture amoureuses ou de divorce ,maladie ,la chance , les problèmes liés a votre personnes d'une manière, les maux de ventre, problème d'enfants, problème de blocage, attirance clientèle, problème du travail ou d'une autres) Vous pouvez le contacter sur: son adresse émail : maitreishaou@hotmail.com ou appelé le directement sur whatsapp numéro téléphone 00229 97 03 76 69 son site internet: www.grand-maitre-ishaou-13.webself.net
Isengesho ry’Umwami Mutara III Rudahigwa atura u Rwanda Kristu Umwami<br /> <br /> FacebookTwitterWhatsAppEmail<br /> <br /> 2  26-07-2013 - saa 12:46,  Richard Dan Iraguha<br /> <br /> Umuhango wo gutura igihugu cy’u Rwanda Kristu Umwami, wabaye mu kwezi k’Ukwakira mu 1946, wabaye iminsi itatu yikurikiranya, kuva ku ya 26, 27 kugera ku ya 28 z’uko kwezi, ubera i Nyanza (ahazwi ubu nko muri Christ roi). Bivugwa ko ibyo birori byo byizihijwe mu buryo bukomeye kandi bunogeye buri wese, bikaba byari byitabiriwe n’abanyacyubahiro batandukanye barimo; Musenyeri Classe, Ryekmans Umwami Mutara Rudahigwa n’umugabekazi Nyiramavugo Kankazi. <br /> Nyuma y’iminsi ibiri, ibirori byiteguwe kandi (...)<br /> <br /> Umuhango wo gutura igihugu cy’u Rwanda Kristu Umwami, wabaye mu kwezi k’Ukwakira mu 1946, wabaye iminsi itatu yikurikiranya, kuva ku ya 26, 27 kugera ku ya 28 z’uko kwezi, ubera i Nyanza (ahazwi ubu nko muri Christ roi). Bivugwa ko ibyo birori byo byizihijwe mu buryo bukomeye kandi bunogeye buri wese, bikaba byari byitabiriwe n’abanyacyubahiro batandukanye barimo; Musenyeri Classe, Ryekmans Umwami Mutara Rudahigwa n’umugabekazi Nyiramavugo Kankazi.<br /> <br /> Nyuma y’iminsi ibiri, ibirori byiteguwe kandi byizihizwa, kera kabaye umunsi nyirizina wo kwegurira u Rwanda Kristu mwami warabaye, mu gitondo umwami ava iwe mu Rukari yamabaye igisingo cyiza cyane cyahimbwe vuha (icyo gihe) hejuru gisezewe n’umusaraba uhunzwe neza. Yari yiteye igishura cy’ubwami gisa n’ibara ry’ijuru rikeye, mu ijosi yambaye impeta ya Leopord II.<br /> <br /> Urukiramende ni umwe mu mikino yijihije ibirori byo kwegurira igihugu Kristu Umwami<br /> <br /> Umwami Mutara wa III Rudahigwa n'Umwamikazi Rozaliya Gicanya, i Nyanza mu ngoro y'ubwami<br /> <br /> Ishyaka rijya imbere, Karinga ikurikiraho, umwami ahagarara imbere y’ishusho rya Kristu Mwami, ahasanga Bwana Sandrart, Rezida w’u Rwanda na Mgr.Deprimoz yambaye cyepiskopi n’abazungu n’abatware na rubanda, bose bakikije umwami.<br /> Habanje ijambo rya Rezida, musenyeri aha umugisha ishusho ya Kristu Umwami, misa ibona gutangira.<br /> <br /> Mu kwinjira mu Kiliziya, intore zakoze imirongo ibiri iteganye, zifata amacumu ku muhunda, ibigembe bihurira mu kirere, abatumirwa bose banyura munsi yayo.<br /> <br /> Mu nsi y’ameza matagatifu, hari intebe ebyiri, imwe ya Rezida indi y’Umwami Mutara Rudahigwa, abasoda 12 barabakikiza. Hakurikiraho intebe ya Madamu wa Rezida n’umugabekazi Rozaliya Gicanda. Inyuma haza abazungu n’abandi bategetsi bakomeye.<br /> <br /> Gutura u Rwanda Kristu Umwami nyirizina<br /> <br /> Igitambo cya misa gihumuje, Umwami yigira imbere y’Isakaramentu Ritagatifu abari mu Kiliziya bose bacecetse, akuramo ikamba, arishyira kuri aritari. Ni aho yavugiye isengesho yihesheje Kristu Umwami n’igihugu cye n’abantu be.<br /> <br /> Arasenga ati;<br /> <br /> Nyagasani Yezu, Mwami w’abantu bose n’uw’imiryango yose, wowe hamwe n’umubyeyi wawe Bikira Mariya umugabekazi w’ijuru n’isi.<br /> <br /> Jyewe Mutara Charles Leon Pierre Rudahigwa ndapfukamye kugira ngo nemeze ko ari mwe bagenga b’inteko b’u Rwanda, mukagomba no kutubera umuzi ushingiweho ubutegetsi bwarwo n’ingoma yarwo.<br /> <br /> Nyagasani Kristu-Mwami, ni wowe warwiremeye, uruha abategetsi bo kurugenga mu izina ryawe. Ugumya kurugwiza uruyobora ku ngoma nyinshi rutarakumenya.<br /> <br /> Igihe warurindirije ubonye kigeze, uruha kogeramo ingoma yawe. Uruzanamo intumwa zawe zo kurugwizamo urumuri rw’amahame abeshaho iteka. Urwoherezamo kandi n’abo kururera ngo barwigishe ubutegetsi barutoze amajyambere y’ibyiza bikiza byose hano mu nsi.<br /> <br /> Natwe abanyarwanda twese twemeje ku mugaragaro ko tukuyobotse ukaba uri umwami wacu. Twakiranye icyubahiro amahame abeshaho y’Ubwami bwawe.<br /> <br /> Mwimanyi nguhaye igihugu cyanjye cyose, abo tuv’ind’imwe nanjye ubwanjye.<br /> <br /> Abagabo barutuyemo, ubahe umutima w’ubudacogora mw’ishyaka, barurwanira ryo kurushyira imbere no kurukomezamo amahoro wazaniye isi yose. Ubavanemo imico ya kera yo kugirirana nabi no guhuguzanya, no kubeshyerana, no kwiba no kwambura n’izindi ngeso mbi zose zidahuje n’ubuvandimwe wifuza kubona bwirambuye mu ngoma yawe.<br /> <br /> Ubagwizemo inema zibamurikira, zibajijura zibavanemo ubunebwe n’ingeso zindi zose za gipagani zirenga itegeko ryo gusenga Wowe wenyine Mungu waremye byose.<br /> Abagore ubahe umutima w’ubudahinyuka, barubere mu nteko barutegeye urugori, barere neza abana waduhereye kurugwiza.<br /> <br /> Barememo imitima yabo, bayishyiremo icyubahiro cyawe n’urukundo rw’ingoma yawe, n’urw’igihugu cyacu cy’u Rwanda.ingo rero zarwo zose uzikomezemo amahoro, abashakanye bahuze imitima, babe nk’umubiri umwe nk’uko nawe umeranye na kiliziya yawe.<br /> <br /> Abatware ubahe kubategekena ubutabera, barutsindemo akarengane n’imigenzo mibi yindi yose, inyuranyije n’ubutungane watwigishije. Ubwo ubakomezamo umwete wo kwirinda ingeso za gipagani zo kwangana no kwiremamo ibice by’inzangano zatuma urukundo utwifuzamo rudashinga imizi mu gihugu cyawe.<br /> <br /> Ubatsindire kuryryana mu migenzereze yabo, ubatsindire guhendana ubwenge no guhemukirana mu nama bajya zo kugutunganyiriza u Rwanda wabaragije.<br /> <br /> Ubarinde kurenga ku masezerano no kwica umugenzo mwiza w’ubwanga-umugayo, ubahe guca imanza zitunganye no kutagira uwo barenganya, ngo barengere uwo bikundiye. Ubatsindire kurwarana inzika, no kugira uwo bayirwara mu ngabo zabo.<br /> Ubahe kwirinda kugira uwo bagambanira, cyangwa ubagambanaho byo kurengenya umuntu numwe mu Rwanda rwawe.<br /> <br /> Ubavaneho rero imigenzo yose ya gipagani, inyuranije n’ingoma yawe.intumwa zazanywe no kutwigisha amahame y’ibibeshaho iteka n’abajanywe no kuyobora inzira y’ibyerekeye amajyambere natwe bene igihugu twese, dushyire hamwe dutunganye imirimo yacu, dushyizeho umwete ari wowe tuyikorera.<br /> <br /> N’amahanga yose uko anagana tugusingirize mu ruhame tugira tuti: Kristu Mwami n’umubyeyi we Bikira Mariya baragahorana ibumbye byose, ubunubu n’iteka ryose.<br /> <br /> Amina<br /> <br /> Iri ni ishusho ya Kristu Umwami yahawe umugisha,,, Kiliziya ubona inyuma yayo, niyo yabereyemo umuhango wo kwegurira igihugu Kristu Umwami (i Nyanza)<br /> <br /> Iri sengesho ryakuwe muri Kinyamateka.
Igihe co gufata inyenzi nikiera bizakoroha cyane kuko inyenzi nyinshi zirikwica abantu bakoresheje amarozi n'ibindi zirimo zisukira ku bwinshi mu bihugu by'i Burayi. Abazungu nta mpuhwe kandi nta nu kwibuka ko mwakoranye bagira; ico bo bababishakira aba ari inyungu gusa, zirangiye aragutanga. Donc, nimukore vuba na vuba u Rwanda murubohoze , inkotanyi muzifate iziri i Burayi zo biroroshe kuzifata kuko umuzungu ni igisahiranda.
Nibyo koko kuva CNN yatangiye gushyira ahagaragara amabi y'agatsiko ubanza noneho kaba kagiye guhirima. Ahubwo intore zinyanyagiye hirya no hino ku isi zibungana utuzi twa Dani ayo amakuru zaba ziyafite? nabagira inama yokubivamo inzira zikigendwa kugirango batazagongana murumuna igihe information y'agatsiko izaba umaze guhirima ndi byange bikunze irahirima ni ikibazo cy'igihe.
Mbona Mugabo na Ntwari ari kagame wiyoberanya akiyita aya mazina. Kuko umuntu ushyira mugaciro ntiyakwandika ibintu nk'ibyabo reka nisobanure:<br /> <br /> - kugeza ubu kagame ntaremera ubwicanyi ndengakamere yakoreye abanyarwanda ba Ntwari na Mugabo nabo nuko<br /> - uvuze ko inyenzi zicana bararakara bagatukana bakakwita n'interahamwe kagame nawe nuko iyo umubajije iby'uburenganzira bwa muntu mu Rwanda Rwanda aratangira agatukana akanarakara cyane.<br /> - ntibajya bava ku izima na kagame ni uko kandi bahora hano kuri uru rubuga. Buriya iyo ari kuzerera isi muri jt privé y'imitsi y'abanyarwanda kuko nta kazi aba afite aza kuri uru rubuga akiyita Ntwari na mugabo
iyo se inyenzi zimushyiriraho mandat d'arrets zikangisha akoherezwa iwazo ? Charles Onana se cg abandi bamaze kwandika ibitabo biziva imuzi ko bo zitabarega ngo zikorwe n'isoni tena? hawa ni wajinga sana inyenzi inkotanyi . wanajua tuu kuuwa watu . genocide ntutsi nimwe mwayizanye mwa nyenzi mwe ntawe utabizi. mugabo-mbwa soma kimwe muri ibyo bitabo byanditswe nkubwira u mother fucker, kitwa" cruel lies in rwandan genocide propoganda. kuri couverture y'icyo gitabo urabona ho umutware wa bene rupfu ( mwebwe nyine inyenzi) yicaye mu ntebe ikozwe n'uduhanga . Mugabo - mbwa we kwirengagiza urubategereje ntibikuraho destiny Imana yabageneye. iminsi y'inyenzi inkotanyi are numbered
Karamira we akagabo katabwirwa kigeze gushorera Intare kayitiranya n'intama bakabwira ko Ari Intare gashoreye kakanga kumva nyuma intare iragahindukirana kati nimuntabare. Nawe komeza wigire intumva Hari ubwo uzabyukira ibumoso nkagufata hanyuma izo ntampongano zawe nkaziguhekenyesha wa gitumbafu we!! Naho ibyo kuza kwigira umwana mwiza hano wibwira ko wajijisha abantu ngo ntibamenye ko uri interahamwe yirirwaga igendana ubuhiri muri 1994 uhiga abantu ngo ubice. Ko wabishe se wowe bizakubuza gupfa nabi wa nzererezi we?! Harya ngo vuba aha wizeye ko ugiye kongera kwica abantu? Ingufu zagukubise igihe wabicaga muri 1994 ubu zikubye 5. Narakubwiye nti wowe va muri ubwo bugambo bwawe bumeze nk'ubw'indaya zishaje usunutse amazuru mu Rwanda ngo igarutse gukora genocide nibwo uzamenya ko uwakugize interahamwe yakunyujije inzira itariyo. Niba ugirango ndakubeshya uzabaze La Forge Fils Bazeye.
