The persecution of Hutu Rwandans did not begin yesterday or today. It is rooted in the Tutsi monarchy XVI th century and the period of African independence in the 1950s through the European colonization.
Indeed, the Hutu Rwandans have been subjected, abused, persecuted and massacred without thank you, the so-called civilized countries of the planet Earth and the so-called international community playing the role of interested observers. If one starts from the earliest period when the RPF and Inyenzi-INKOTANYI attacked RWANDA Monday, October 1, 1990 from Uganda, the report is damning. They called themselves inyenzi INKOTANYI RWANDA invaded from the customs in Kagitumba Prefecture BYUMBA giving border with Uganda. In three and a half years, the RPF-INKOTANYI had killed 650,000 innocent ethnic Hutu BYUMBA Prefecture alone without including others that were killed elsewhere in the prefectures of Ruhengeri, Gisenyi, Kibungo and Kigali . This carnage was perpetrated under the complacent eye of the so-called international community and the perpetrators of this grisly task were not worried to date!
In 1994, 6 April, the Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi MM. Juvenal HABYALIMANA and Cyprien Ntaryamira, attendants, pilots and those who followed them were killed by the RPF of Kagame supported by certain powers of this world. The book group of international experts, " SILENT ON ATTACK "on page .67 stresses that" foreign power "that helped the RPF shoot down the plane was actually Uganda .... The first and second meeting was used to plan the attack took place in Uganda, respectively, in the towns of Kabale and MBARARA.Une third meeting in which Kagame was present took place in March 1994 in Bobo-Dioulasso in BURKINA FASO. "Until to date the major powers involved have not yet leaked about the RPF-Inkotanyi of Kagame.
With the takeover of Kigali 19 July 1994 by the RPF-INKOTANYI, it has used the genocide to kill over 250,000 innocent Hutu Rwandans still under the complacent eye of the International Community (cfr YOUNG AMERICA No. 1822 07-13 December 1995 - Edition Black Africa ). A week later, then Prime Minister Faustin TWAGIRAMUNGU the RPF government-INKOTANYI himself said in BRUSSELS have "irrefutable evidence that more than 250,000 people had been killed since the RPF took power-Inkotanyi."
In 1995, April 22, at Kibeho in Gikongoro in southern RWANDA, five thousand (5000) war displaced Hutus were massacred in cold blood in broad daylight the soldiers of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) under the Kagame eyes of UN observers. (Cfr the book by Maurice NIWESE "THE PEOPLE OF RWANDA ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE" (p.206). These Hutus were from the prefectures of Butare, Kigali, BYUMBA, Kibungo and GITARAMA. They are grouped in Kibeho from IDP camps Kaduha Musange Mbaza (Rukondo) Cyanika (KARAMA) KAMANA and Munin (Mubuga).
They were killed by RPF soldiers under the command of Col. FRED Ibinga, Commander of the axis Butare-Gikongoro CYANGUGU-then-by shooting, and nobody ever cared about the fate which was reserved, even the President of the Republic of the time Mr. Shepherd spoke BIZIMUNGU some three hundred (300) individuals! In 1995, KANAME (MAHOKO in the prefecture of Gisenyi), many thousands of Rwandan Hutus were massacred by the RPF-Inkotanyi of Kagame in the presence of the great of this world (cf. YOUNG AMERICA No.1811 21-27 September 1995 (p.11).
In 1996, the camps of Rwandan Hutu refugees in eastern Zaire (now DRC) contained more than two million (2,000,000) people. The RPF-INKOTANYI destroyed them with heavy weapons and many of these refugees have been massacred, others were forcibly repatriated in RWANDA. The 653,000 survivors were scattered in the jungles of Zaire as stipulated in newspaper " WORLD "of February 26, 1997.
There are more than ten years a Western witness said in a report to the Security Council of the United Nations that the Tutsi rebels have carried out killings. Among these refugees escaped between 200,000 and 250,000 have reached TING TINGS and their fate remains unclear Hutu refugees, while 400,000 have failed to call for all had been massacred by the RPF-Kagame INKOTANYI of which boast the world and pretending be powerless. The Worse is that the RPF-Inkotanyi, Paul Kagame and his lieutenants who have committed these crimes in Rwanda where the Hutu were not prosecuted. By cons, Ignace Murwanashyaka and STRATON MUSONI, respectively President and Vice-President of the FDLR who were trying to speak for the voiceless survivors of the massacres of Hutu RPF-Inkotanyi is breaking with their families and eventually arrested by the great of this world. As referenced in the book HONORS Ngbanda Nzambo " ORGANIZED CRIME IN CENTRAL AFRICA "(p.130), I quote:" If you do not join the RPF today, tomorrow will be too late when the body is in HABYALIMANA the streets of Kigali and his staff dragged before the courts told them Americans . Other people moving Goodwill understand the cause of the Rwandan Hutu are being hunted by the lobbying groups in the pay of the regime of Kagame.
In 1997, May 13, M'bandaka to many thousands of Rwandan Hutu refugees were slaughtered like cattle into the slaughterhouse by soldiers of the RPF-INKOTANYI of Kagame commanded by Commander the one who loved DAVID is called < > (Cf. the journal "LIFE" No.2722 of 30 October 1997 (p. Gilbert Perrin.
In 1998, in January-February, in the caves of Kaname and Mukingo, respectively in the provinces of West and North of RWANDA. More than 5,000 (five miles) Rwandan Hutus have been grouped, locked up and massacred by the RPF of Kagame. Until now no power in this world only wants someone mentions the plight of these innocent Hutus in Rwanda.
What to say Hutu languishing in jails Rwandan death houses since 1994 to date and without criminal records established?? Many people have lost their lives. Do not forget the Arusha tribunal (ICTR), which condemns the innocent on the basis of false testimony prefabricated and / or assembled from scratch by the RPF-Inkotanyi and its network of informers as Ibuka! Furthermore, those trying to flee the continued RWANDA, abused if not killed by death squads of DMI Paul Kagame in the country of refuge in BURUNDI, in UGANDA, KENYA, Belgium, etc ... . Recall that these bully poor countries Hutu refugees once there, otherwise reject them forcefully in the face of their tormentors in RWANDA Oh! Great people of this world, international community and humanitarian organizations who take pleasure in such crimes of Kagame and his regime continue to let you destroy the Hutu Rwandan across the globe and is an open secret for now!
We urge you to reconsider your strategies if the history and God Almighty, the Great Judge, you will condemn leaders bloodshed of innocent Hutus.
Conclude with these words of Albert Einstein: " The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who look and refuse to act . "!
To all the people for the human misery and injustice to the poor and the weak, know that war does not build that simply exacerbate the hatred!
Story of a Rwandan, an eyewitness to the tragedy of his people.
Habimana Rukundo
University of Michigan
Michigan Indiana USA