Donald Trump évoque une attaque en Suède... qui n'a jamais eu lieu

Publié le par veritas

Donald Trump répond aux journalistes à bord de l'avion présidentiel Air Force One, le 18 février 2017 à Melbourne, en Floride.

Donald Trump répond aux journalistes à bord de l'avion présidentiel Air Force One, le 18 février 2017 à Melbourne, en Floride.

Les dernières déclarations de Donald Trump ont laissé tout un peuple incrédule. Les Suédois se demandaient dimanche de quelle attaque commise dans leur pays le président américain pouvait bien parler.
Que s'est-il donc passé vendredi soir en Suède? C'est le pays entier qui se posait la question, dimanche 19 février, après que Donald Trump a évoqué la veille une attaque dans le pays scandinave, conséquence, selon le président américain, de la crise des réfugiés. Or, aucun attentat n'a été répertorié dans le royaume.
"Regardez ce qui se passe en Allemagne, regardez ce qui s'est passé hier soir en Suède. La Suède, qui l'aurait cru ? La Suède. Ils ont accueilli beaucoup de réfugiés, et maintenant ils ont des problèmes comme ils ne l'auraient jamais imaginé" a lancé Donald Trump samedi, dans un discours virulent en Floride. Il a également cité les attentats, bien réels ceux-là, de Bruxelles, Nice et Paris, pour justifier sa politique en matière de sécurité, notamment son décret anti-immigration.
Stockholm veut des clarifications
Ces propos ont fait réagir les autorités suédoises. "Nous avons contacté le (département d'État) américain pour comprendre et obtenir clarification", a déclaré à l'AFP Catarina Axelsson, une porte-parole du ministère suédois des Affaires étrangères. La fausse information a été largement commentée et moquée sur les réseaux sociaux, notamment sur Twitter, avec les hashtags #lastnightinSweden (hier soir en Suède) et #SwedenIncident (incident en Suède).
"La Suède ? Un attentat ? Qu'est-ce qu'il a fumé ?", s'est demandé l'ancien Premier ministre suédois Carl Bildt. Certains internautes content divers déboires d'ordre personnel qu'ils qualifient d'"incident", tandis que d'autres se moquent de Donald Trump, publiant sous l'appellation de "plan secret pour un attentat en Suède"... des instructions de montage de meubles Ikea. Le compte officiel national @sweden, qui est tenu chaque semaine par un citoyen suédois différent, a reçu quelque 800 questions en quatre heures. "Non. Rien de ce genre ne s'est passé en Suède. Il n'y a pas eu d'attaque terroriste. Du tout", a répondu la responsable de la semaine, une bibliothécaire mère de famille.
Le tabloïd Aftonbladet a pris Donald Trump au mot et publié un article en anglais détaillant les événements de vendredi en Suède, à savoir un accident du travail mortel, une course-poursuite entre la police et un suspect en plein cœur de Stockholm, ou encore des couacs lors de la répétition du concours télévisé pour désigner le représentant de la Suède à l'Eurovision. Tant et si bien que la Maison Blanche a fini par réagir, expliquant que le président ne faisait pas référence à une attaque lors de son discours, mais simplement à l'augmentation récente du taux de criminalité en Suède. Il se peut également qu'il ait vu une information à ce sujet sur la chaîne Fox, a précisé l'équipe de Donald Trump.
Ce n'est pas la première fois que des membres de l'administration Trump font référence à des attentats inexistants - expliqués ensuite par des lapsus. La conseillère de Donald Trump Kellyanne Conway - qui a inventé la notion de "faits alternatifs"- a fait allusion au "massacre de Bowling Green" lors d'une interview. Elle a expliqué ensuite qu'elle voulait parler des "terroristes de Bowling Green", deux Irakiens inculpés en 2011 pour avoir tenté d'envoyer de l'argent et des armes à Al-Qaïda. Et le porte-parole de la Maison Blanche, Sean Spicer, a parlé trois fois en une semaine de l'"attentat d'Atlanta"... avant de se souvenir que celui-ci avait en réalité eu lieu à Orlando, en Floride.