Niko se Ntwari, niko se Mugabo,<br /> <br /> Pierre Péan mwamureze mu rukiko, arabatsinda.<br /> None se ntimwemera imyanzuro y'ubucamanza?<br /> Cyangwa mwifuzaga ko amanuka GACACA, lieu incontrôlable des règlements de compte de tout poils, BREF UNE JUSTICE DANS LA JUSTICE.<br /> Puuu
mugabo - mbwa gicucu kinyenzi we, genocide murisha igihe cyayo cyacyuye igihe. hasigaye kumena intozo amabinga . Naho Mithty Karamira, n'abandi bose ni intwari . genocide ujye uyibaza mwene nyoko kagome vimpire na kajuga perezida w'interahamwe. inyenzi ntaho muzaducikira turabarimarima very soon. Naho iby'urimo urogombwa ntabyo uzi . Gace nyoko amabere Icyampa ngo duhure nguhe umugeri umwe kuri iyo misuha ureresa mu gapantalo k'amabwa
mugabo-mbwa we, uwakunyereka ngo nguhe umugeri umwe kuri iyo misuha yawe, yenda wagira ikinyabupfura na respects ku bantu bakuruta wa kinyenzi we!! cg ngaguha nta mpongano muri ibyo bijigo byawe ivogonyo ryawe ryaba riheze . urabwejagura ariko finalement inyenzi turabajugunya mu rwa Bayanga . Mwishe abatutsi murararika muri genocide mubeshyera ubwoko bw'Imana Abahutu . mubadukamo kuva muri 1990 murabamara ariko kuko ari ubwoko bw'isezerano rishya ry'Imana banga gushira nkuko n'abatutsi banze gushira. sha vuba aha u are going to cry. very soon mwa misega mwe, murabwejagura ariko turabamena amabinga kubwejagura bihere forever and ever .
NTWARI we jya umbwirira iyi nterahamwe ngo Ni Karamira ikunda no kwiyita ngo Ni Hutu de Byumba nubwo itumva ariko nibura uba wayibwiye. Iyi nterahamwe ngo Ni Karamira ikunda kuza kuntondagira nkayibwira ko ikwiye kujya ijya gutondagira agatuba ka nyina kuko jye ntaho mpuriye n'Interahamwe. Dore Ntwari uyibwije ukuri ibura ibyo igusubiza none ngo irashaka kwiyambaza ntamponganoyumwanzi, uwampa amahirwe ngahura n'iyi nterahamwe ngo Ni Karamira ifite ntamponganoyumwanzi ngo igarutse kwica abanyarwanda maze nkakwereka ukuntu kudakubita interahamwe byorora imisega. Nahita nyimena amabinga maze ukareba ko yongera kuza kwasama hano ngo iraburanira umuzungu w'umufaransa wahemberwaga guhakana genocide yakorewe abatutsi mu gihe ikigoryi cy'umunyafrika Karamira cyo cyabaga kirimo guhitwa muri Congo. None gikirutse impiswi kije kuboroga kuri Veritasinfo ngo Pierre Peant yapfuye, niba kibabaye se ko yapfuye cyo cyapfuye kikamukurikira kigasanga izindi nterahamwe nka Bikindi Simoni, Kantano hanyuma na Bagosora akazabasanga mu muriro barimo babyina ngo jyewe nanga abahutu? Karamira wowe ubuterahamwe wakuye mu gashino ka nyoko uzarinda ujya mu nda y'isi bukikurimo ariko niba uri umugabo uzagerageze ubugarure mu Rwanda urebe ngo uraririmba urwo mbonye.
Comment ikosoye:<br /> <br /> Nta muntu utibeshya,kuko ndi umuntu,nshobora nanjye kwibeshya.Iliya listi nayisomye mbona atali ubwa mbere itangajwe;hagomba kuba halimo twa retouches aliko aba ministri benshi bahora bagaruka.Ikibazo(?).Ni inde utangaza bene iyi listi aba agamije iki?Hali hypotheses ebyili(2):<br /> <br /> 1) Ni abambali ba Kagame ,aba DMI batangaza amazina y'abantu mu mugambi mubisha wo kubapiganisha ngo birangire babaryanishije hoye kuzigera habaho kwishyira hamwe kwa opposition.Ingaruka z'iyi scenario burazizi twazivuzeho kenshi.<br /> <br /> 2)Ni ba bateruzi b'ibindi ba RPF babanje kuyihunahunamo nyuma bahinduka ibigarasha aho bagereye hanze aku ubunyenzi karanga kuko ali icwende ubu bahora bacunga aho politiki igeze bagahita bishyira imbere nk'akaguru karwaye umufunzo.Icyo batinya ni uko impinduka ibonetse batayigaragaramo ku ruhembe kuko icyaha cy 'ubugambanyi kidasaza gikomeza kubahama. Ni babandi bilirwa balilimba ko systemu FPR na systemu ya MRND zose ali zimwe,ko zose zishe abanyarwandamu byo bise itsemabwoko n'itsembatsemba.<br /> <br /> <br /> Ku bakunda u Rwanda kuko alibo mbwira kandi bazi gusesengura ibyabaye mu gihugu mukwiye kwamagana byeruye buli wese uyobya amarali ashyira ku munzani umwe FPR-Kagame na MRND-Habyarimana kuko byaba ali kimwe no kugereranya Shitani n'Imana.Gukora politiki nk'iyo ni ukwanga: <br /> <br /> a) u Rwanda ukaruvutsa amahirwe yo kuzabona abana barwo batekereza nka Ingabire na Diana, bakamagana Sekibi,bagafasha abanyarwanda gusabana nka mbere,kugirango barwubake mu mahoro ,mu bumwe,n'iterambere rya bose.<br /> <br /> b)abavukijwe ubuzima bwabo ku maherere igihe cyose abo basize batazabibuka uko bikwiye bazi neza icyo bazize n'uwambuye ubuzima bwabo imburagihe.<br /> <br /> c)abarokotse ubwicanyi bwahemberewe,bukatswa bukanayoborwa na Kagame aliko ubu aho yigaramiye akabushyira kunzirakarengane yafunze,yafungishe n'izo yishe.<br /> <br /> <br /> Kuvugisha ukuli ni cyo kizaduha ibisubizo birambye.Kwishyira imbere utahashyizwe ni ugutera iyo zaretse.Abahanganye na Kagame akirasa amasasu ya mbere ku butaka bw'igihugu cyali gitekanye ntibashize nk'uko bamwe bibeshya.Bakora ibikwiye kugirango u Rwanda rubohorwe.Impinduka zose zigaragalira wese ubu nibo bazizana kuko ukuli kwabo kulisobanura abatanga ibisubizo bakakumva vuba.Erega ibintu byarahindutseUbu Kagame ni umwami wambaye ubusa.<br /> <br /> Abashaka kuba ba rutemayeze bagende buhora ni bihuta bazabyara ibitagira amaso kimwe n'uwo babanje kuyoboka ubu ugeze ku muteremuko.Bareke kwanduza musenyeli wacu Yuvinali Habyarimana,utaligeze yiyumvisha ukuntu umuntu nyamuntu yahinduka akamasa kazivutsemo muzi icyo kazikoreye.Nagira inama abibeshye bagakulikira akamasa bakeka ko kazakamwa nyuma bagakama igihebe ko batanga amahoro,bakicisha bugufi kugirango chances zabo zo kubabalirwa ziziyongere.Nibadakora batyo bazabura ibyuma n'imihoro.<br /> <br /> <br /> Iki ni ikibazo gikomeye abantu batinya kuvuga kugirango bagume hafi ya TABLE.Jyewe ntabwo ndi intellectuellement malhonnete.Mvugisha ukuli guca muziko ntigushye;si ndi mpemuke ndamuke nditunze.<br /> <br /> <br /> Utwo tulisti aho duturuka hose ni utwo gusetsa imikara ntituzabuza abarevolutiyoneri nyabo kuzarubohoza kandi bakazaruyobora muli diregisiyo nziza.
Diane Rwigara yanditse ibaruwa igaragaza ubwicanyi Kagame yakoreye abatutsi, kandi ahora abeshya ko yaje guhagarika Jenoside yari kubakorerwa. Twese tuzi ko Kagame ariwe wateje Jenoside y' abatutsi igihe yahanuye indege ya Habyarimana. Tuzi ko abo yita ABATEKNICIEN yabohereje mu Interahamwe kugira ngo bice abatutsi (ibyo bise kumena amagi, ukarya umureti), tuzi ko Kagame yanze ko ONU ihagarika ubwicanyi, ndetse ni inkotanyi zashakaga kujya gukiza Kagame yarazirasaga... Ariko ntibyahagarariye aho, Kagame yakomeje ibyo Shitani yamutumye, kuko yakomeje kwica abatutsi haba mu Rwanda, Burundi, Kongo. Mwiyumviye ibyabaye Kiziba, Mudende, Minembwe, n'ahandi hose.<br /> <br /> Ariko kubera ko Diane avugisha ukuri, DMI, IBUKA, CNLG, aho gusubiza ibaruwa ya Diane, bamwate ubututsi, bamuhindura Interahamwe ngo kuko habyarimana yaretse Ise agacuruza mu gihe Kagame yanyaze ndetse akica ise Rwigara. Uko niko INYENZI zikora. Ibyo Pean yavuze ko bazi kubeshya kurusha abazima n'abapfuye.<br /> <br /> None ubu ndi kwibaza icyo zivuga kuri CNN. Dutege ko Mugabo, Ntwari, n# izindi nyenzi ziteshagurwa kuri Veritas, nzandika zituka Veritas aho gusubiza CNN<br /> <br /> https://edition-m.cnn.com/2019/07/27/africa/rwanda-opposition-disappearances-intl/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fedition.cnn.com%2F
yiswe umwere ? ahubwo ni umwere 1000/100. ka vimpire ejo bundi turi kukabaza milioni nyinshi kishe uzavuga ko turi kukarenganya . Ntabwo uriya Mzee Pean yigiye kwandika ku nyenzi. iyo mumushyiriraho za arrets warrants mujya muvuga se ? ukuli ntaho muzaguhungira. Tuzabibabaza paka .
Reka nkureke wa kanyenzi we -mbwa kiyita ntwari . inyenzi ntimuva ku izima keraka nkuzaniye ntampongano y'umwanzi. niyo imaramo akanyaro inyenzi inkotanyi. naho nta nyenzi y'imfura ibaho. inyenzi equals abicanyi , shetani mwenyewe, Real demon
icyampa nkahura n'inyenzi yiyita NTWARI nayica amabya yayo yose ubundi ayo maby nkayagaburira imbwa zanjye!
@ Karamira. Nari gutangazwa n'uko wari kwandika ibintu bifite ubwenge, naho kwandika ibitutsi nta gitangaza kirimo kuko imbwa irangwa no kumoka ariko ubonye imbwa yabira nicyo cyaba Ari igitangaza. ikosa si iryawe ikosa Ni nyoko utarakureze nk'abantu ahubwo akaba yarakoroye nk'umusega w'agasozi. Pierre Peant rero Ni umuhanga kuri wowe kuko yari igikoresho cy'ubutegetsi bwanyu bwatsinzwe nyuma yo gukora genocide muyikorera abatutsi, mwakurikijeho gushaka abanyamahanga mubaha za ruswa ngo babafashe guhakana amarorerwa mwakoreye isi muri rusange n'abanyarwanda by'umwihariko. Pierre Peant ntabwo yigeze atsinda urubanza kuko nta butabera bwagaragaye mu kirego yarezwe n'abanyarwanda cyo guhakana no gupfobya genocide yakorewe abatutsi, ahubwo icyabayeho Ni uko Pierre Peant yiswe umwere n'inzego z'ubucamanza z'abafaransa kubera impamvu za Politike yo kurengera système y'agatsiko k'abafaransa kateye unkunga interahamwe. Ibyo rero birazwi iyo mwishimira ngo Pierre Peant yaratsinze abazi ukuri baba babareba nk'abanyafurika bafite ubwenge bucagase bwo kwishimira ko umufaransa atsindiye ko yanditse ko gupfa kw'abanyafrika ntacyo bivuze. Ntawundi munyafrika wakwishimira ibintu nk'ibyo uretse wowe Karamira ufite ibitutsi mu mwanya w'ubwonko. Naho iyo turufu yawe y'imigani ngo ya Mashira nta munyarwanda ugishukwa n'ubwo butekamutwe bwanyu, iyo migani jya ugenda uyicire abazimu ba benewanyu ariko nta munyarwanda ugifite umwanya wo gutakaza ngo arumva amahamba y'interahamwe nka Karamira. Jye narezwe nk'imfura ntabwo ntukana nkawe worowe nk'ingurube.
