Deux bombardiers russes ont été interceptés au large du Touquet: Guerre froide.

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Deux bombardiers russes, qui survolaient la Manche ont été interceptés mardi 17 février par l'armée de l'air au large du Touquet (Pas-de-Calais). La Voix du Nord a repéré cette info publiée très discrètement sur le site du ministère de la Défense. Et ce n'est pas rassurant. Contrairement aux bombardiers à hélices TU-95 qui avaient survolé les côtes du Nord les semaines précédentes, les TU-160 interceptés ce jour-là peuvent chacun emporter jusqu'à 25 missiles à charges nucléaires explique le quotidien.
«A 15h00, les avions russes s'engagent dans le canal de la Manche. La France et le Royaume-Uni décident d'intervenir en coordination et envoient deux Eurofighter Typhoon de la Royal Air Force, ainsi qu'un Rafale et un Mirage 2000-5 de l'armée de l'air.» raconte le site du ministère de la Défense qui précise que les engins russes ont ensuite rebroussé chemin sans avoir pénétré les espaces aériens français et britanniques. Le ministère de la Défense précise que les avions russes effectuaient une mission d'entrainement mais il s'agit plutôt d'une démonstration de force de la part de Moscou estime Tatiana Kastouéva-Jean, responsable du Centre Russie-NEI (Nouveaux Etats indépendants) à l'Institut français des relations internationales :
«Le message est double, à mon sens : une démonstration de la nouvelle puissance retrouvée des forces armées russes et un test des capacités de réponse de l'Otan. Pour les pays occidentaux, ce sont des piqûres de rappel de cette nouvelle puissance russe», explique-t-elle à La Voix du Nord.
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Nonese uyu urikuturatira umutunga wa Kagame arabona haraho uhuruye muwo Mubutu na Kadafi basize. Naho yaba afite ubutunzi buganiki adafite Imana nabaturage nubusa. Nonese haraho twigeze twumva umutungo wa Mandela? Umutunga ingabo intwaru nubusa iyo iminsi yaguhindutse ntibikubuza kwcirwa mwikanevu nka Kadafi.
Ayo gusa? Ntugasuzugure Perezida wacu.<br /> <br /> Ba Mugabe, na Kabila bari muri za milliari, naho wowe Ngo millioni.<br /> <br /> Vous devriez avoir honte.
Paul Kagame Net Worth: Paul Kagame is a Rwandan politician who has a net worth of $500 million. Paul Kagame was born in Tambwe, Ruanda-Urundi in October 1957. He is the current President of Rwanda, since 2000. Kagame assumed office in March 2000 when Pasteur Bizimungu resigned. Kagame's family fled to Uganda when he was two years old. He fought for Yoweri Museveni's rebel army and became a senior Ugandan army officer. Paul joined the Rwandan Patriotic Front and took control after leader Fred Rwigyema passed away. Kagame's military victory helped end genocide taking place in Rwanda. He served as Vice President and Minister of Defence and Rwanda's de facto leader from 1994 to 2000. During this time he supported two controversial wars in Zaire. Kagame won an election in 2003 and a new constitution was adopted. He was elected for his second term in 2010. Paul is married to Jeannette Nyiramongi and has four children. In 2011 an eight year initiative to train medical professionals was launched for $151.8 million.<br /> <br /> In 2012, the FinancialTimes released a report that asserted Paul Kagame and his family members allegedly control the majority of the Rwandan economy through a holding company called Crystal Ventures. also claimed that the Crystal Ventures owns assets that have a book value of $500 million, including a $50 million Bombardier Global Express private jet.
Paul Kagame Net Worth: Paul Kagame is a Rwandan politician who has a net worth of $500 million. Paul Kagame was born in Tambwe, Ruanda-Urundi in October 1957. He is the current President of Rwanda, since 2000. Kagame assumed office in March 2000 when Pasteur Bizimungu resigned. Kagame's family fled to Uganda when he was two years old. He fought for Yoweri Museveni's rebel army and became a senior Ugandan army officer. Paul joined the Rwandan Patriotic Front and took control after leader Fred Rwigyema passed away. Kagame's military victory helped end genocide taking place in Rwanda. He served as Vice President and Minister of Defence and Rwanda's de facto leader from 1994 to 2000. During this time he supported two controversial wars in Zaire. Kagame won an election in 2003 and a new constitution was adopted. He was elected for his second term in 2010. Paul is married to Jeannette Nyiramongi and has four children. In 2011 an eight year initiative to train medical professionals was launched for $151.8 million.<br /> <br /> In 2012, the FinancialTimes released a report that asserted Paul Kagame and his family members allegedly control the majority of the Rwandan economy through a holding company called Crystal Ventures. also claimed that the Crystal Ventures owns assets that have a book value of $500 million, including a $50 million Bombardier Global Express private jet.
Paul Kagame Net Worth: Paul Kagame is a Rwandan politician who has a net worth of $500 million. Paul Kagame was born in Tambwe, Ruanda-Urundi in October 1957. He is the current President of Rwanda, since 2000. Kagame assumed office in March 2000 when Pasteur Bizimungu resigned. Kagame's family fled to Uganda when he was two years old. He fought for Yoweri Museveni's rebel army and became a senior Ugandan army officer. Paul joined the Rwandan Patriotic Front and took control after leader Fred Rwigyema passed away. Kagame's military victory helped end genocide taking place in Rwanda. He served as Vice President and Minister of Defence and Rwanda's de facto leader from 1994 to 2000. During this time he supported two controversial wars in Zaire. Kagame won an election in 2003 and a new constitution was adopted. He was elected for his second term in 2010. Paul is married to Jeannette Nyiramongi and has four children. In 2011 an eight year initiative to train medical professionals was launched for $151.8 million.<br /> <br /> In 2012, the FinancialTimes released a report that asserted Paul Kagame and his family members allegedly control the majority of the Rwandan economy through a holding company called Crystal Ventures. also claimed that the Crystal Ventures owns assets that have a book value of $500 million, including a $50 million Bombardier Global Express private jet.
Paul Kagame Net Worth: Paul Kagame is a Rwandan politician who has a net worth of $500 million. Paul Kagame was born in Tambwe, Ruanda-Urundi in October 1957. He is the current President of Rwanda, since 2000. Kagame assumed office in March 2000 when Pasteur Bizimungu resigned. Kagame's family fled to Uganda when he was two years old. He fought for Yoweri Museveni's rebel army and became a senior Ugandan army officer. Paul joined the Rwandan Patriotic Front and took control after leader Fred Rwigyema passed away. Kagame's military victory helped end genocide taking place in Rwanda. He served as Vice President and Minister of Defence and Rwanda's de facto leader from 1994 to 2000. During this time he supported two controversial wars in Zaire. Kagame won an election in 2003 and a new constitution was adopted. He was elected for his second term in 2010. Paul is married to Jeannette Nyiramongi and has four children. In 2011 an eight year initiative to train medical professionals was launched for $151.8 million.<br /> <br /> In 2012, the FinancialTimes released a report that asserted Paul Kagame and his family members allegedly control the majority of the Rwandan economy through a holding company called Crystal Ventures. also claimed that the Crystal Ventures owns assets that have a book value of $500 million, including a $50 million Bombardier Global Express private jet.
Si ceci continue et que LA RUSSIE continue a montrer sa grande puissance, le chien KAGAME sera fini par LES FDLR.
Ni byiza kuko imbwa KAGAME izasigara yonyine.MAZE TUYICE