France 24 avec AFP et Reuters
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ABAGIZE GUVERINOMA Y’U RWANDA IKORERA MU BUHUNGIRO NI ABA BAKURIKIRA :<br /> <br /> 1.Perezida wa Repubulika :Padiri Thomas NAHIMANA.<br /> 2.Minisitiri w’Intebe :Abdallah AKISHURI.<br /> 3.Minisitiri w’Intebe wungirije :Madame Nadine Claire KASINGE.<br /> 4.Minisitiri w’umuco, umuryango, guteza imbere umwari n’umutegarugori :Madame Victoire INGABIRE UMUHOZAuhagarariwe naMadame Nadine Claire KASINGE.<br /> 5.Minisitiri w’ububanyi n’amahanga :Madame Immaculée KANSIIME UWIZEYE.<br /> 6.Minisitiri w’Ubutabera :Bwana Déogratias Mushayidiuhagarariwe naBwana Vénant NKURUNZIZA.<br /> 7.Minisitiri w’itangazamakuru :Bwana Chaste GAHUNDE.<br /> 8.Minisitiri w’ubutegetsi bw’igihugu n’iterambere ry’umurenge:Bwana Daniel NDUWIMANA.<br /> 9.Minisitiri w’imari n’ubucuruzi :Madame Marine UWIMANA.<br /> 10.Minisitiri w’Uburezi :Madame Chantal MUKAMANA MUTEGA.<br /> 11.Minisitiri ushinzwe kurengera impunzi no gukemura ikibazo gitera ubuhunzi :Madame Virginie NAKURE.<br /> 12.Minisitiri w’ibikorwa-remezo n’imiturire :Padiri Gaspard NTAKIRUTIMANA.<br /> 13.Minisitiri w’ubuhinzi, ubworozi n’ubutaka :Bwana Jean Léonard SEBURANGA.<br /> 14.Minisitiri w’ubuzima n’imibereho myiza y’abaturage :Madame Spéciose MUJAWAYEZU.
Ndabasetse rwose, guverinoma y'ikiryabarezi se ije kurangaza bande? Harya niza njiji z'abahutu muri kubeshya ngo zongere ziyahure? Kagame Paul ntakagwa n'imisega, iramoka agakomeza agahita akigendera. Gusa bitumye Padiri Nahimana aba perezida nkuko yari yarabyifuje hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we ntategereje amatora hhhhhhhh.
NI MUKORE IBISHOBOKA BYOOOOOOOOSE MUSHAKE ITANGAZA-MAKURU. Musakaze ibivuga byooookse kuri LETA YASHINZWE!<br /> <br /> MEDIA/S nicyo kintu kihutirwa. ARTICLE YOSE MUSOHOYE YOOOOOSE Muyicishemo. <br /> <br /> NIMUSHOBORA MEDIA(ISAKAZA MAKURU) Polo tuzaba twamushoboye.<br /> <br /> BURI CONTINENT MUSHAKE USHINZWE ITANGAZA MAKURU amenyeshe abahatuye.<br /> <br /> NIMUSHOBORA Polo mubinyamakuru..... OMG ake kazaba KASHOBOTSE.<br /> <br /> MINISTER WANYU UBISHINZWE MUMWONGERE BUDGET.
Mu izina ly'abanyarwanda bose (hutu -tutsi-twa) bishwe muri iyi ntambara yurukozasoni yabari bifitiye inyota n'irari lyo gutegeka no gukira badakoze ; ndashimira GUVERNEMA YO MU BUHUNGIRO irangajwe imbere na Padili Nahimana . Nyagasani uhoraho abagende imbere ; abahe ingabire yubuhanga nubushishozi muri uyu mugambi mwiza mufite wo gukiza ; abanyarwanda bagihumeka : ari abagizwe ingwate n'ingoma yamaraso iri mu Rugwiro yibye ; ndetse nimpunzi zose zabanyarwanda aho zili hose ku isi. Mukomere ; turabakunda kandi turabadhyigikiye !!!!!