Nta muntu utibeshya,kuko ndi umuntu,nshobora nanjye kwibeshya.Iliya listi nayisomye mbona atali ubwa mbere itangajwe;hagomba kuba halimo twa retouches aliko aba ministri benshi bahora bagaruka.Ikibazo(?).Ni inde utangaza bene iyi listi aba agamije iki?Hali hypotheses ebyili(2):<br /> 1) Ni abambali ba Kagame ,aba DMI batangaza amazina y'abantu mu mugambi mubisha wo kubapiganisha ngo birangire babaryanishije hoye kuzigera habaho kwishyira hamwe kwa opposition.Ingaruka z'iyi scenario burazizi twazivuzeho kenshi.<br /> 2)Ni ba bateruzi b'ibindi ba RPF babanje kuyihunahunamo nyuma bahinduka ibigarasha aho bagereye hanze aku ubunyenzi karanga kuko ali icwende ubu bahora bacunga aho politiki igeze bagahita bishyira imbere nk'akaguru karwaye umufunzo.Icyo batinya ni uko impinduka ibonetse batayigaragaramo ku ruhembe kuko icyaha cy 'ubugambanyi kidasaza gikomeza kubahama. Ni babandi bilirwa balilimba ko systemu FPR na systemu ya MRND zose ali zimwe,ko zose zishe abanyarwandamu byo bise itsemabwoko n'itsembatsemba.<br /> <br /> Ku bakunda u Rwanda kuko alibo mbwira kandi bazi gusesengura ibyabaye mu gihugu bakunda gushyira FPR-Kagame na MRND-Habyarimana ni ukwanga: <br /> a)u Rwanda ukaruvutsa amahirwe yo kuzabona abana barwo batekereza nka Ingabire na Diana, bakamagana Sekibi,bagafasha abanyarwanda gusabana nka mbere,kugirango barwubake mu mahoro ,mu bumwe,n'iterambere rya bose.<br /> b)abavukijwe ubuzima bwabo ku maherere igihe cyose abo basize batazabibuka uko bikwiye bazi neza icyo bazize n'uwambuye ubuzima bwabo imburagihe.<br /> c)abarokotse ubwicanyi bwahemberewe,bukatswa bukanayoborwa na Kagame aliko ubu aho yigaramiye akabushyira kunzirakarengane yafunze,yafungishe n'izo yishe.<br /> <br /> Kuvugisha ukuli ni cyo kizaduha ibisubizo birambye.Kwishyira imbere utahashyizwe ni ugutera iyo zaretse.Abahanganye na Kagame akirasa amasasu ya mbere ku butaka bw'igihugu cyali gitekanye ntibashize nk'uko bamwe bibeshya.Bakora ibikwiye kugirango u Rwanda rubohorwe.Impinduka zose zigaragalira wese ubu nibo bazizana kuko ukuli kwabo kulisobanura abatanga ibisubizo bakakumva vuba.Erega ibintu byarahindutseUbu Kagame ni umwami wambaye ubusa.<br /> Abashaka kuba ba rutemayeze bagende buhora ni bihuta bazabyara ibitagira amaso kimwe n'uwo babanje kuyoboka ubu ugeze ku muteremuko.Bareke kwanduza musenyeli wacu Yuvinali Habyarimana,utaligeze yiyumvisha ukuntu umuntu nyamuntu yahinduka akamasa kazivutsemo muzi icyo kazikoreye.Nagira inama abibeshye bagakulikira akamasa bakeka ko kazakamwa nyuma bagakama igihebe ko batanga amahoro,bakicisha bugufi kugirango chances zabo zo kubabalirwa ziziyongere.Nibadakora batyo bazabura ibyuma n'imihoro.<br /> <br /> Iki ni ikibazo gikomeye abantu batinya kuvuga kugirango bagume hafi ya TABLE.Jyewe ntabwo ndi intellectuellement malhonnete.Mvugisha ukuli guca muziko ntigushye;si ndi mpemuke ndamuke nditunze.<br /> <br /> Utwo tulisti aho duturuka hose ni utwo gusetsa imikara ntituzabuza abarevolutiyoneri nyabo kuzarubohoza kandi bakazaruyobora muli diregisiyo nziza.
idiot d'imbecile mbwa yiyita ntwari, kavunumuheto wa kinyenzi we!!! Pean ni umuhanga cyane . ntabwo yigiye kwandika kuri rujonjori kabya vimpire rushinyika ruhinyuza , gashino ka siteriya umwicanyi ruharwa pilato kagome. Ibitabo yanditse ntibizasibanga bibaho ku isi. Udututsi mwigize intyoza yabashyize hanze muvuze ngo murarega arabatsinda mukorwa n'isoni. niyo mpamvu 1994 mwitwaga inzoka . uburyarya bwanyu mwabwicishije abahinza muramara Mashira abananiye mujya inama yo kumutega igituba dore ko guswerana muri number one . mujyayo musaba icumbi muhengera ari ku kunyaza agatutsi mwari mwamuhaye nk'umutego mumutera inkota muba mwigaruriye Nduga. byose turabizi tuzakomeza kubibabaza nimutava ku izima
Abarinzi be nibo bagiye kumwihekenyera ; basanze ntacyo barusha ba Gasakure na Rwigara , Karegeya.... ; naho abo ku malisti arabizi ko ntacyo bamutwaye uretse kulilimba izahise ; ni umusazi ufite inararibonye mu mwuga we ; muli itegeko lishya ushobora kuvuga icyo ushatse kuli perezida niba uzi gukwepa inyundo .
Ubwo mutanze lisiti y'abagomba kwicwa mutabizi. Imana ibababarire kuko ntimuzi icyo mukora. No muli 1994 mwifotoje mutazi icyo mukora mwali innocents..<br /> Kuli ayo malisiti mu myaka ibili hazaba haboneka nk'icya gatatu abandi baraburiwe irengero cyangwa baranizwe amanywa y'ihangu nkuko umukuru Mzee kijyana yabivuze.
Hari utanze proposal ya next govt ariko hari abo yibagiwe.<br /> Eg: Sebarenzi<br /> Joseph Matata<br /> Higiro<br /> Rujugiro( Minister of commerce)<br /> Munyandinda James<br /> G. Kabirigi <br /> Etc....<br /> Kandi nawe wagyamo ndetse nange birashoboka kuko twese nta musazi ubamo na "mazimpaka" ntibyamubujije kuyobora cg kuyobya mo kimwe!!<br /> Umushonji arota arya!! Cyokora hari igihe inzozi ziba impamo iyo warose neza ukabyukana imbaduko ukagira ikyo ukora naho kurota nta gihe tutarose.Ikyampa hakagira uzikabya!!!<br /> Ba mwiyemezi na ba ndigabo batangira kunyara mu mapantalo! Muge mubambwirira bacokoze kyane abaturanyi berekane ko ari ibihangange hari igihe abahora bacokozwa bazabancekera bagatangira gucebereza nuko inzigo ninzika bigacika ubwo nabaciriwe akobo bakabona akanzu kuko rwose ihora ihoze !!Naritegereje ndareba nsanga nta muhanga wiyisi uretse Ruhanga wayihanze.
Le vieux jouet de l'extrêmisme Hutu Rwandais est enfin décedé. Pierre Peant n'avait rien dans sa tête que la négation du genocide commit contre les Tutsi au Rwanda. Il ne savait pas qu'il aura son jour de mourir quand il écrivait le torchon du livre Noire fureur et Blanc menteur, un livre qui n'a rien d'intellectuel mais qui ne fait que renforcer la politique coloniale de diviser les Africains pour mieux les embarquer dans la misère.
"Sinvuga ya Democracie yo kuvangura.reka daaa <br /> <br /> Umwami tugiye kumugarura mu gihugu cye yubahwe ariko yemere notion de majorite na protection ya minorite."(MURPHY).<br /> <br /> Wanditse neza cyane cyan aho uvuga ko u Rwanda rutegekwa na DUO Clinton-Blair ,Kagame n'abambali be bakaba aba commissionaires'uretse ko jye nabita abayaya n'ababoyi.<br /> <br /> Icyo wishe ni ukugarura Cyami uzi ko yagiye nk'ifuni iheze.Abanyarwanda bamaze kuba civilises ku buryo batasubira inyuma ho imyaka 60 yose.Tuzashyiraho democratie isesuye aliko igendera ku mategeko aha buli munyarwanda umutuzo n'umutekano akeneye.Ingoma yanzwe na rubanda igarutse ni hahandi yakongera ikangwa tukaba dutaye igihe.<br /> <br /> Turaza kongera.
Ngusubize wowe wanditse iyi comment.<br /> <br /> Ariko ntimukadusetse !<br /> Ngo gouvernement ihuriweho n’abo abantu bose !<br /> 1. Abanyarwanda ni peuple compliqué. Sans une forme de dictature (comme ça été le cas du temps du Mwami, du temps du Président Habyarimana, et maintenant), Perezida mushya NTIYABIVAMO. <br /> Il faut leur montrer qui est le chef.<br /> Ibyo ntibivuze ko nshigikiye dictature yica, mais abigize ba KAGARARA, ukabanyuzaho akanyafu.<br /> <br /> 2. Abo bantu bose, ninde wahurirwaho na bose, kugirango abe ariwe muyobozi w’utwo twa muvoma tujagata ?<br /> Byaba nko muri Somalia. None murebe uko byari bimeze muri 1991, Perezida Habyarimana yemeye «gufungura cour de récréation».<br /> <br /> 3. Ikibazo kikaguma kuba ubukene. Aho buri wese azakurura ikiringiti, yishyira. Nibyo byakuruye régionalisme, nibyo bizana icyenewabo…. Kuko uri umuntu ufite moyen kandi ufite famille yifashishije, wakorana ubunyangamugayo.<br /> <br /> NTUKAROTE IZUBA RIVA.
