Congratulations Message to Barack Obama
Brussels, November 7th, 2012
RE : Congratulations Message to Barack Obama upon his re-election as US President
Mr. President,
Your re-election in the highest office of the United States of America is the sign the American people and the World at large highly appreciate your exceptional leadership. The Rwandan Dream Initiative (RDI) wishes to hereby convey its warmest congratulations for this well deserved victory.
RDI is an opposition political party founded in August 2010 in Belgium at the initiative of a group of Rwandan democrats, with the objective of conducting a democratic struggle against the dictatorial regime established in country since July 1994 by the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and its president, General Paul Kagame.
Mr. President, your first term did mean « change and hope » for many People around the Planet, and as Africans we welcomed the recent pro-democracy revolutions in North Africa and the support of the Western World with USA alongside. We believe youth in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya were inspired by your 2009 speech to the Ghanaian Parliament where you stated «Africa needs strong institutions, not strong men.»
We are also hopeful about your new campaign slogan « Forward » that promises to step up positive achievements. Indeed, African continent is still suffering tyrannical regimes that continue unabated to persecute, put in jail and even assassinate opposition leaders among other abuses, thus disheartening any democratic aspirations among citizens. In Rwanda particularly, democracy is ill perceived as a privilege of a clique on power. RDI has thus come as an organization capable of imparting a new surge to the process of the long awaited political change, in a bid to put an end to the dictatorial regime of the Kigali strong man Paul Kagame.
Through our motto that reads Truth, Justice and Liberty, we are set to provide the Rwandan People with moral and material welfare as a Rwandan Dream, in addition to piloting friendly diplomatic relationship with our neighbors and other countries.
Confident in your eminent qualities and compentences, we wish you all the success in the accomplishment of your noble mission, in the interest of USA and the whole world.
Please accept, Mr. President, the expression of our highest regards.
Faustin Twagiramungu