In race to catch up, Rwanda risks property bubbles<br /> <br /> * Credit-fuelled construction boom transforms capital<br /> <br /> * IMF says rebuilding foreign reserves vital<br /> <br /> * Guilded view of Kagame wearing thin, says diplomat<br /> <br /> By Ed Cropley<br /> <br /> KIGALI, May 11 (Reuters) - When property consultant Simon Ethangatta set up in Rwanda's capital in 2011, the view from his office was of tin shacks overlooked by modest suburban homes on the wooded hillsides.<br /> <br /> Now, some of the slums have made way for mirror-glass office blocks while smart houses spring up beyond in Kigali districts which were once littered with corpses during the 1994 genocide.<br /> <br /> "It's changing so fast," said Ethangatta, a Kenyan. "These guys are so ambitious."<br /> <br /> To the government, this is proof of Rwanda's dramatic recovery in the two decades since 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus were butchered by Hutu extremists.<br /> <br /> But the pace of change - part of a 'Vision 2020' plan to turn one of world's poorest states into a middle-income country by the end of the decade - is starting to reveal the risks of going too far, too fast.<br /> <br /> As imports are sucked into a nation dependent on farming, foreign aid and modest mineral exports, the Rwandan currency has fallen, some banks are turning cautious on property lending and economic growth - while still strong - has slipped.<br /> <br /> All this is threatening to take the shine off President Paul Kagame, a former rebel who masterminded the revival but has drawn criticism from Rwanda's tiny domestic opposition as well as foreign governments for changing the constitution. This could allow Kagame, who has already effectively run the country for more than 20 years, to stay in power until 2034.<br /> <br /> "If people start to question whether he can deliver, there will be trouble," said one Kigali-based diplomat.<br /> <br /> APPETITE FOR IMPORTS<br /> <br /> The authorities dismiss such worries and point to the record of change. In the last decade, the economy grew at an average rate of 8 percent a year, one of the fastest in Africa.<br /> <br /> This week, hundreds of foreign visitors are attending the World Economic Forum on Africa in Kigali, where four international hotels - two Hiltons, a Marriott and a Radisson - will open in the next three months.<br /> <br /> Hundreds of new homes are coming on the market worth $500,000 each - a huge sum for a country where most of the 11 million population are subsistence farmers and the per capita income is just $730, far short of the $1,045 that the World Bank defines as middle income.<br /> <br /> The appetite for cars, household appliances and smart phones from an emerging middle-class is adding to the import bill, just as mineral exports have been hit by a downturn in global commodity prices, shrinking dollar income.<br /> <br /> Rwanda's franc weakened 11 percent against the dollar in 2015 and the central bank expects a further 8 percent drop this year. Foreign currency reserves are under pressure, with one diplomat saying they were worryingly low and sufficient to pay for just 3.2 months of imports. The central bank does not publish timely reserve figures.<br /> <br /> "Rebuilding reserve buffers will be critical to enhance the country's resilience to future shocks," the International Monetary Fund wrote in January.<br /> <br /> In a report in April, it said growth remained robust at 6.9 percent in 2015 but cited a "significant loss" of commodity export revenues among challenges facing the land-locked country.<br /> <br /> ADVERTISEMENT<br /> <br /> Rapid growth in commercial credit, much of it to fund housing and construction, has also raised fears of a bubble.<br /> <br /> Central Bank Governor John Rwangombwa told Reuters he was watching lending levels for signs of overheating.