Ibikoresho by'inyerahamwe ko bishizeho ra? Bikindi Simoni aherutse kwinanura none n'iyi mvunamuheto y'interahamwe y'umuzungu ngo Ni Pierre Peant iramukurikiye? Nibagende nasize inkuru mbi imusozi. Shitani ibaye iruhuko ridashira barayikoreye
Opposition members keep going 'missing' in Rwanda. Few expect them to return<br /> By Kara Fox, CNN<br /> Updated 0806 GMT (1606 HKT) July 27, 2019<br /> Several members of political groups opposed to President Paul Kagame have gone missing in recent years. <br /> Several members of political groups opposed to President Paul Kagame have gone missing in recent years.<br /> (CNN)When Eugene Ndereyimana woke up last week, he didn't tell his wife where he was going, and she didn't ask. The less she knew, the better, she thought.<br /> <br /> The 29-year-old father of two was traveling from his home in Rwanda's southeastern Ngoma district to the northeastern town of Nyagatare for a political meeting on July 15.<br /> But the people waiting for Ndereyimana to arrive lost contact with him when he was just five kilometers (3.1 miles) from the venue.<br /> He hasn't been seen or heard from since.<br /> Eugene Ndereyimana went missing last week.<br /> Eugene Ndereyimana went missing last week.<br /> Ndereyimana is a representative for the FDU-Inkingi, an unregistered coalition of opposition parties against President Paul Kagame, who has been in power since 2000.<br /> He is one of at least five FDU members who have gone missing under mysterious circumstances over the last few years in Kagame's Rwanda.<br /> Opposition politicians and supporting party members say they face intimidation, violence, jail time or the prospect of disappearing for opposing the President and his ruling party, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). The Office of the President and the RPF have not responded to CNN's request for comment regarding these allegations.<br /> For Ndereyimana, that intimidation began last September, when he was arbitrarily detained by military officers at a local police station, his wife Joseline Mwiseneza told CNN, speaking through an FDU spokesperson.<br /> Freed Rwandan opposition leader: &#39;If you have other opinions, they put you in jail&#39;<br /> Freed Rwandan opposition leader: 'If you have other opinions, they put you in jail'<br /> "For them he was an enemy," Mwiseneza said, referring to the local authorities. She added that Ndereyimana's political activities created difficulties in his everyday life -- from harassment by security forces to the inability to get credit from the local bank.<br /> Rwanda's Investigation Bureau and Rwanda's National Police have not responded to CNN's requests for comment.<br /> Now, Mwiseneza says she doesn't know what to say to their children, who keep on asking where their father is, and fears for her husband's life.<br /> As she waits for answers, others politically aligned with her husband have met violent ends.<br /> In a harrowing case in March, 30-year-old Anselme Mutuyimana, a close aide to FDU president Victoire Ingabire, was found dead in a forest in the country's northwest region.<br /> Residents who found Mutuyimana said he appeared to have died by strangulation, according to the party.<br /> Anselme Mutuyimana&#39;s body was found in a forest in March. <br /> Anselme Mutuyimana's body was found in a forest in March.<br /> At the time, the Rwanda Investigation Bureau told CNN that an investigation had been opened into his case and that no suspect had been apprehended yet.<br /> In another incident last October, jailed FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana went missing from a high-security prison where he had been held for five days following a transfer from another facility.<br /> Twagirimana and eight other FDU party members were serving out a sentence following an arrest in 2017 on charges of forming an armed group and seeking to overthrow the government, charges Twagirimana denied.<br /> When he went missing, Rwanda's correctional service said he escaped from prison. FDU party officials however, said they suspect "foul play."<br /> Speaking on Twagirimana's case in November, Human Rights Watch (HRW) noted that "enforced disappearances are not new" in Rwanda. The group says it has documented the government's "persistent efforts to silence critics and perceived political opponents in recent years through arbitrary arrests, threats, and enforced disappearances."<br /> FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana has been missing since October 2018 and is feared dead. <br /> FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana has been missing since October 2018 and is feared dead.<br /> In May 2017, party member Jean Damascene Habarugira disappeared after he was called to meet an official responsible for the security of his locality, according to a statement by the FDU.<br /> Three days later, Habarugira's family were called to collect his body from a local hospital. In a statement, the FDU said that Habarugira was "assassinated in cold blood" because of his opposition to the local authority's agricultural policies and concerns over police brutality.<br /> And in March 2016, nurse and opposition activist Illuminée Iragena also went missing, believed to have been forced into a government detention center. Six months after she disappeared, HRW said those close to hear feared she was dead.<br /> FDU head Ingabire says that she believes that these events, including the most recent disappearance of Ndereyimana, are a signal that the government isn't "ready to open up the political space."<br /> "It is a kind of intimidation, that people will be afraid to be a member of the opposition party," she told CNN last week.<br /> Illuminée Iragena, a nurse and a FDU party activist, went missing in 2016. Many who knew her fear she is dead. <br /> Illuminée Iragena, a nurse and a FDU party activist, went missing in 2016. Many who knew her fear she is dead.<br /> Challenging the narrative<br /> Ingabire herself is no stranger to such tactics, she says. In 2010 she returned to Rwanda from the Netherlands, where she was living in exile, to contest the presidential election.<br /> But shortly after that she was arrested following comments she made in relation to the country's 1994 genocide, and accused of collaborating with a "terrorist organization."<br /> In October, Ingabire was released from jail after serving eight years of her 15-year sentence as part of a presidential pardon.<br /> FDU president Victoire Ingabire speaks to the press after being released from prison in September 2018.<br /> FDU president Victoire Ingabire speaks to the press after being released from prison in September 2018.<br /> Ingabire has long said her sentence was a result of her work as a prominent government critic and that the charges effectively criminalized her freedom of expression. International organizations, such as Amnesty International, and a 2017 African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights ruling have supported those views.<br /> Other opposition leaders unaffiliated with Ingabire's party also allege they have been penalized and threatened for challenging the ruling party's narrative.<br /> Diane Rwigara, a 37-year-old human rights activist and the leader of the People Salvation Movement (Itabaza) -- an activist group to "encourage Rwandans to hold their government accountable" -- had hoped to run for president in 2017.<br /> Instead she was disqualified by electoral authorities who said she had falsified signatures needed for her election bid. She was eventually jailed on charges of incitement and fraud, charges her family and supporters say were politically motivated.<br /> She spent over a year in jail, facing a 22-year prison sentence until she was acquitted of charges of fraud and inciting insurrection by Kigali's High Court in December.<br /> Diane Rwigara leaves Kigali&#39;s High Court after her acquittal last December. <br /> Diane Rwigara leaves Kigali's High Court after her acquittal last December.<br /> Earlier this month, Rwigara wrote an open letter to Kagame, accusing him of condoning a climate of repression and violence for people who speak out about matters of "justice" and who are "too afraid to stand up to the ruling party."<br /> She wrote the letter after her friend, a prison guard named Jean Paul Mwiseneza, was killed in June, shortly after speaking to her about unrest at the prison. Rwigara alleges that he was killed at the hands of "security organs."<br /> "Why are people being executed without trial?" Rwigara wrote.<br /> She ended the letter with a post script that read, "I will probably face grave acts of reprisal for writing this letter. But Your Excellency, please try to understand; life in Rwanda is hard to say the least when one has to constantly worry about the fate of his/her entourage."<br /> The Office of the President has not responded to CNN's request for comment on the letter.<br /> Ingabire -- who is unaffiliated with Rwigara's movement -- says while intimidatory measures, including disappearances and harassment, are meant to have a chilling effect, she won't live her life in fear, and has vowed to "fight for democracy" in her country.<br /> Still, the disappearance of Ndereyimana, another voice in that fight, is a fresh and painful incident for Rwanda's opposition. "It's like he has vanished," Ingabire said.<br /> PAID CONTENT<br /> This new air conditioner under £65 with no installation necessary is selling out in the UK<br /> This new air conditioner under £65 with no installation necessary is…<br /> www.mc-gadgets.com<br /> Stop Wasting Money - This App Finds Every Discount Code on the Internet<br /> Stop Wasting Money - This App Finds Every Discount Code on the…<br /> Honey<br /> Doctor: Aging Isn't Why Your Joints Ache. Try This At Home<br /> Doctor: Aging Isn't Why Your Joints Ache. Try This At Home<br /> The Health Reports 24<br /> Archaeological Investigations: El Argar, the Forgotten Civilisation<br /> Archaeological Investigations: El Argar, the Forgotten Civilisation<br /> Arte<br /> [Photos] Diver Didn’t Understand What This Seal Wanted, Until It Swam Closer<br /> [Photos] Diver Didn’t Understand What This Seal Wanted, Until It Swam Closer<br /> giveitlove<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them<br /> U.S.<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to…<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Africa<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in California<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in California<br /> U.S.<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in…<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> U.S.<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for president<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for president<br /> Africa<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for…<br /> £2,767.89 Could Be Yours If You Find Your Name On This List<br /> £2,767.89 Could Be Yours If You Find Your Name On This List<br /> Daily Advice - Allay Claims<br /> Check out our guide & gain the best insights on Cloud Managed Services<br /> Check out our guide & gain the best insights on Cloud Managed Services<br /> IBM<br /> Changes in the Caribbean - Mapping the World<br /> Changes in the Caribbean - Mapping the World<br /> Arte<br /> Just 3 Seconds Is All The Flight Attendants Need To Notice This About Passengers
Opposition members keep going 'missing' in Rwanda. Few expect them to return<br /> By Kara Fox, CNN<br /> Updated 0806 GMT (1606 HKT) July 27, 2019<br /> Several members of political groups opposed to President Paul Kagame have gone missing in recent years. <br /> Several members of political groups opposed to President Paul Kagame have gone missing in recent years.<br /> (CNN)When Eugene Ndereyimana woke up last week, he didn't tell his wife where he was going, and she didn't ask. The less she knew, the better, she thought.<br /> <br /> The 29-year-old father of two was traveling from his home in Rwanda's southeastern Ngoma district to the northeastern town of Nyagatare for a political meeting on July 15.<br /> But the people waiting for Ndereyimana to arrive lost contact with him when he was just five kilometers (3.1 miles) from the venue.<br /> He hasn't been seen or heard from since.<br /> Eugene Ndereyimana went missing last week.<br /> Eugene Ndereyimana went missing last week.<br /> Ndereyimana is a representative for the FDU-Inkingi, an unregistered coalition of opposition parties against President Paul Kagame, who has been in power since 2000.<br /> He is one of at least five FDU members who have gone missing under mysterious circumstances over the last few years in Kagame's Rwanda.<br /> Opposition politicians and supporting party members say they face intimidation, violence, jail time or the prospect of disappearing for opposing the President and his ruling party, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). The Office of the President and the RPF have not responded to CNN's request for comment regarding these allegations.<br /> For Ndereyimana, that intimidation began last September, when he was arbitrarily detained by military officers at a local police station, his wife Joseline Mwiseneza told CNN, speaking through an FDU spokesperson.<br /> Freed Rwandan opposition leader: &#39;If you have other opinions, they put you in jail&#39;<br /> Freed Rwandan opposition leader: 'If you have other opinions, they put you in jail'<br /> "For them he was an enemy," Mwiseneza said, referring to the local authorities. She added that Ndereyimana's political activities created difficulties in his everyday life -- from harassment by security forces to the inability to get credit from the local bank.<br /> Rwanda's Investigation Bureau and Rwanda's National Police have not responded to CNN's requests for comment.<br /> Now, Mwiseneza says she doesn't know what to say to their children, who keep on asking where their father is, and fears for her husband's life.<br /> As she waits for answers, others politically aligned with her husband have met violent ends.<br /> In a harrowing case in March, 30-year-old Anselme Mutuyimana, a close aide to FDU president Victoire Ingabire, was found dead in a forest in the country's northwest region.<br /> Residents who found Mutuyimana said he appeared to have died by strangulation, according to the party.<br /> Anselme Mutuyimana&#39;s body was found in a forest in March. <br /> Anselme Mutuyimana's body was found in a forest in March.<br /> At the time, the Rwanda Investigation Bureau told CNN that an investigation had been opened into his case and that no suspect had been apprehended yet.<br /> In another incident last October, jailed FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana went missing from a high-security prison where he had been held for five days following a transfer from another facility.<br /> Twagirimana and eight other FDU party members were serving out a sentence following an arrest in 2017 on charges of forming an armed group and seeking to overthrow the government, charges Twagirimana denied.<br /> When he went missing, Rwanda's correctional service said he escaped from prison. FDU party officials however, said they suspect "foul play."<br /> Speaking on Twagirimana's case in November, Human Rights Watch (HRW) noted that "enforced disappearances are not new" in Rwanda. The group says it has documented the government's "persistent efforts to silence critics and perceived political opponents in recent years through arbitrary arrests, threats, and enforced disappearances."<br /> FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana has been missing since October 2018 and is feared dead. <br /> FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana has been missing since October 2018 and is feared dead.<br /> In May 2017, party member Jean Damascene Habarugira disappeared after he was called to meet an official responsible for the security of his locality, according to a statement by the FDU.<br /> Three days later, Habarugira's family were called to collect his body from a local hospital. In a statement, the FDU said that Habarugira was "assassinated in cold blood" because of his opposition to the local authority's agricultural policies and concerns over police brutality.<br /> And in March 2016, nurse and opposition activist Illuminée Iragena also went missing, believed to have been forced into a government detention center. Six months after she disappeared, HRW said those close to hear feared she was dead.<br /> FDU head Ingabire says that she believes that these events, including the most recent disappearance of Ndereyimana, are a signal that the government isn't "ready to open up the political space."<br /> "It is a kind of intimidation, that people will be afraid to be a member of the opposition party," she told CNN last week.<br /> Illuminée Iragena, a nurse and a FDU party activist, went missing in 2016. Many who knew her fear she is dead. <br /> Illuminée Iragena, a nurse and a FDU party activist, went missing in 2016. Many who knew her fear she is dead.<br /> Challenging the narrative<br /> Ingabire herself is no stranger to such tactics, she says. In 2010 she returned to Rwanda from the Netherlands, where she was living in exile, to contest the presidential election.<br /> But shortly after that she was arrested following comments she made in relation to the country's 1994 genocide, and accused of collaborating with a "terrorist organization."<br /> In October, Ingabire was released from jail after serving eight years of her 15-year sentence as part of a presidential pardon.<br /> FDU president Victoire Ingabire speaks to the press after being released from prison in September 2018.<br /> FDU president Victoire Ingabire speaks to the press after being released from prison in September 2018.<br /> Ingabire has long said her sentence was a result of her work as a prominent government critic and that the charges effectively criminalized her freedom of expression. International organizations, such as Amnesty International, and a 2017 African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights ruling have supported those views.<br /> Other opposition leaders unaffiliated with Ingabire's party also allege they have been penalized and threatened for challenging the ruling party's narrative.<br /> Diane Rwigara, a 37-year-old human rights activist and the leader of the People Salvation Movement (Itabaza) -- an activist group to "encourage Rwandans to hold their government accountable" -- had hoped to run for president in 2017.<br /> Instead she was disqualified by electoral authorities who said she had falsified signatures needed for her election bid. She was eventually jailed on charges of incitement and fraud, charges her family and supporters say were politically motivated.<br /> She spent over a year in jail, facing a 22-year prison sentence until she was acquitted of charges of fraud and inciting insurrection by Kigali's High Court in December.<br /> Diane Rwigara leaves Kigali&#39;s High Court after her acquittal last December. <br /> Diane Rwigara leaves Kigali's High Court after her acquittal last December.<br /> Earlier this month, Rwigara wrote an open letter to Kagame, accusing him of condoning a climate of repression and violence for people who speak out about matters of "justice" and who are "too afraid to stand up to the ruling party."<br /> She wrote the letter after her friend, a prison guard named Jean Paul Mwiseneza, was killed in June, shortly after speaking to her about unrest at the prison. Rwigara alleges that he was killed at the hands of "security organs."<br /> "Why are people being executed without trial?" Rwigara wrote.<br /> She ended the letter with a post script that read, "I will probably face grave acts of reprisal for writing this letter. But Your Excellency, please try to understand; life in Rwanda is hard to say the least when one has to constantly worry about the fate of his/her entourage."<br /> The Office of the President has not responded to CNN's request for comment on the letter.<br /> Ingabire -- who is unaffiliated with Rwigara's movement -- says while intimidatory measures, including disappearances and harassment, are meant to have a chilling effect, she won't live her life in fear, and has vowed to "fight for democracy" in her country.<br /> Still, the disappearance of Ndereyimana, another voice in that fight, is a fresh and painful incident for Rwanda's opposition. "It's like he has vanished," Ingabire said.<br /> PAID CONTENT<br /> This new air conditioner under £65 with no installation necessary is selling out in the UK<br /> This new air conditioner under £65 with no installation necessary is…<br /> www.mc-gadgets.com<br /> Stop Wasting Money - This App Finds Every Discount Code on the Internet<br /> Stop Wasting Money - This App Finds Every Discount Code on the…<br /> Honey<br /> Doctor: Aging Isn't Why Your Joints Ache. Try This At Home<br /> Doctor: Aging Isn't Why Your Joints Ache. Try This At Home<br /> The Health Reports 24<br /> Archaeological Investigations: El Argar, the Forgotten Civilisation<br /> Archaeological Investigations: El Argar, the Forgotten Civilisation<br /> Arte<br /> [Photos] Diver Didn’t Understand What This Seal Wanted, Until It Swam Closer<br /> [Photos] Diver Didn’t Understand What This Seal Wanted, Until It Swam Closer<br /> giveitlove<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them<br /> U.S.<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to…<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Africa<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in California<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in California<br /> U.S.<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in…<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> U.S.<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for president<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for president<br /> Africa<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for…<br /> £2,767.89 Could Be Yours If You Find Your Name On This List<br /> £2,767.89 Could Be Yours If You Find Your Name On This List<br /> Daily Advice - Allay Claims<br /> Check out our guide & gain the best insights on Cloud Managed Services<br /> Check out our guide & gain the best insights on Cloud Managed Services<br /> IBM<br /> Changes in the Caribbean - Mapping the World<br /> Changes in the Caribbean - Mapping the World<br /> Arte<br /> Just 3 Seconds Is All The Flight Attendants Need To Notice This About Passengers
Opposition members keep going 'missing' in Rwanda. Few expect them to return<br /> By Kara Fox, CNN<br /> Updated 0806 GMT (1606 HKT) July 27, 2019<br /> Several members of political groups opposed to President Paul Kagame have gone missing in recent years. <br /> Several members of political groups opposed to President Paul Kagame have gone missing in recent years.<br /> (CNN)When Eugene Ndereyimana woke up last week, he didn't tell his wife where he was going, and she didn't ask. The less she knew, the better, she thought.<br /> <br /> The 29-year-old father of two was traveling from his home in Rwanda's southeastern Ngoma district to the northeastern town of Nyagatare for a political meeting on July 15.<br /> But the people waiting for Ndereyimana to arrive lost contact with him when he was just five kilometers (3.1 miles) from the venue.<br /> He hasn't been seen or heard from since.<br /> Eugene Ndereyimana went missing last week.<br /> Eugene Ndereyimana went missing last week.<br /> Ndereyimana is a representative for the FDU-Inkingi, an unregistered coalition of opposition parties against President Paul Kagame, who has been in power since 2000.<br /> He is one of at least five FDU members who have gone missing under mysterious circumstances over the last few years in Kagame's Rwanda.<br /> Opposition politicians and supporting party members say they face intimidation, violence, jail time or the prospect of disappearing for opposing the President and his ruling party, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). The Office of the President and the RPF have not responded to CNN's request for comment regarding these allegations.<br /> For Ndereyimana, that intimidation began last September, when he was arbitrarily detained by military officers at a local police station, his wife Joseline Mwiseneza told CNN, speaking through an FDU spokesperson.<br /> Freed Rwandan opposition leader: &#39;If you have other opinions, they put you in jail&#39;<br /> Freed Rwandan opposition leader: 'If you have other opinions, they put you in jail'<br /> "For them he was an enemy," Mwiseneza said, referring to the local authorities. She added that Ndereyimana's political activities created difficulties in his everyday life -- from harassment by security forces to the inability to get credit from the local bank.<br /> Rwanda's Investigation Bureau and Rwanda's National Police have not responded to CNN's requests for comment.<br /> Now, Mwiseneza says she doesn't know what to say to their children, who keep on asking where their father is, and fears for her husband's life.<br /> As she waits for answers, others politically aligned with her husband have met violent ends.<br /> In a harrowing case in March, 30-year-old Anselme Mutuyimana, a close aide to FDU president Victoire Ingabire, was found dead in a forest in the country's northwest region.<br /> Residents who found Mutuyimana said he appeared to have died by strangulation, according to the party.<br /> Anselme Mutuyimana&#39;s body was found in a forest in March. <br /> Anselme Mutuyimana's body was found in a forest in March.<br /> At the time, the Rwanda Investigation Bureau told CNN that an investigation had been opened into his case and that no suspect had been apprehended yet.<br /> In another incident last October, jailed FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana went missing from a high-security prison where he had been held for five days following a transfer from another facility.<br /> Twagirimana and eight other FDU party members were serving out a sentence following an arrest in 2017 on charges of forming an armed group and seeking to overthrow the government, charges Twagirimana denied.<br /> When he went missing, Rwanda's correctional service said he escaped from prison. FDU party officials however, said they suspect "foul play."<br /> Speaking on Twagirimana's case in November, Human Rights Watch (HRW) noted that "enforced disappearances are not new" in Rwanda. The group says it has documented the government's "persistent efforts to silence critics and perceived political opponents in recent years through arbitrary arrests, threats, and enforced disappearances."<br /> FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana has been missing since October 2018 and is feared dead. <br /> FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana has been missing since October 2018 and is feared dead.<br /> In May 2017, party member Jean Damascene Habarugira disappeared after he was called to meet an official responsible for the security of his locality, according to a statement by the FDU.<br /> Three days later, Habarugira's family were called to collect his body from a local hospital. In a statement, the FDU said that Habarugira was "assassinated in cold blood" because of his opposition to the local authority's agricultural policies and concerns over police brutality.<br /> And in March 2016, nurse and opposition activist Illuminée Iragena also went missing, believed to have been forced into a government detention center. Six months after she disappeared, HRW said those close to hear feared she was dead.<br /> FDU head Ingabire says that she believes that these events, including the most recent disappearance of Ndereyimana, are a signal that the government isn't "ready to open up the political space."<br /> "It is a kind of intimidation, that people will be afraid to be a member of the opposition party," she told CNN last week.<br /> Illuminée Iragena, a nurse and a FDU party activist, went missing in 2016. Many who knew her fear she is dead. <br /> Illuminée Iragena, a nurse and a FDU party activist, went missing in 2016. Many who knew her fear she is dead.<br /> Challenging the narrative<br /> Ingabire herself is no stranger to such tactics, she says. In 2010 she returned to Rwanda from the Netherlands, where she was living in exile, to contest the presidential election.<br /> But shortly after that she was arrested following comments she made in relation to the country's 1994 genocide, and accused of collaborating with a "terrorist organization."<br /> In October, Ingabire was released from jail after serving eight years of her 15-year sentence as part of a presidential pardon.<br /> FDU president Victoire Ingabire speaks to the press after being released from prison in September 2018.<br /> FDU president Victoire Ingabire speaks to the press after being released from prison in September 2018.<br /> Ingabire has long said her sentence was a result of her work as a prominent government critic and that the charges effectively criminalized her freedom of expression. International organizations, such as Amnesty International, and a 2017 African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights ruling have supported those views.<br /> Other opposition leaders unaffiliated with Ingabire's party also allege they have been penalized and threatened for challenging the ruling party's narrative.<br /> Diane Rwigara, a 37-year-old human rights activist and the leader of the People Salvation Movement (Itabaza) -- an activist group to "encourage Rwandans to hold their government accountable" -- had hoped to run for president in 2017.<br /> Instead she was disqualified by electoral authorities who said she had falsified signatures needed for her election bid. She was eventually jailed on charges of incitement and fraud, charges her family and supporters say were politically motivated.<br /> She spent over a year in jail, facing a 22-year prison sentence until she was acquitted of charges of fraud and inciting insurrection by Kigali's High Court in December.<br /> Diane Rwigara leaves Kigali&#39;s High Court after her acquittal last December. <br /> Diane Rwigara leaves Kigali's High Court after her acquittal last December.<br /> Earlier this month, Rwigara wrote an open letter to Kagame, accusing him of condoning a climate of repression and violence for people who speak out about matters of "justice" and who are "too afraid to stand up to the ruling party."<br /> She wrote the letter after her friend, a prison guard named Jean Paul Mwiseneza, was killed in June, shortly after speaking to her about unrest at the prison. Rwigara alleges that he was killed at the hands of "security organs."<br /> "Why are people being executed without trial?" Rwigara wrote.<br /> She ended the letter with a post script that read, "I will probably face grave acts of reprisal for writing this letter. But Your Excellency, please try to understand; life in Rwanda is hard to say the least when one has to constantly worry about the fate of his/her entourage."<br /> The Office of the President has not responded to CNN's request for comment on the letter.<br /> Ingabire -- who is unaffiliated with Rwigara's movement -- says while intimidatory measures, including disappearances and harassment, are meant to have a chilling effect, she won't live her life in fear, and has vowed to "fight for democracy" in her country.<br /> Still, the disappearance of Ndereyimana, another voice in that fight, is a fresh and painful incident for Rwanda's opposition. "It's like he has vanished," Ingabire said.<br /> PAID CONTENT<br /> This new air conditioner under £65 with no installation necessary is selling out in the UK<br /> This new air conditioner under £65 with no installation necessary is…<br /> www.mc-gadgets.com<br /> Stop Wasting Money - This App Finds Every Discount Code on the Internet<br /> Stop Wasting Money - This App Finds Every Discount Code on the…<br /> Honey<br /> Doctor: Aging Isn't Why Your Joints Ache. Try This At Home<br /> Doctor: Aging Isn't Why Your Joints Ache. Try This At Home<br /> The Health Reports 24<br /> Archaeological Investigations: El Argar, the Forgotten Civilisation<br /> Archaeological Investigations: El Argar, the Forgotten Civilisation<br /> Arte<br /> [Photos] Diver Didn’t Understand What This Seal Wanted, Until It Swam Closer<br /> [Photos] Diver Didn’t Understand What This Seal Wanted, Until It Swam Closer<br /> giveitlove<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them<br /> U.S.<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to…<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Africa<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in California<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in California<br /> U.S.<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in…<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> U.S.<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for president<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for president<br /> Africa<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for…<br /> £2,767.89 Could Be Yours If You Find Your Name On This List<br /> £2,767.89 Could Be Yours If You Find Your Name On This List<br /> Daily Advice - Allay Claims<br /> Check out our guide & gain the best insights on Cloud Managed Services<br /> Check out our guide & gain the best insights on Cloud Managed Services<br /> IBM<br /> Changes in the Caribbean - Mapping the World<br /> Changes in the Caribbean - Mapping the World<br /> Arte<br /> Just 3 Seconds Is All The Flight Attendants Need To Notice This About Passengers