<br /> <br /> "For now we don't see any big challenge because the performance of these loans is still fair," he said, adding that non-performing loans - where borrowers are significantly behind with repayments - stood at 6.2 percent of total lending in December, a slight decrease from 2013.<br /> <br /> TIGHT CONTROL<br /> <br /> But if a bubble were to burst, this could shake the social compact of rising living standards that has maintained Kagame's grip on power since his rebel army marched into Kigali in 1994.<br /> <br /> Diplomats said a referendum vote last year that approved the constitutional change was pushed through with limited debate and the government offers too little room for opposition.<br /> <br /> "It's a very tightly controlled regime. Anybody steps out of line, it's prison - or worse," another Western diplomat said. "The Kagame lustre has definitely worn thin."<br /> <br /> Two former senior military officers have been sentenced to up to 21 years in jail on charges of inciting the public to cause an insurrection and links with exiled critics of the president.<br /> <br /> Rwanda has denied any involvement in attacks on exiles, including a former spy chief who was killed in 2014 in South Africa, but have called them traitors who should expect no forgiveness or pity.<br /> <br /> Kagame himself points out that the constitutional change won 98 percent backing in the referendum.<br /> <br /> "If some people seek to stay in power when their people don't want them - and it has happened, I've seen it in Africa - that will always end in a disaster," he said earlier this year. "Is it the same case with Rwanda? I'm telling you no."<br /> <br /> While the nation still depends on aid for about 40 percent of its annual budget, officials say the economy remains on track.<br /> <br /> Credit handed out by Rwandan banks, led by Bank of Kigali , the largest domestic lender, rose 26 percent year-on-year in December, much of it in the form of mortgages.<br /> <br /> Some people are less sanguine than Rwangombwa about the rise in mortgages, which estate agents say typically charge a hefty 17 percent annual interest and usually account for 70 percent of a property's value.<br /> <br /> The Independent, a weekly business magazine, reported that 100 small hotels closed last year after failing to repay bank loans. Some bankers have grown wary of bricks and mortar.<br /> <br /> "We are being very careful about lending to the construction sector," one senior executive at a foreign-owned bank said, asking not to be named for fear of offending the government. (Editing by Edmund Blair and David Stamp)
@Macari<br /> Ntukitiranye amakosa ya bamwe ngo uyitilire bose. None se uzi ko Amerika ya Bil na Boush zari kuzibukira zahabu ya RDC !<br /> Izo nyenzi urata zicajwe na ONU muri cnd zirwanye na nde ?<br /> Missile zahanuje Kinani zaziculiye mu ruhe ruganda zifite ? Zabonye cado yigihugu ku kiguzi cy'abaatindi babahutu nabatutsi ; ibyabaye ni agakingilizo kabali bagiye kwiyibira amabuye hano hakulya ! Macari wavutse lyari ? Mbere cg nyuma yintambara yurukozasoni yo kwica no gusahura Afrika yibiyaga ?
@ Kilimambogo boys,<br /> <br /> Ariko wavutse ryari unywa ibiki??<br /> Izo nzirabwoba se ubu zirihe???<br /> Nizihe ngabo z'igihugu zindi wumvise zitashoboye ku résistant byibura 3ans imbere y'inyeshyamba zikameneshwa muri 4ans gusa usibye inzirabwoba? ?<br /> Urugamba uvuga zarwanye nuruhe ko de 1990-1993 zari zimaze kuzima nta n'agace k'urwanda zikigenzura!!<br /> Kereka niba wenda izo nzirabwoba zawe uzigereranya na FARDC ya Mobutu naho ubundi utirengagije uzi neza ko intambara yo mu rwanda yarwanywe n'abafaransa. <br /> Inzirabwoba zari zizi gukora guhirika ubutegetsi zitwaga zirinze, kwica Kayibanda wazikuye mu buja no kwica abayobozi b'igihugu zagakwiye kurinda ntakindi.