Opposition members keep going 'missing' in Rwanda. Few expect them to return<br /> By Kara Fox, CNN<br /> Updated 0806 GMT (1606 HKT) July 27, 2019<br /> Several members of political groups opposed to President Paul Kagame have gone missing in recent years. <br /> Several members of political groups opposed to President Paul Kagame have gone missing in recent years.<br /> (CNN)When Eugene Ndereyimana woke up last week, he didn't tell his wife where he was going, and she didn't ask. The less she knew, the better, she thought.<br /> <br /> The 29-year-old father of two was traveling from his home in Rwanda's southeastern Ngoma district to the northeastern town of Nyagatare for a political meeting on July 15.<br /> But the people waiting for Ndereyimana to arrive lost contact with him when he was just five kilometers (3.1 miles) from the venue.<br /> He hasn't been seen or heard from since.<br /> Eugene Ndereyimana went missing last week.<br /> Eugene Ndereyimana went missing last week.<br /> Ndereyimana is a representative for the FDU-Inkingi, an unregistered coalition of opposition parties against President Paul Kagame, who has been in power since 2000.<br /> He is one of at least five FDU members who have gone missing under mysterious circumstances over the last few years in Kagame's Rwanda.<br /> Opposition politicians and supporting party members say they face intimidation, violence, jail time or the prospect of disappearing for opposing the President and his ruling party, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). The Office of the President and the RPF have not responded to CNN's request for comment regarding these allegations.<br /> For Ndereyimana, that intimidation began last September, when he was arbitrarily detained by military officers at a local police station, his wife Joseline Mwiseneza told CNN, speaking through an FDU spokesperson.<br /> Freed Rwandan opposition leader: &#39;If you have other opinions, they put you in jail&#39;<br /> Freed Rwandan opposition leader: 'If you have other opinions, they put you in jail'<br /> "For them he was an enemy," Mwiseneza said, referring to the local authorities. She added that Ndereyimana's political activities created difficulties in his everyday life -- from harassment by security forces to the inability to get credit from the local bank.<br /> Rwanda's Investigation Bureau and Rwanda's National Police have not responded to CNN's requests for comment.<br /> Now, Mwiseneza says she doesn't know what to say to their children, who keep on asking where their father is, and fears for her husband's life.<br /> As she waits for answers, others politically aligned with her husband have met violent ends.<br /> In a harrowing case in March, 30-year-old Anselme Mutuyimana, a close aide to FDU president Victoire Ingabire, was found dead in a forest in the country's northwest region.<br /> Residents who found Mutuyimana said he appeared to have died by strangulation, according to the party.<br /> Anselme Mutuyimana&#39;s body was found in a forest in March. <br /> Anselme Mutuyimana's body was found in a forest in March.<br /> At the time, the Rwanda Investigation Bureau told CNN that an investigation had been opened into his case and that no suspect had been apprehended yet.<br /> In another incident last October, jailed FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana went missing from a high-security prison where he had been held for five days following a transfer from another facility.<br /> Twagirimana and eight other FDU party members were serving out a sentence following an arrest in 2017 on charges of forming an armed group and seeking to overthrow the government, charges Twagirimana denied.<br /> When he went missing, Rwanda's correctional service said he escaped from prison. FDU party officials however, said they suspect "foul play."<br /> Speaking on Twagirimana's case in November, Human Rights Watch (HRW) noted that "enforced disappearances are not new" in Rwanda. The group says it has documented the government's "persistent efforts to silence critics and perceived political opponents in recent years through arbitrary arrests, threats, and enforced disappearances."<br /> FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana has been missing since October 2018 and is feared dead. <br /> FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana has been missing since October 2018 and is feared dead.<br /> In May 2017, party member Jean Damascene Habarugira disappeared after he was called to meet an official responsible for the security of his locality, according to a statement by the FDU.<br /> Three days later, Habarugira's family were called to collect his body from a local hospital. In a statement, the FDU said that Habarugira was "assassinated in cold blood" because of his opposition to the local authority's agricultural policies and concerns over police brutality.<br /> And in March 2016, nurse and opposition activist Illuminée Iragena also went missing, believed to have been forced into a government detention center. Six months after she disappeared, HRW said those close to hear feared she was dead.<br /> FDU head Ingabire says that she believes that these events, including the most recent disappearance of Ndereyimana, are a signal that the government isn't "ready to open up the political space."<br /> "It is a kind of intimidation, that people will be afraid to be a member of the opposition party," she told CNN last week.<br /> Illuminée Iragena, a nurse and a FDU party activist, went missing in 2016. Many who knew her fear she is dead. <br /> Illuminée Iragena, a nurse and a FDU party activist, went missing in 2016. Many who knew her fear she is dead.<br /> Challenging the narrative<br /> Ingabire herself is no stranger to such tactics, she says. In 2010 she returned to Rwanda from the Netherlands, where she was living in exile, to contest the presidential election.<br /> But shortly after that she was arrested following comments she made in relation to the country's 1994 genocide, and accused of collaborating with a "terrorist organization."<br /> In October, Ingabire was released from jail after serving eight years of her 15-year sentence as part of a presidential pardon.<br /> FDU president Victoire Ingabire speaks to the press after being released from prison in September 2018.<br /> FDU president Victoire Ingabire speaks to the press after being released from prison in September 2018.<br /> Ingabire has long said her sentence was a result of her work as a prominent government critic and that the charges effectively criminalized her freedom of expression. International organizations, such as Amnesty International, and a 2017 African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights ruling have supported those views.<br /> Other opposition leaders unaffiliated with Ingabire's party also allege they have been penalized and threatened for challenging the ruling party's narrative.<br /> Diane Rwigara, a 37-year-old human rights activist and the leader of the People Salvation Movement (Itabaza) -- an activist group to "encourage Rwandans to hold their government accountable" -- had hoped to run for president in 2017.<br /> Instead she was disqualified by electoral authorities who said she had falsified signatures needed for her election bid. She was eventually jailed on charges of incitement and fraud, charges her family and supporters say were politically motivated.<br /> She spent over a year in jail, facing a 22-year prison sentence until she was acquitted of charges of fraud and inciting insurrection by Kigali's High Court in December.<br /> Diane Rwigara leaves Kigali&#39;s High Court after her acquittal last December. <br /> Diane Rwigara leaves Kigali's High Court after her acquittal last December.<br /> Earlier this month, Rwigara wrote an open letter to Kagame, accusing him of condoning a climate of repression and violence for people who speak out about matters of "justice" and who are "too afraid to stand up to the ruling party."<br /> She wrote the letter after her friend, a prison guard named Jean Paul Mwiseneza, was killed in June, shortly after speaking to her about unrest at the prison. Rwigara alleges that he was killed at the hands of "security organs."<br /> "Why are people being executed without trial?" Rwigara wrote.<br /> She ended the letter with a post script that read, "I will probably face grave acts of reprisal for writing this letter. But Your Excellency, please try to understand; life in Rwanda is hard to say the least when one has to constantly worry about the fate of his/her entourage."<br /> The Office of the President has not responded to CNN's request for comment on the letter.<br /> Ingabire -- who is unaffiliated with Rwigara's movement -- says while intimidatory measures, including disappearances and harassment, are meant to have a chilling effect, she won't live her life in fear, and has vowed to "fight for democracy" in her country.<br /> Still, the disappearance of Ndereyimana, another voice in that fight, is a fresh and painful incident for Rwanda's opposition. "It's like he has vanished," Ingabire said.<br /> PAID CONTENT<br /> This new air conditioner under £65 with no installation necessary is selling out in the UK<br /> This new air conditioner under £65 with no installation necessary is…<br /> www.mc-gadgets.com<br /> Stop Wasting Money - This App Finds Every Discount Code on the Internet<br /> Stop Wasting Money - This App Finds Every Discount Code on the…<br /> Honey<br /> Doctor: Aging Isn't Why Your Joints Ache. Try This At Home<br /> Doctor: Aging Isn't Why Your Joints Ache. Try This At Home<br /> The Health Reports 24<br /> Archaeological Investigations: El Argar, the Forgotten Civilisation<br /> Archaeological Investigations: El Argar, the Forgotten Civilisation<br /> Arte<br /> [Photos] Diver Didn’t Understand What This Seal Wanted, Until It Swam Closer<br /> [Photos] Diver Didn’t Understand What This Seal Wanted, Until It Swam Closer<br /> giveitlove<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them<br /> U.S.<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to…<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Africa<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in California<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in California<br /> U.S.<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in…<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> U.S.<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for president<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for president<br /> Africa<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for…<br /> £2,767.89 Could Be Yours If You Find Your Name On This List<br /> £2,767.89 Could Be Yours If You Find Your Name On This List<br /> Daily Advice - Allay Claims<br /> Check out our guide & gain the best insights on Cloud Managed Services<br /> Check out our guide & gain the best insights on Cloud Managed Services<br /> IBM<br /> Changes in the Caribbean - Mapping the World<br /> Changes in the Caribbean - Mapping the World<br /> Arte<br /> Just 3 Seconds Is All The Flight Attendants Need To Notice This About Passengers
Opposition members keep going 'missing' in Rwanda. Few expect them to return<br /> By Kara Fox, CNN<br /> Updated 0806 GMT (1606 HKT) July 27, 2019<br /> Several members of political groups opposed to President Paul Kagame have gone missing in recent years. <br /> Several members of political groups opposed to President Paul Kagame have gone missing in recent years.<br /> (CNN)When Eugene Ndereyimana woke up last week, he didn't tell his wife where he was going, and she didn't ask. The less she knew, the better, she thought.<br /> <br /> The 29-year-old father of two was traveling from his home in Rwanda's southeastern Ngoma district to the northeastern town of Nyagatare for a political meeting on July 15.<br /> But the people waiting for Ndereyimana to arrive lost contact with him when he was just five kilometers (3.1 miles) from the venue.<br /> He hasn't been seen or heard from since.<br /> Eugene Ndereyimana went missing last week.<br /> Eugene Ndereyimana went missing last week.<br /> Ndereyimana is a representative for the FDU-Inkingi, an unregistered coalition of opposition parties against President Paul Kagame, who has been in power since 2000.<br /> He is one of at least five FDU members who have gone missing under mysterious circumstances over the last few years in Kagame's Rwanda.<br /> Opposition politicians and supporting party members say they face intimidation, violence, jail time or the prospect of disappearing for opposing the President and his ruling party, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). The Office of the President and the RPF have not responded to CNN's request for comment regarding these allegations.<br /> For Ndereyimana, that intimidation began last September, when he was arbitrarily detained by military officers at a local police station, his wife Joseline Mwiseneza told CNN, speaking through an FDU spokesperson.<br /> Freed Rwandan opposition leader: &#39;If you have other opinions, they put you in jail&#39;<br /> Freed Rwandan opposition leader: 'If you have other opinions, they put you in jail'<br /> "For them he was an enemy," Mwiseneza said, referring to the local authorities. She added that Ndereyimana's political activities created difficulties in his everyday life -- from harassment by security forces to the inability to get credit from the local bank.<br /> Rwanda's Investigation Bureau and Rwanda's National Police have not responded to CNN's requests for comment.<br /> Now, Mwiseneza says she doesn't know what to say to their children, who keep on asking where their father is, and fears for her husband's life.<br /> As she waits for answers, others politically aligned with her husband have met violent ends.<br /> In a harrowing case in March, 30-year-old Anselme Mutuyimana, a close aide to FDU president Victoire Ingabire, was found dead in a forest in the country's northwest region.<br /> Residents who found Mutuyimana said he appeared to have died by strangulation, according to the party.<br /> Anselme Mutuyimana&#39;s body was found in a forest in March. <br /> Anselme Mutuyimana's body was found in a forest in March.<br /> At the time, the Rwanda Investigation Bureau told CNN that an investigation had been opened into his case and that no suspect had been apprehended yet.<br /> In another incident last October, jailed FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana went missing from a high-security prison where he had been held for five days following a transfer from another facility.<br /> Twagirimana and eight other FDU party members were serving out a sentence following an arrest in 2017 on charges of forming an armed group and seeking to overthrow the government, charges Twagirimana denied.<br /> When he went missing, Rwanda's correctional service said he escaped from prison. FDU party officials however, said they suspect "foul play."<br /> Speaking on Twagirimana's case in November, Human Rights Watch (HRW) noted that "enforced disappearances are not new" in Rwanda. The group says it has documented the government's "persistent efforts to silence critics and perceived political opponents in recent years through arbitrary arrests, threats, and enforced disappearances."<br /> FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana has been missing since October 2018 and is feared dead. <br /> FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana has been missing since October 2018 and is feared dead.<br /> In May 2017, party member Jean Damascene Habarugira disappeared after he was called to meet an official responsible for the security of his locality, according to a statement by the FDU.<br /> Three days later, Habarugira's family were called to collect his body from a local hospital. In a statement, the FDU said that Habarugira was "assassinated in cold blood" because of his opposition to the local authority's agricultural policies and concerns over police brutality.<br /> And in March 2016, nurse and opposition activist Illuminée Iragena also went missing, believed to have been forced into a government detention center. Six months after she disappeared, HRW said those close to hear feared she was dead.<br /> FDU head Ingabire says that she believes that these events, including the most recent disappearance of Ndereyimana, are a signal that the government isn't "ready to open up the political space."<br /> "It is a kind of intimidation, that people will be afraid to be a member of the opposition party," she told CNN last week.<br /> Illuminée Iragena, a nurse and a FDU party activist, went missing in 2016. Many who knew her fear she is dead. <br /> Illuminée Iragena, a nurse and a FDU party activist, went missing in 2016. Many who knew her fear she is dead.<br /> Challenging the narrative<br /> Ingabire herself is no stranger to such tactics, she says. In 2010 she returned to Rwanda from the Netherlands, where she was living in exile, to contest the presidential election.<br /> But shortly after that she was arrested following comments she made in relation to the country's 1994 genocide, and accused of collaborating with a "terrorist organization."<br /> In October, Ingabire was released from jail after serving eight years of her 15-year sentence as part of a presidential pardon.<br /> FDU president Victoire Ingabire speaks to the press after being released from prison in September 2018.<br /> FDU president Victoire Ingabire speaks to the press after being released from prison in September 2018.<br /> Ingabire has long said her sentence was a result of her work as a prominent government critic and that the charges effectively criminalized her freedom of expression. International organizations, such as Amnesty International, and a 2017 African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights ruling have supported those views.<br /> Other opposition leaders unaffiliated with Ingabire's party also allege they have been penalized and threatened for challenging the ruling party's narrative.<br /> Diane Rwigara, a 37-year-old human rights activist and the leader of the People Salvation Movement (Itabaza) -- an activist group to "encourage Rwandans to hold their government accountable" -- had hoped to run for president in 2017.<br /> Instead she was disqualified by electoral authorities who said she had falsified signatures needed for her election bid. She was eventually jailed on charges of incitement and fraud, charges her family and supporters say were politically motivated.<br /> She spent over a year in jail, facing a 22-year prison sentence until she was acquitted of charges of fraud and inciting insurrection by Kigali's High Court in December.<br /> Diane Rwigara leaves Kigali&#39;s High Court after her acquittal last December. <br /> Diane Rwigara leaves Kigali's High Court after her acquittal last December.<br /> Earlier this month, Rwigara wrote an open letter to Kagame, accusing him of condoning a climate of repression and violence for people who speak out about matters of "justice" and who are "too afraid to stand up to the ruling party."<br /> She wrote the letter after her friend, a prison guard named Jean Paul Mwiseneza, was killed in June, shortly after speaking to her about unrest at the prison. Rwigara alleges that he was killed at the hands of "security organs."<br /> "Why are people being executed without trial?" Rwigara wrote.<br /> She ended the letter with a post script that read, "I will probably face grave acts of reprisal for writing this letter. But Your Excellency, please try to understand; life in Rwanda is hard to say the least when one has to constantly worry about the fate of his/her entourage."<br /> The Office of the President has not responded to CNN's request for comment on the letter.<br /> Ingabire -- who is unaffiliated with Rwigara's movement -- says while intimidatory measures, including disappearances and harassment, are meant to have a chilling effect, she won't live her life in fear, and has vowed to "fight for democracy" in her country.<br /> Still, the disappearance of Ndereyimana, another voice in that fight, is a fresh and painful incident for Rwanda's opposition. "It's like he has vanished," Ingabire said.<br /> PAID CONTENT<br /> This new air conditioner under £65 with no installation necessary is selling out in the UK<br /> This new air conditioner under £65 with no installation necessary is…<br /> www.mc-gadgets.com<br /> Stop Wasting Money - This App Finds Every Discount Code on the Internet<br /> Stop Wasting Money - This App Finds Every Discount Code on the…<br /> Honey<br /> Doctor: Aging Isn't Why Your Joints Ache. Try This At Home<br /> Doctor: Aging Isn't Why Your Joints Ache. Try This At Home<br /> The Health Reports 24<br /> Archaeological Investigations: El Argar, the Forgotten Civilisation<br /> Archaeological Investigations: El Argar, the Forgotten Civilisation<br /> Arte<br /> [Photos] Diver Didn’t Understand What This Seal Wanted, Until It Swam Closer<br /> [Photos] Diver Didn’t Understand What This Seal Wanted, Until It Swam Closer<br /> giveitlove<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them<br /> U.S.<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to…<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Africa<br /> Muslim cleric who hid Christians during attacks honored in the US<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in California<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in California<br /> U.S.<br /> Police release video of officer fatally shooting teenage girl in…<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> U.S.<br /> A former Ohio judge was dragged from court after her sentencing<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for president<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for president<br /> Africa<br /> Ugandan pop star-turned-policitian Bobi Wine says he's running for…<br /> £2,767.89 Could Be Yours If You Find Your Name On This List<br /> £2,767.89 Could Be Yours If You Find Your Name On This List<br /> Daily Advice - Allay Claims<br /> Check out our guide & gain the best insights on Cloud Managed Services<br /> Check out our guide & gain the best insights on Cloud Managed Services<br /> IBM<br /> Changes in the Caribbean - Mapping the World<br /> Changes in the Caribbean - Mapping the World<br /> Arte<br /> Just 3 Seconds Is All The Flight Attendants Need To Notice This About Passengers
Opposition members keep going 'missing' in Rwanda. Few expect them to return<br /> By Kara Fox, CNN<br /> Updated 0806 GMT (1606 HKT) July 27, 2019<br /> Several members of political groups opposed to President Paul Kagame have gone missing in recent years. <br /> Several members of political groups opposed to President Paul Kagame have gone missing in recent years.<br /> (CNN)When Eugene Ndereyimana woke up last week, he didn't tell his wife where he was going, and she didn't ask. The less she knew, the better, she thought.<br /> <br /> The 29-year-old father of two was traveling from his home in Rwanda's southeastern Ngoma district to the northeastern town of Nyagatare for a political meeting on July 15.<br /> But the people waiting for Ndereyimana to arrive lost contact with him when he was just five kilometers (3.1 miles) from the venue.<br /> He hasn't been seen or heard from since.<br /> Eugene Ndereyimana went missing last week.<br /> Eugene Ndereyimana went missing last week.<br /> Ndereyimana is a representative for the FDU-Inkingi, an unregistered coalition of opposition parties against President Paul Kagame, who has been in power since 2000.<br /> He is one of at least five FDU members who have gone missing under mysterious circumstances over the last few years in Kagame's Rwanda.<br /> Opposition politicians and supporting party members say they face intimidation, violence, jail time or the prospect of disappearing for opposing the President and his ruling party, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). The Office of the President and the RPF have not responded to CNN's request for comment regarding these allegations.<br /> For Ndereyimana, that intimidation began last September, when he was arbitrarily detained by military officers at a local police station, his wife Joseline Mwiseneza told CNN, speaking through an FDU spokesperson.<br /> Freed Rwandan opposition leader: &#39;If you have other opinions, they put you in jail&#39;<br /> Freed Rwandan opposition leader: 'If you have other opinions, they put you in jail'<br /> "For them he was an enemy," Mwiseneza said, referring to the local authorities. She added that Ndereyimana's political activities created difficulties in his everyday life -- from harassment by security forces to the inability to get credit from the local bank.<br /> Rwanda's Investigation Bureau and Rwanda's National Police have not responded to CNN's requests for comment.<br /> Now, Mwiseneza says she doesn't know what to say to their children, who keep on asking where their father is, and fears for her husband's life.<br /> As she waits for answers, others politically aligned with her husband have met violent ends.<br /> In a harrowing case in March, 30-year-old Anselme Mutuyimana, a close aide to FDU president Victoire Ingabire, was found dead in a forest in the country's northwest region.<br /> Residents who found Mutuyimana said he appeared to have died by strangulation, according to the party.<br /> Anselme Mutuyimana&#39;s body was found in a forest in March. <br /> Anselme Mutuyimana's body was found in a forest in March.<br /> At the time, the Rwanda Investigation Bureau told CNN that an investigation had been opened into his case and that no suspect had been apprehended yet.<br /> In another incident last October, jailed FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana went missing from a high-security prison where he had been held for five days following a transfer from another facility.<br /> Twagirimana and eight other FDU party members were serving out a sentence following an arrest in 2017 on charges of forming an armed group and seeking to overthrow the government, charges Twagirimana denied.<br /> When he went missing, Rwanda's correctional service said he escaped from prison. FDU party officials however, said they suspect "foul play."<br /> Speaking on Twagirimana's case in November, Human Rights Watch (HRW) noted that "enforced disappearances are not new" in Rwanda. The group says it has documented the government's "persistent efforts to silence critics and perceived political opponents in recent years through arbitrary arrests, threats, and enforced disappearances."<br /> FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana has been missing since October 2018 and is feared dead. <br /> FDU Vice President Boniface Twagirimana has been missing since October 2018 and is feared dead.<br /> In May 2017, party member Jean Damascene Habarugira disappeared after he was called to meet an official responsible for the security of his locality, according to a statement by the FDU.<br /> Three days later, Habarugira's family were called to collect his body from a local hospital. In a statement, the FDU said that Habarugira was "assassinated in cold blood" because of his opposition to the local authority's agricultural policies and concerns over police brutality.<br /> And in March 2016, nurse and opposition activist Illuminée Iragena also went missing, believed to have been forced into a government detention center. Six months after she disappeared, HRW said those close to hear feared she was dead.<br /> FDU head Ingabire says that she believes that these events, including the most recent disappearance of Ndereyimana, are a signal that the government isn't "ready to open up the political space."<br /> "It is a kind of intimidation, that people will be afraid to be a member of the opposition party," she told CNN last week.<br /> Illuminée Iragena, a nurse and a FDU party activist, went missing in 2016. Many who knew her fear she is dead. <br /> Illuminée Iragena, a nurse and a FDU party activist, went missing in 2016. Many who knew her fear she is dead.<br /> Challenging the narrative<br /> Ingabire herself is no stranger to such tactics, she says. In 2010 she returned to Rwanda from the Netherlands, where she was living in exile, to contest the presidential election.<br /> But shortly after that she was arrested following comments she made in relation to the country's 1994 genocide, and accused of collaborating with a "terrorist organization."<br /> In October, Ingabire was released from jail after serving eight years of her 15-year sentence as part of a presidential pardon.<br /> FDU president Victoire Ingabire speaks to the press after being released from prison in September 2018.<br /> FDU president Victoire Ingabire speaks to the press after being released from prison in September 2018.<br /> Ingabire has long said her sentence was a result of her work as a prominent government critic and that the charges effectively criminalized her freedom of expression. International organizations, such as Amnesty International, and a 2017 African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights ruling have supported those views.<br /> Other opposition leaders unaffiliated with Ingabire's party also allege they have been penalized and threatened for challenging the ruling party's narrative.<br /> Diane Rwigara, a 37-year-old human rights activist and the leader of the People Salvation Movement (Itabaza) -- an activist group to "encourage Rwandans to hold their government accountable" -- had hoped to run for president in 2017.<br /> Instead she was disqualified by electoral authorities who said she had falsified signatures needed for her election bid. She was eventually jailed on charges of incitement and fraud, charges her family and supporters say were politically motivated.<br /> She spent over a year in jail, facing a 22-year prison sentence until she was acquitted of charges of fraud and inciting insurrection by Kigali's High Court in December.<br /> Diane Rwigara leaves Kigali&#39;s High Court after her acquittal last December. <br /> Diane Rwigara leaves Kigali's High Court after her acquittal last December.<br /> Earlier this month, Rwigara wrote an open letter to Kagame, accusing him of condoning a climate of repression and violence for people who speak out about matters of "justice" and who are "too afraid to stand up to the ruling party."<br /> She wrote the letter after her friend, a prison guard named Jean Paul Mwiseneza, was killed in June, shortly after speaking to her about unrest at the prison. Rwigara alleges that he was killed at the hands of "security organs."<br /> "Why are people being executed without trial?" Rwigara wrote.<br /> She ended the letter with a post script that read, "I will probably face grave acts of reprisal for writing this letter. But Your Excellency, please try to understand; life in Rwanda is hard to say the least when one has to constantly worry about the fate of his/her entourage."<br /> The Office of the President has not responded to CNN's request for comment on the letter.<br /> Ingabire -- who is unaffiliated with Rwigara's movement -- says while intimidatory measures, including disappearances and harassment, are meant to have a chilling effect, she won't live her life in fear, and has vowed to "fight for democracy" in her country.<br /> Still, the disappearance of Ndereyimana, another voice in that fight, is a fresh and painful incident for Rwanda's opposition. "It's like he has vanished," Ingabire said.<br /> PAID CONTENT<br /> This new air conditioner under £65 with no installation necessary is selling out in the UK<br /> This new air conditioner under £65 with no installation necessary is…<br /> www.mc-gadgets.com<br /> Stop Wasting Money - This App Finds Every Discount Code on the Internet<br /> Stop Wasting Money - This App Finds Every Discount Code on the…<br /> Honey<br /> Doctor: Aging Isn't Why Your Joints Ache. Try This At Home<br /> Doctor: Aging Isn't Why Your Joints Ache. Try This At Home<br /> The Health Reports 24<br /> Archaeological Investigations: El Argar, the Forgotten Civilisation<br /> Archaeological Investigations: El Argar, the Forgotten Civilisation<br /> Arte<br /> [Photos] Diver Didn’t Understand What This Seal Wanted, Until It Swam Closer<br /> [Photos] Diver Didn’t Understand What This Seal Wanted, Until It Swam Closer<br /> giveitlove<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them<br /> U.S.<br /> ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. 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https://edition-m.cnn.com/2019/07/27/africa/rwanda-opposition-disappearances-intl/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fedition.cnn.com%2F<br /> <br /> Ubwo CNN ivuye ku izima ikaba itangiye GUTANGAZA IYI INKORAMARASO. Abayisezera musezere inzira zikigendwa. <br /> <br /> Mwese muziko CNN ariyo yamukezaga no IMWAMBITSE IKARISO. <br /> <br /> RWABUJINDIRI is finished.<br /> <br /> Hagati aho harasabwa ko Opposition NYARWANDA itangira gutegura GUVERINOMA izaba irimo abantu bakurikira:<br /> <br /> F. TWAGIRAMUNGU<br /> F. KAYUMBA <br /> Mme INGABIRE VICTORY <br /> Mlle DIANE RWIGARA <br /> Me NTAGANDA BERNARD<br /> Major SANKARA <br /> GEN. MAJ BM HABYARIMANA<br /> Bwana SERGE NDAYIZEYI<br /> Bwana JP NDAYISHIMYE<br /> Amb. NDAGIJIMANA JMV<br /> Mme MUKASHEMA ESPERANCE (Mama SHEJA)<br /> Bwana Paul RUSESABAGINA Paul (Hotel.Rwanda)<br /> Umuyobozi wa CNRD WILSON IRATEGEKA<br /> Bwana Matata <br /> Bwana Mushayidi Deo<br /> L. MUTABAZI JOEL<br /> Bwana CONDO (RNC)<br /> Bwana Padri NAHIMANA<br /> Mme Uyoboye ISHEMA PARTY <br /> Major MICOMBERO<br /> Unuyobozi wa FDU INKINGI MUMAHANGA<br /> Me Innocent <br /> Prof KAMBANDA<br /> Bwana HIMBARA<br /> ABAYOBOZI BISE B AMASHYAKA AKORERA HANZE NTAWE UHEJWE.<br /> <br /> Iyi Leta izamara imyaka 10 ISHYIREHO COMMISSION YO GUKUBURA IBIBI BYOSE BYABAYE 1500-2020. <br /> <br /> Izashyiraho kandi URUKIKO RWA RUBANDA RUZAHANA UMUNTU WESE WAGIZE URUHARE MUKUMENA AMARASO MURI IBYO BIHE. <br /> <br /> Nyuma izategura amatora rusange 2030 IGIHUGU KIMAZE KWIYUBAKA.<br /> <br /> <br /> BYE BYE FPR. Umugezi urahurura....<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> https://edition-m.cnn.com/2019/07/27/africa/rwanda-opposition-disappearances-intl/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fedition.cnn.com%2F
kagome ni ukumuca amabya ye hanyuma tukayagaburira ingona ze miri MUHAZI!!