RDC: Inyeshyamba ziraye mu baturage zicamo 27 batanu barakomereka abandi barashimutwa<br /> ku itariki: February 19, 2017 8:03:54 AMmu: Amakuru, PolitikiNta gitekerezo<br /> RDC: Inyeshyamba ziraye mu baturage zicamo 27 batanu barakomereka abandi barashimutwa<br /> FacebookTwitterGoogle+WhatsAppLinkedIn<br /> Abantu 27 bishwe abandi 5 barakomereka naho abagera kuri batandatu barashimutwa mu ijoro ryo kuwa kane rishyira kuwa gatanu ushize, itariki 17 Gashyantare ahitwa Mutanda muri Teritwari ya Rutshuru ho muri Kivu y’Amajyaruguru, aho bivugwa ko ibi byakozwe n’inyeshyamba za Mai-Mai Mazembe zifatanyije n’umutwe wa NDC uyoborwa n’uwitwa Guidon.<br /> <br /> Aya makuru yatangajwe n’umwe mu bayobozi ba kominote w’ahitwa Nyanzale, Antoine Benda Nta Muntu wavuze ko n’iyi mibare ari iy’agateganyo.<br /> <br /> Yagize ati: “Kuri iyi saha tuvugana, twamaze kubarura abapfuye 27 n’abakomeretse 5. Twe abavuga rikijyana, abakuru ba Nyanzale, turasaba uruhare rwa leta iki kibazo kikarangira”. Ni mu gihe inzego z’ubuyobozi zo ntacyo ziratangaza kuri ibi.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Andi makuru nk’uko Radio Okapi dukesha iyi nkuru ivuga, aravuga ko abarwanyi bitwaje intwaro gakondo bateye ibiturage bibiri bituranye biri nko mu birometero 20 uvuye ahitwa Kikuku. Bivugwa ko aba bakoze ibyo bakora bitonze bakajya bava mu rugo rw’umuturage bajya mu rundi.<br /> <br /> Biravugwa ko hashize amezi menshi nta ngabo za leta zirinda aha hantu, bikaba bihangayikishije abaturage, aho inyeshyamba za Mai-Mai zuririra ku kuba aha hantu nta bashinzwe umutekano baharangwa zikajujubya abaturage ndetse zikabica.<br /> <br /> Kanda hano ujye ubona amakuru yihuse kandi kugihe kuri Facebook no kuri twitter<br /> <br /> Dennis Ns./<br /> <br /> Ibitekerezo
Donald Trump évoquait une émission passée la veille sur une TV américaine sur la Suède et les problèmes rencontrés avec les migrants.<br /> Commencez, donc par apprendre correctement l'anglais avant de lancer des fakenews dignes de buzzfeed, indignes d'un service public ...
wasanga USA yari yateguye attentant ikaba itabaye ikiba bakibagirwa kubimenyesha Donald Trump ! ubwo rero trump yishyuye yibazagako haricyabaye (kuko yarabizeyeho ubuhanga buhambye mubyo gukora terrorisme zikareyisisa à presque tous les coups "kuko izimaze gukorwa kw'isi nyinshi ni USA (exemple nagasaki roshima, agent rouge Vietnam, génocide y'aba amérindiens etc.) kandi bara zireyishije hafi ya zose...!
ariko inyenzi (en réalité ubuganda) n'ibigoryi koko ! zabonye ubushobozi n'inguvu inzirabwoba zazikubitishije imyaka ine, nyamara inyenzi zari zifite ibitwaro bihambaye kurusha inzirabwoba (ibitwaro inzirabwoba zitasibaga kuzambura hanyuma zikabizikubitisha , zihita zibona ko technique y'inzirabwoba yariyo murundi rwego !! ibicucu byabonye ko ntakundi bishobora kugera kuriyo niveau y'ubushobozi ataruko zitigishijwe n'abafaransa (kuko bari mubatojeje inzirabwoba) ! nyamara icyo zitazi nuko ubwo bushobozi bw'inzirabwoba zabuhawe n'iyomwijuru (kuva kera zarwanaga kurusha abazima n'abapfuye (urugero ni Rukararwaishingwe). inyenzi rero zakwigisha na france, USA, UK, n'imizimu yubwoko bwose cyangwa se n'isi yose, ntizizigera zigera kuri niveu y'inzirabwoba ! inyenzi nyinshi ubu zoherejwe kwiga iyo mubuganda kuko zagize isoni yo guhamagara kumugaragaro abafaransa ngo bazimenyereze kurwana kubera ibitutsi zirirwa zibatuka tutibagiwe n'ubundi bugoryi bwazo zirirwa zihitwa kuma radiyo izindi ziruka mubinyamakuru no kuma televiziyo !