Iyi Government yaba ari Igikamba. Maze bakampera BM HABYARIMANA Ministeri ya Defence. Ibindi nababwira iki.<br /> <br /> Polo se tuzamuha iki? Utetse kumubamba hariya Hafi ya St Famille tukajya tumwihiraho amateka we na Kabarebe usibyeko KABILA atabasiga muri ICC. Keretse nibamwica.
Umwami uvuga ni uwuhe sha??ntabwo uzi ko yapfuye( sorry yatanze) uwo niwe wari umwami wa nyuma wu Rda. Ntukagye ucurikiranya ibintu! Nagyaga nkwemera ariko aho wajijwe!!umwami yarapfuye ntiwongere gushinyagura !! Kandi nta nugikeneye kalinga kuko bayambikaga amabya yabantu( ibishahu) ntiwongere kuzana ibyo aho kuko numwami wubundi bwoko aho akugeze uraharuzi!<br /> Ikindi ntutubeshye ngo inyenzi ziri mu buja ahubwo ziri ku bere no ku buryo abari ku buja bari iyo bari nawe urabazi uko basa! <br /> Abari ku buja bazana ibondo nkirya ntuza kaba..bbi?? <br /> Ntubona ku mativi bose uko basa ??<br /> Reka reka mwana widuheza!!<br /> Ahandi uvuze ngo abahu.. muri beshi bize ariko se umusaruro ko ari muke. Ibyo kwiga ni kimwe naho ubutwari ni ikindi!!gusa na Evode ariyo ndetee na Makuza na bamporikyondi na ba bucagu baza guhinduka ntimwabonye Safar ( igicucu ruganzu)
FPR igiye kuvaho kubufindo.<br /> Intwaro imaze imyaka irundarunda nizo zizayikoraho<br /> Intambara zabanyagitugu zirangirira aho zatangiliye.<br /> Kabila le pére yarabivuze ko izarangilira aho yatangiliye aliko bizamara imyaka myinshi.<br /> So Ubu aho abanyarwanda bamaliye kuvumbura ibanga ko abazungu baduteranya bakatwicira abana bagasahura igihugu kuburyo inzu Kigali Tower inyenzi ntoya zibwira ko ali iya Kagame kandi ali iya Tony Blair!!!!!<br /> Ziliya ndege mureba ni izo Clinton yaguze zo kugemura amabuye no gutwara imisoro kuko Clinton na Blair nibo bategeka Urwanda Paul ni commissionaire gusa.<br /> Ngibyo ibyo abanyarwanda batinya kuvuga ngo badapfa !!!!!<br /> Inyenzi zili mubuja zitazikuramo kugeza bazifashe a la Taliban!!!<br /> Ubu rero abanyarwanda bareba kure bagiye kwishyira hamwe birukane ziliya nyenzi bagarure democracie.<br /> Sinvuga ya Democracie yo kuvangura.reka daaa <br /> Umwami tugiye kumugarura mu gihugu cye yubahwe ariko yemere notion de majorite na protection ya minorite<br /> BULI bwoko buzagira ijambo mubutegetsi.<br /> <br /> Amasezerano ya Arusha azubahilizwa kandi abicanyi bose bazahanwa<br /> Gacaca nyayo izaza isubile mo imanza zose kandi tuzazana mo abacamanza bigenga bavuye mubindi bihugu kandi uzabeshera undi azahanishwa igihano cyali kuzagenerwa uregwa.<br /> Paul urata igihe ugenda wica abana babahutu barangije kwiga amahuli menshi nk'uliya wa Ngeze hasani wishe.<br /> Warakerewe kuko abahutu bize amategeko bamaze kuba 10 thousand<br /> Ingabo zo ni ikiguli kuko nawe urabizi ko ali wowe uzitoza warangiza ukazohereza hanze zimwe zikatuyoboka!!!<br /> Mureke ubwicanyi bwanyu muli kwongera umujinya w'inkiko mpuzamahanga
Mukomere mwa ba DMI mwe.<br /> Ubundi iyo ujya kwica intozi ubanza kumenya aho umugina w'ikiguli cyazo kili ukagisenya.<br /> Ejo hashize nababwiye ko mwatuka Museveni mutamutuka byose ni kimwe yaba we yaba Kagame yaba Nkurunziza (niyiyongeza indi manda) yaba Kabila cyangwa Salva Kiir bose bazafatwa bafungwe aliko paul we azaraswa hakoreshejwe technologie moderne.<br /> Azarasirwa iwe bikolewe mu kirere kuburyo nta puuuuu ya bombe izunvikana!!!!<br /> Meanwhile nagumye gusesengura ibintu Hutupower notre leader charismatic avuga nsanga akukikira ntabwo ali uwo mugomba gusuzugura<br /> Hutu Power yanze kumena ibanga usibye ko ubu lili hose.<br /> Yavugaga ifatwa n'ifungwa rya Kabila, Lambert Mende,EMMANUEL Chadary,Alexi Tambwe .....<br /> Hutu power rero mumutinye kuko ya Domino nababwiye igiye gutangirira exactly ku kiguli kuko niho Kabila niwe wabashukaga abibila imitungo ya Kongo. Kabila niwe watanze amahera yahawe mu ka Tony Blair ngo Karake arekurwe(2 million dollars!!!)<br /> Kabila namara gufatwa azasobanura ko ingabo zarasaga abakongomani zitali ize ko ali umuturanyi wazimwohereje.<br /> Ibizakulikira mubyibwire.<br /> Mujye mushima veritasinfo kuko ibabulira mukaba mwakwihana bigishoboka kandi mukabona igihe gihagije cyo kwitandukanya nabicanyi.<br /> Umugina w'intozi nusenyuka udusigaye tuzatatana dufatwe (DMI) nkuko abanyamerika bamaze kubakuraho ibiganza kandi bazi buli mu DMI wese DMI barayirangije cyara.<br /> Mwibuke ko CPI yabuze gihamya ko Bagosora yateguye Genocide. ariko mwe bigiye kubahama kubera ubugoryi bwanyu bwo kuva kampala mukagera kinshaza mwicisha methods zisa kandi muli kumwe n'ingabo za America!!!!!!!!!!<br /> The trio Kabange Kaguta kagame na Nkurunziza natisubiraho bagiye. <br /> Et puis<br /> Hutupower ntimuzamwice muramukeneye kimwe nanjye kuko tubaha chance yo kwihana inzira zikigenda.<br /> Ndibuka "umututsimwizaumumenyaiyoapfuye" Imana imwishimire yigeze ambwira ko ashaka kuzambona igihe FPR izaba itakiliho.<br /> Niba akiliho nagaruke kurubuga.<br /> Ikosa rikomeye Inyenzi zakoze ni ukwibwira ko ngo amahanga azanga abahutu kuko ngo bakoze Genocide!!!<br /> Ariko ubu hali abatutsi beza bagiye kuzishinja génocide zakoreye abahutu.<br /> Kandi abahutu balinumiye ariko ntibaryama mpaka FPR ifashwe yose igafungirwa Gwatanamo bay muli Kuba kubera kwigira ibyihebe .Ngibyo muli Mauritania ngibyo Lebanon ngibyo Somaliya ngibyo Iran byice Museveni mwene wabyo.<br /> Abo bahutu mushaka kumara bizarangira bahawe ubutegetsi ku isahani nta sasu barashe kubera Uwateguye Genocide azagaragara Uwo ali we.<br /> Sinzi umunyabwoba uherutse kuuga ngo Murphy na Hutupower ngo ibyo bandika...ngo ubwirwa yunve...<br /> Mwana wa mama uraruhira ubusa tuli kurugamba kandi abo ushaka kurengera urata igihe hashize imyaka itatu FPR ikoze gahunda yo kuzabatsemba mbere yuko Rwambikana kandi umuhutu,umututsi nyiginya bose bazakuburwa niba ntacyo ukoze ngo uve muli iyo zone yawe de comfort.<br /> Hutupower noneho ubonye icyo Fatou Bensouda yali haje kubwira Paul ko Nyuma ya Kabila ali we uzafatwa!!!<br /> Mama nangai!!!
PIERRE PEAN!!!!<br /> <br /> Il était un grand guerrier et j'aurais été fier de combattre à ses côtés.Il a été un grand guerrier qui s'est transformé en héros de paix en parvenant de lutter contre les ténèbres et le mal.<br /> <br /> Pour nous les africains ,il restera toujours présent dans nos mémoires comme l’un des plus grands journalistes honnêtes qui a enquêté sur le Rwanda.En démontrant que l’attentat contre le Falcon 50 de Juvénal Habyarimana a été commandité par Paul Kagamé, qui s'est servi des Tutsi dans le cadre d’une grande conspiration internationale visant à évincer la France de la région des Grands Lacs et à isoler le Soudan,il a fournit une solide fondation pour la construction de la paix et la reconciliation que "la culture du mensonge et de la dissimulation" avait irrémédiablement détruit.<br /> <br /> Nous sommes confortés par la sagesse de nos aïeux qui ont décrété que lorsqu'un grand guerrier tombe, son successeur reprendra le flambeau avec autant de succès.<br /> <br /> Notre meilleur ami ONANA tient deja le flambeau en ce que " Péan a préfacé le livre (Les secrets de la justice internationale : Enquêtes truquées sur le génocide rwandais, éd. Duboiris, 2005) a démontré plusieurs années, des pressions énormes s'exercent tant en Afrique qu'en Europe pour manipuler l'opinion et imposer le mensonge sur les événements du Rwanda. Ayant obtenu des documents inédits, du Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda (TPIR), du gouvernement belge, du gouvernement Clinton, de l'ONU et de la CIA, Charles Onana démontre que le TPIR n'a pas de preuve sur " la planification du génocide " et que le fax de Dallaire évoquant la mort de " 1 000 Tutsi en 20 minutes " est un faux !Aucun doute que d'autres vaillants querriers se manifesterront bientôt. <br /> <br /> QUE DIEU LE TOUT PUISSANT AIT SON AME!!!
Pierre pèan n'est pas mort<br /> Il est dans les livres qu'il a écrit.<br /> Il est dans l'eau qui circule <br /> Il est dans les cerveaux de beaucoup des millions d'européens et Africains<br /> Il n'est pas mort.!!!!!